EricRazorbacks Member


  • OP, chalk me up in the do NOT squeeze your shoulder blades together camp. Haha. As danimalkeys said, when you squeeze your shoulder blades together, you have to get down lower to the floor to reach the bar. Or, if you are a Rippetoe fan, which someone suggested you read, he says something like: do not squeeze your shoulder…
  • You've gotten the advice you need, but I just want to emphasize that you need to make sure you don't sell yourself short. You are a lot stronger than you think. When people start lifting weights, they may find that squatting, say 20 pounds, is tough. If you were doing 5x5, those last few reps may seem hard. So, the next…
  • I love it. I have a harder time finding plain higher fat yogurt, but I can always find the Fage plain 2% yogurt.
  • Looks like mayo-heavy Russian salad with meat, cheese, and bread. All things I love, and which are totally awesome together. Judge away! Haha.
  • I may not be understanding what your are saying. He says the overhead press is dangerous, but then tells you to do standing dumbbell shoulder presses because the barbell overhead press is not superior to the standing dumbbell shoulder press? That's a mouthful. Anyway, regardless, I don't know if this area has been studied…
  • I've read that the knees not going past the toes argument goes back to a 1970s study that found that the forces to the knee are increased when one does it. While that may be true, that doesn't mean it is to a dangerous level for the average person. I'm not saying this applies to you, but the below linked study talks about…
  • Not bad. Lots of compound lifts, which I prefer. With that said, without knowing your lifting experience/what weights you can lift/your plan for increasing the weights, then it makes it harder to comment. I personally would have a hard time squatting 5x5 and deadlifting 3x5, three times a week, at a reasonable working…
  • Yes, you'll probably want to keep eating at a deficit. While you almost surely won't see any muscle gains in a deficit, lifting weights (along with adequate protein consumption) will help you preserve the muscle you have. As you shed fat and start more fully exposing the muscle you have hopefully maintained while lifting,…
  • I probably wouldn't eat breakfast, but I want to sit down and eat something with my son in the morning. It seems to actually make me a little bit hungrier before lunch than if I didn't eat breakfast. My preference is to just eat bigger meals at lunch and dinner.
  • In a work environment, which it sounds like this was, I'm not about to volunteer comments about anyone's weight or looks. If someone specifically brought up their weight loss to me and I could tell it was a positive, I'd probably say something like, "That's great!" But, that specific situation has never happened to me. My…
  • I'd say mine, whether losing or gaining, range from 250-400 g.
  • I'm tired just thinking about doing all that. I agree with FrnkLft. Do the SL 5x5 as intended - 3 times a week. First week: Workout A, B, A. Second week: Workout B, A, B. Etc. Nix your other full body routine. It is hitting some of the same stuff as in SL, and you are going to need the rest. Squatting 3 times a week as SL…
  • My go to is Pliny the Elder. Roughly 320 calories a pint. Worth it every time.
  • Those were sort of the allegations of the complaint, but it appears that's all they were, allegations. That lawsuit was voluntarily withdrawn by the filing party, there was no settlement or exchange of money between the parties, and Taco Bell didn't make changes to the product or their advertising. Taco Bell even placed…
  • Hello, I live in San Diego as well. Feel free to send me a friend request. I'm not trying to lose right now, but I bet we still could motivate one another. Anyway, I've found this site really useful. I hope you do, too.
  • Good thing I had some useful knowledge from my mom because strangers and their dog thought it was their life mission to tell me how to gain weight in the eighth grade. I heard them all: six pack of beer, drink lots of raw eggs, "coke made me put on the pounds." Of course, i completely agree this is stuff tons of kids learn…
  • His Debunking the Myth book. You just got the advance copy. You have to read it carefully, but you'll learn that the key is pudding. Eat more pudding.
  • Yeah, he left out my favorite exercise out of all the Stronglifts exercises. But, he did leave out my least favorite, the overhead press, so it's a wash for me. But, yeah, read up on the form. Have someone teach you and watch you some, if possible. If you are going to do barbell rows or dead lifts with just a bar of some…
  • 40 laps is an awesome start. Great job.
  • A typical BK double cheeseburger is 370 calories and an order of fries is 410. So, she ate around 1,520 calories. Not bad volume in one sitting for a small gal, but even if she is short, pretty inactive, and normal, then she'd still have left over calories to reach maintenance calories. If she did that everyday plus ate a…
  • He will be fined. Punters during a kick or during a return are considered to be players in a defenseless posture. Prohibited contact against a player who is in a defenseless posture is: (1) Forcibly hitting the defenseless player’s head or neck area with the helmet, facemask, forearm, or shoulder, even if the initial…
  • Ooh, I'm jealous. Never made one from complete scratch - I've always used canned pumpkin. :(
  • Yeah, watch out if you think pumpkin pies are lower in calories. You may run into a cook like me. I made what had to be a Paula Deen pumpkin pie. 450 calories a slice (1/8 of a normal sized pie). That's not counting the gallon of whipped cream that goes on top.
  • I'm sure you could have told her you didn't want to eat her meals in a nicer way and offered some alternatives that may have helped defuse the situation. But, the idea that you have to eat her meals and that's the end of it is wrong too, especially if she is not going to take into account your dietary needs. I shop for,…
  • I predict the guy on the bench was avoiding eye contact with you because he didn't want you to think he was ogling you. I also predict he wasn't benching because he was afraid you'd see the vein in his forehead pop out when he throws up less weight than you can. Certainly tell someone that they don't have enough weights in…
  • OP, I did weight training and cardio and lost a good chunk of weight. For your cardio, I'd suggest finding something you personally enjoy and that won't hurt your knee. Hopefully, your knee gets better and your cardio options will increase. Anyway, most of my cardio originally consisted of running, but I did that so I…
  • Great loss already! And, wonderful to see that motivation.
  • My go to is El Pollo Loco since it's right down the street for me. Of course, I'm getting two thighs, a leg, and a helping of sides. Oops. But, you could do alright with 400ish. You probably could get a thigh, a leg, and one corn on the cob for 400. Or, maybe a thigh, corn on the cob, and a small cole slaw for a little…
  • Great job! Keep on going.
  • Welcome! I've found this site very useful. I hope you do, too!