

  • Thanks I am not sure I know what OP means or is??? I am a full time Entertainer (Magician) so I lift heavy trunks and setup and perform a 1 hour magic show most days, The only weight lifting thing I have is at my church its a bow flex so I have been working my legs, and arms after I walk 50mins. but that's all I have to…
  • Thanks That makes me fell much better, I just hope I lose fat more than muscle! Chris
  • Thanks for all the info. I am eating 1,200-1,500 calories aday as that is all I have readfrom the natinial hesrt lug,and tisue boards. For weight lose women should eat 1,000-1,200 calories a day for weight lose. For men to lose weight they should eat 1,200-1,600 a day to lose weight and drink lots of water, walk 50+ mins 5…
  • thanks, the hard thing about eating above 1,500 calories is when I do then I am way over my sodium for the day. I use to eat at 1,600-1,700 and did not lose any weight. I do not cook so I have been trying to eat good food from what I can make.
  • Thanks For all of your help. One of you asked Why I was eating 1,400 for my size. well my bmr is 2,600 so I cut 500 from that to start and was eating 2100 a day and for 3 weeks did not lose anything. so I dropped it down to 1800 and only lost .08 lbs in a week so again I droped it down to 1,400-1,500 aday and I have had a…
  • Thanks, one of you asked what I eat here it goes. First before I stated. I would it 2 bojangels steak egg & cheese buscuits and a large bo rounds a a large coke. For luch I would go to a buffett place and 2-3 plates. For snake candy bar or a bag of chips. For supper 5-7 slice of pizza. Now I eat a small bowl of oatmeal.…
  • Tjanks I have been loging with a program on my computer called Food tracker, and it adds up the real calories from foods in the usa databease and is more on than the MFP as I would put in oatmeal and MFP would say one pack is 160cals when the boxes was 130 cals. I still eat 1,400 a day and I have stared loseing again.
  • Thanks! I will keep that in mind, As of now My doctor has told me not to do any weight lifting until I drop a good amount of pounds, as I did try weight lifting about a month ago and ended up in the hospital. as I torn a ligament and they said the next time I tare it I will need an operation to fit it. so I could not walk…
  • Thanks for all of your input, I was told by a member that an obese man will lose 20-30 pounds the first 2-3 weeks and that is water then it's fat lose from then on. so That is what I was going on, I look in the mirror but can't see any change in myself. but The scale say I have lost 40+ pounds, and I have had a few people…
  • also to help me understand this. if some days I go over my sodium intakes for that day is that very bad? will I gain weight by doing that? even if I am under my calorie intake for that day? thanks chris
  • So If I understand this right I can eat what I want as long as I stay in the 2,000 calories a day and walk and still lose weight even if the food is not that good of choice?
  • I forgot to add I also go to subway and get a 6" turkey sub with only tomatoes , onion , and mustard , and sweet onion now and no mayo and no cheese, and no salt. I hope this is a good eat and not bad!
  • Thanks For the info. I will say this and see what everyone has to say. and let me know if this is good or bad! I use to skip breakfast and eat at a lunch buffet and get 2-3 big plate full. for super I would do the same or go to buger king and get a triple whopper with cheese mayo and a large French fries and a large sweet…
  • Hi, I do not cook so I eat small amount when I am out eating as I do not fill my plate anymore! I use to fill one plate and then go back for more now when I eat out I only get one small helping of meat and green beans, corn, or black eye peas. as I am tring to eat more vegetables.
  • OK, So, I am going to put this all out on the table this morning, I cant afford a Doctor or dietain vist as I do not have insurance, and I have always been told to lose weight you have to do it on your own. OK, so I did what a lot of you said yesterday and I eat 2,000 calories so I feel guilty as I weighted 346.2 before…
  • Thanks I got it So If you don't mind me asking you said give it 4 weeks and if no chage up it does that mean up the calories intake or lower them? Thanks chris
  • Thanks for all of your helps and posts, So If I understand this right and let me know if I am wrong.. If I eat 2,000 calories a day and walk 35-40mins each day 5 days a week I will still lose 1-2pounds a week???? I still just don't see it or understand. as again, I am only burning 340 from workouts and if I eat 2,000 then…
  • Sure I am 30 years old 6' 3'' and as of today My scale says I am down to 346.8 pounds, I have just started to walk 35 mins aday for 5 day a week before I was not active at all. best chris
  • Thanks for all of your commits , So if I understand this, If It says I burn 4,550 calories aday by doing nothing, then if I eat 1,900-2,00 a day and still walk 35-40mins 5 days a week does this mean I will lose weight? I just can't see that! as I am only burning 340 calories through workouts and that's no where more burned…
  • thanks, I am even thinking about joining the YMCA to learn the right way to workout to burn the most fat and get the most ot of my work out to lose weight. as I am Green and know nothing.