

  • I am on the same boat, except I have a lot more to lose than you :) The more you lose now, the lower your weight will be after the pregnancy and the less you will have to lose with 2 kids. So, it is definitely worth trying to lose. But, don't be too hard on yourself. We never had any problems TTC with #1 and this time…
  • Everybody is different. I would give your new routine a few weeks before giving up on it. Sometimes it takes the body time to figure out what is going on. If after the end of week 3 or 4 you still don't see results, then I would revise your plan. Good luck!
  • My opinion is that you should continue your lifestyle until you find out you are pregnant. But, I would start taking pre-natal vitamins at least 3 months before trying to conceive. I asked my doctor when I was pregnant with my first, and she said not to worry until you know you are pregnant. Then, you modify your…
  • I went through something similar with my friends when we were younger. Whenever someone was on a diet, it would make the rest of us feel guilty. We almost felt like why go out if you can't eat or drink. But, now that we are 34 and want to get healthier, with slower metabolisms and busier lives, we are all on the same page…
  • Tuna lunch kits have about 500mg. Morning Star black bean burgers have about 350mg, which i eat on corn tortillas, with tomatoes, onions and cilantro, which keep it low sodium. Kashi granola bars are great snacks and not too bad. Hope this helps!
  • I just had the black bean soup and 1/2 classic salad for 200 cal total!
    in Panera Comment by apenabaz March 2011
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