Oh carbs how much i miss you lol
Bring in cookies then ask them to next time bring in a veggie platter. or just no sweets at all.
Keep it up. its a challenge that can be won. Once you make it a life habit, the sweets and fast food wont mean a thing anymore.
No we do i myself being mexican and puerto rican i love to cook. I type this post to fast and not reading what i say.
Yea thats something else i noticed that you would have to create it. Thanks though.
Lol claro k si. Beaner food is especially menundo i had last night food is my issue and portion is a huge problem. Im a big guy. Basketball season is starting so im sure that i will eat alot more. Pero posole and menundo me gana.
Wow i should re read what i type before a post FAIL but the few that understand it, we know how much we love our greasy foods. I cant help myself most of the time. So knowing what they cook while implementing a healthy diet.
Wow i should re read what i type before a post FAIL but the few that understand it, we know how much we love our greasy foods. I cant help myself most of the time. So knowing what they cook while implementing a healthy diet.
Never really thought of that. The good thing is that the weather should start cooling down.
Wow that's inspiring. Keep it up you kids want and need you there. Great motivation for anyone. I have alot of friends that have alot of health issues and I'm trying to prevent it if I could.
Hey. Some times I'll look at myself in the mirror and get mad at myself no knowing I can do a lot better. I get told that I'm thin or look great but for me I have work to do. Feel free to add me. :) good luck.
Thanks man. Yea the problem here is that they don't have any indoor courts. I've met Co works that like to play but play once in awhile cause they are older. I'm trying to look at videos on YouTube of basketball players that will help motivate me like in the past but it doesn't do nothing anymore.
Great thank you. Always nice to have great support from others.
No one?
^^^ agreed keeping the muscles active and lifting will be your best bet.
Gold standard best I have tried with great results. Strawberry and double chocolate get my vote. Great taste with water or milk.
Sometimes before my workout i just have a protein shake and /or toast with peanut butter to get those carbs in.
just turned 26 jan 4th add plz