Need help with weight!! Please respond

Hi, I am a male 30 years old 348.5pounds , and I started my weight lose goal on oct 20th I use to drink a lot of sodas and sweet tea and was not active! I would go to all you can eat buffet 4-5 times a week.

Now since I have stared I have gave up all sodas, and sweet tea! I have stated to walk 35-40mins aday 5 days a week, and Also do a lot of juggling with my arms and hand for 25-30mins aday. I am also eating low calories food no junk or fast food. and I am eating fruit and vegs.

So I am confussed!!!!! I have been told to lose weight I should eat 2,989 aday and on onther web sites it says I should eat 3,154 calories a day. but I am eating 1,000-1,300 a day and doing workouts. but on myfitnesspal it says I only burn 364 calories aday to me this in not no where near enough to lose weight!!, Is it???

I am eating below my calorie defect and walking and moving more! so will I lose weight?

I feel if I eat 1,800-2,500 calories aday and only burn 364 a day then I will not lose! I need all the help I can get. I did lose 10pounds in the firs week but I think it was water more than fat! and I hope I am doing the right think. as my work will not let me workout all day only 1 hour in the morning before work.

please email me back.


  • If you try to cut to much to soon you will make yourself ill. Due to your current weight your body will need a certain amount to function.

    I go to yhe gym and the guys say that any thing less ygan 1500 net may put you into starvation mode and you can become ill. I know I find it hard to take in and want to eat 1200 as thats what I thimk I should. Dont get me wrong my goal is 1290 but I exercise to get more.

    Hope this helps x
  • thanks, I am even thinking about joining the YMCA to learn the right way to workout to burn the most fat and get the most ot of my work out to lose weight. as I am Green and know nothing.
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    It's important to remember that you are burning calories all day just by existing and performing normal bodily functions like breathing. MyFitnessPal includes these calories in estimating your calorie target, which is why when you exercise it says that you "earned" an additional XXX # of calories from exercise. You could not exercise at all and still lose weight if you are eating fewer calories than your "maintenance" level.

    The mistake that some newbies make is to cut out too much too fast, thinking that even though MyFitnessPal gives them a certain number of calories they're allowed to have, they might as well eat as little as possible and exercise as much as possible to lose weight even faster. Great plan, right? Not really. For one, eating too little and exercising too much can put strain on your body and make it harder to get proper nutrition to perform those normal bodily functions like breathing. For another, if you change your lifestyle too drastically, it will be harder to make it a sustainable habit. Make small changes to start, get accustomed to them, then make more small changes.

    Your plan of speaking to a trainer at the gym is a good one, and I would suggest perhaps also speaking to a nutritionist to come up with a good plan for how to change your eating habits to a healthy, sustainable, nutritious meal plan.

    Good luck!
  • Additionally, find an online calculator to determine your BMR (basal metabolic rate). This is the amount of calories your body burns just by existing and going through its basic bodily functions. This is what your body would burn if you were in a coma. You should never eat below your BMR. If you do eat below your BMR for a sustained period, you are getting fewer calories than your body needs just to function, so it will stop functioning.
  • briandahawaiian
    briandahawaiian Posts: 112 Member
    Definitely eat more! I'm 385lbs and take in about 2000 cals a day and also I try to eat back most of my workout calories. You should also think about adding some strength training to your workouts!! I do three days weight training with 15 mins cardio to wrap it up, and three days cardio, and one day rest. Rinse and repeat!! The strength training will ensure that you don't lose too much muscle while you are burning fat (if that makes sense). You want the fat to go not the muscle!! Add me, so we can keep track of each other!!!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    If you were given a higher calorie goal, why would you cut it so drastically? Figure out your TDEE and subtract 20% and NET that. That should get you losing. You have to make sure you're getting enough to meet your nutrient needs.
  • loneaffliction
    loneaffliction Posts: 81 Member
    Everything that has been said so far is absolutely correct. It sounds like you're on the right track to making better choices, but you definitely need to fuel your body more. You can calculate your TDEE and BMR here: Using the "sedentary" setting, you would also eat back your exercise calories, though MFP generally overestimates these, so be careful with just how much you eat back. I usually shoot for about half.

    Your TDEE is how many calories your body would use if you were just lying in bed all day, normal bodily functions, like breathing and digestion. You should always try to eat at at least your BMR. MFP is designed to already calculate a caloric deficit, meaning eating fewer calories than you burn through exercise and normal bodily functions, so your goal should already be relatively close. Since you have so much to lose, you should probably set your goal around TDEE - 20% (or TDEE x 0.8) if you hope to lose about 2 pounds per week.

    Don't be afraid to eat more. Eating at your TDEE is "maintenance," how many calories you would consume if you wanted to maintain your current weight. Consider how many you were probably consuming on average daily to come to the point where you are. You're looking for an appropriate deficit, but don't think that reducing your calories very low will speed the process, as others suggested. Remember, your primary goal is probably to become healthier, and it looks like you're already doing a good job at working towards that.

    Here are some other links you may want to read through to set you on your way:

    ETA: Also, don't stress how many pounds you lose day to day. Weigh in about once a week and monitor your progress in the long run. If you're consistent with eating at a deficit, you'll see the number start to trend downward. Keep a reasonable goal in mind, like 2 pounds per week. I set small goals for myself to make sure I'm on the right track. It takes time, but it's totally worth it.
  • I agree with Brian. You may want to lose weight fast but if you want to keep if off forever you are just hurting yourself in the long run. I eat 1800 to 2000 calories a day but I don't eat back my workout calories. As you lose weight your caloric intake will need to adjust to your new body and workout habits. I started working out at home with walking (I can walk for hours on end now) but I moved up to circuit training and interval biking, supposedly it's the best way to keep your body burning fat. At least this week.
  • Thanks for all of your commits , So if I understand this, If It says I burn 4,550 calories aday by doing nothing, then if I eat 1,900-2,00 a day and still walk 35-40mins 5 days a week does this mean I will lose weight? I just can't see that! as I am only burning 340 calories through workouts and that's no where more burned calories then I am taking in! I read in order to lose weight you have to burn more than you eat, well if I eat 1,500-1,800 let's say a day and only burn 340 from workouts then I am not burning enough!! Right????

    I am just so confessed! and need the best help.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    What are some more of your stats such as height and age and then I can post what the TDEE calculator states and what it all means for you?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Thanks for all of your commits , So if I understand this, If It says I burn 4,550 calories aday by doing nothing, then if I eat 1,900-2,00 a day and still walk 35-40mins 5 days a week does this mean I will lose weight? I just can't see that! as I am only burning 340 calories through workouts and that's no where more burned calories then I am taking in! I read in order to lose weight you have to burn more than you eat, well if I eat 1,500-1,800 let's say a day and only burn 340 from workouts then I am not burning enough!! Right????

    I am just so confessed! and need the best help.

    All this means is you have to eat less than 4,550 to lose doing the exercise you planned on. To lose 1 lb/week you would eat 4050/day, to lose 2lbs/week you would eat 3550/week, as for every 500 cals you eat below 4,550/day you should expect to lose 1lb/week.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    Thanks for all of your commits , So if I understand this, If It says I burn 4,550 calories aday by doing nothing, then if I eat 1,900-2,00 a day and still walk 35-40mins 5 days a week does this mean I will lose weight? I just can't see that! as I am only burning 340 calories through workouts and that's no where more burned calories then I am taking in! I read in order to lose weight you have to burn more than you eat, well if I eat 1,500-1,800 let's say a day and only burn 340 from workouts then I am not burning enough!! Right????

    I am just so confessed! and need the best help.

    It sounds like you have it in your head that you must exercise to lose weight. You can lose weight just as easily with your diet alone and never do a minute of exercise. I'm not saying you shouldn't exercise, what I am saying is don't put so much emphasis on exercise. Get your diet in order first. Your diet is going to dictate your weight loss, exercise is just a tool to "help" achieve it.
  • Sure I am 30 years old 6' 3'' and as of today My scale says I am down to 346.8 pounds, I have just started to walk 35 mins aday for 5 day a week before I was not active at all.

    best chris
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Your body burns calories just sitting there, even sleeping. That is included in the "eat less than you burn." So the calorie goal you have been given by MFP will be fewer calories than that, before exercise. Exercise just increases your burn, and is good for you in many other ways. Take the small steps like you have been (cutting out the sugary drinks and walking more is a great start! :wink:) rather than trying to change everything at once. The point is not to suffer to lose weight, but do it in a way that you think "hey, this isn't bad, I can keep doing this!"
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    So you are getting bombarded with a lot of information and a lot of technical terms, and no one is really wrong at all. But I hope to clarify this for you in one simple post.

    You were probably eating at least 3,500-5,000 calories a day to carry the weight you did. So we know that is too much. I'm 6' and weight 175, and I burn approximately 2,200 calories a day just by being alive and going to work, where I sit on my *kitten* all day.

    So it's fair to say, someone at your weight should be able to eat approximately 2,000-2,500 calories a day BEFORE exercise, and you would still lose a significant amount of weight. In all honesty, if you cut out the drinks, kept track of portions, and just started walking, you will probably lose 30-40 pounds alone.

    Think about it, it takes a significant amount of energy to move your body around at the weight it's at. The same way it takes a lot more effort to move something that weight 1,000 pounds versus 10 pounds (extreme example, I know).

    If you still aren't getting it, you should talk to your doctor. Honestly, you should probably talk to a doctor anyways to make sure what you are doing is healthy and appropriate.

    I hope this helps. 1 step at a time.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    If you were given a higher calorie goal, why would you cut it so drastically? Figure out your TDEE and subtract 20% and NET that. That should get you losing. You have to make sure you're getting enough to meet your nutrient needs.


    Also, don't forget that just pumping your blood around your body uses calories, at your Basal Metabolic Rate. So you're not just burning 300 calories on days you excercise, you are burning 300 plus your BMR

    I'm 5 ft 8, about 180 pounds. My BMR is about 1650, so my Total Daily Energy Expenditure at sedentary (1.2 * BMR) is about 1900. To lose weight, you just have to eat less than your TDEE. Some people suggest subtract 20%, which leaves me at about 1580, some suggest subtract 500 cal, which leaves me at about 1400. I've gone for the middle ground of 1500, and aim to net 1200 - 1500 most days so I don't have to worry about going over when I go out with friends. I say net, because it's best to eat back some or all of your excercise calories.

    At nearly twice my weight, your TDEE should be about twice mine! If I've read your post correctly, yours is about 4000. So you will still lose weight eating 3500 calories plus anything you burn through excercise.

    BTW - you don't have to do excercise to lose weight, you just have to eat less than your TDEE. It's easier and good for you if you do excercise from a fitness point of view, but as someone else said, "It's easy to out-eat a good fitness plan, but it's really hard to out-lazy a good diet" :smile:

    PS - the Sexypants thread is really helpful
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Hi, I am a male 30 years old 348.5pounds , and I started my weight lose goal on oct 20th I use to drink a lot of sodas and sweet tea and was not active! I would go to all you can eat buffet 4-5 times a week.

    Now since I have stared I have gave up all sodas, and sweet tea! I have stated to walk 35-40mins aday 5 days a week, and Also do a lot of juggling with my arms and hand for 25-30mins aday. I am also eating low calories food no junk or fast food. and I am eating fruit and vegs.

    So I am confussed!!!!! I have been told to lose weight I should eat 2,989 aday and on onther web sites it says I should eat 3,154 calories a day. but I am eating 1,000-1,300 a day and doing workouts. but on myfitnesspal it says I only burn 364 calories aday to me this in not no where near enough to lose weight!!, Is it???

    I am eating below my calorie defect and walking and moving more! so will I lose weight?

    I feel if I eat 1,800-2,500 calories aday and only burn 364 a day then I will not lose! I need all the help I can get. I did lose 10pounds in the firs week but I think it was water more than fat! and I hope I am doing the right think. as my work will not let me workout all day only 1 hour in the morning before work.

    please email me back.

    You are burning cals just being alive.
  • I cannot advise you regarding your caloric intake; however, one of the tricks I learned many years ago about loosing weight was to think of it as a fire:

    "If you build a fire and don't keep adding logs, the fire will go out. You want the fire to burn so you need to fuel the fire by adding logs, otherwise it will go out"

    You need to fedd your body inorder for it to work efficiently, meaning you need to eat to keep your metabolism working and in-turn burning calories and then dropping weight.

    Again - I am not dietitian, doctor or fitness guru - just sharing some words of wisdom which I hope will help you in your journey.

    Keep working, one day at a time, best of luck to you.
  • sheltap
    sheltap Posts: 10
    Stay Positive my friend. I know its totally confusing on figuring out how many calories to eat and how many calories you have burn. I find that this site being fantastic and definately a great tool to use but the calories they give seem low. I would use other reputable sites and use the happy medium in between but definately you should be eating well over 1800 cals for your current weight.

    And remember its 80% diet, there are tons of great recipies online so become that master chef!
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Eat more!! Adopt a healthier lifestyle and be consistent! Trust he process MFP puts before you!

    Oh and eat more than 1200 calories!!!!! Seriously!!!!!