Started my Journey to Fitness Sept 19 2013

SD67 Posts: 31 Member
Hi all,

I started my journey to weight loss and getting fit on September 19. At that time my official weigh in at my Dr. Office I was 376 lbs and I am 6' 5 1/2". I am 46 years old and have not been very active since I was in my early 20's. I kept seeing others do diets, lose weight and then gain it back. I also didn't believe I had the ability or determination to do this so although I was not happy with myself I didn't do anything to change.

My Dr. suggested the Lifestyle program at the clinic so I finally made an appt to start it. My lifestyle coach weighed me and discussed with a group of us the reason for the program and then set up individual appointments. In that first appointment she gave us sheets to start our food diaries. I rolled my eyes at the time and that night I felt pretty defeated before I started. I am a big guy and for me to do this it seemed like I would have to starve. However, starting a couple days later I began to fill in the food diary and instead of eating whatever I wanted and then being disgusted after I saw it in my diary I told myself if I had to write it down then I wasn't going to eat it if it wasn't healthy.

A few days into this process, something (still am not sure what) flipped the switch in my brain so that now I am craving a lighter and fitter body. I am craving vegetables and fruit and other more healthy foods and have absolutely no desire for Fast Food and Junk Food.

In my first 5 weeks I have lost 25 lbs with my ultimate (initial) goal being 100 lbs to lose. I will not quit and achieve this goal and maybe even more. I hope all of you are achieving your goals!!


  • clinekurt78
    clinekurt78 Posts: 1 Member
    Your story is so similar to mine. I am a big guy myself and always yo-yo diet. I do realy good when I log my food but not so good when I dont. If I don't write it down I dont hold myself accountable for it. Congrats on the first 25 lbs lost. I wish those desires for fast food and junk food would go away for me. They just taste too darn good. Well, like I have said before good luck with your journey.
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    YAY!!!! Great Job! I agree that tracking EVERYTHING really holds you accountable and it is easy to get disgusted with yourself after you see the garbage you put in your body. I'm glad you recognize that and are changing it. We all should :)
  • epazia
    epazia Posts: 126 Member
    YOu have a great attitude and that is half the battle!
  • EricRazorbacks
    EricRazorbacks Posts: 42 Member
    Great loss already! And, wonderful to see that motivation.
  • SD67
    SD67 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks everyone for the feedback. Hit 30 lbs lost this last weekend. I am pushing on. Best of luck to each of you on your goals!