When trying to conceive....

So last month...we decided to start trying to conceive our first. I am seriously struggling as to what I can and can't do anymore.

Some friends say no more riding the ATV, some friends have been all the time while trying to conceive and kept riding while pregnant (not crazy riding anyway) (easy riding)

Some people say...depending on where you are in a month you could have a beer or two....some say no......

Others started restricting themselves from coffee and pop and other things the second they started trying....but other say they continued everything they were doing before....just in moderation....and altered their life styles when they found out they were pregnant.

I just don't know...and I want to continue my lifestyle....and have fun trying to conceive....but I think I'm stressing myself out with all these thoughts......

What did you do while trying to conceive??? Restrict yourself...or just moderate????

I would like to hear from others please. Oh yah....and some say that dieting and exercising isn't good either.

Thank you!


  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    i'd like to know the answer to these questions as well
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I thought all you had to do was have lots of sex. Clearly, I didn't realise it was so complicated.
  • brown_eyed_girl_06
  • RdySetGO11
    RdySetGO11 Posts: 89 Member
    When we tried to conceive our first, I didn't restrict anything. Just kinda let nature take wheel. I still ate healthy and I didn't drink alcohol or anything.
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    I would stay ask the doctor.. however dont restrict your body from the things you normally do just because your trying to conceive I dont see how that would change anything... but this is a very good topic and im interested to see what others say too. and most of all relax stressing over it will make it worse. Good luck!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Wow, I'm sorry people got you so confused. Some folks tend to really overdo things. TTC does NOT equal pregnant! You can still do EVERYTHING you normally do! The only change I made was to take prenatal vitamins and no booze the second half of my cycle.

    I can see starting to alter your lifestyle while TTC if something needs to be gradually cut out, like say starting to cut down on caffeine... but there's a point at where it becomes overkill.
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    I'm no expert, but I've heard that it's appropriate to continue your daily activities, otherwise your body recognizes the changes and may not be as receptive to conceiving. Of course, I'd steer clear of anything in excess - don't go on a drinking binge. The calmer and happier you are, the easier it will be to conceive. Contact your OBGYN and I'm sure they can give you a fairly good run-down. It's always good to have a "pre-conception" discussion with your doctor regardless to make sure your body is in prime baby-making condition. Good luck and HAVE FUN!!
  • apenabaz
    My opinion is that you should continue your lifestyle until you find out you are pregnant. But, I would start taking pre-natal vitamins at least 3 months before trying to conceive. I asked my doctor when I was pregnant with my first, and she said not to worry until you know you are pregnant. Then, you modify your lifestyle. You can still exercise while pregnant, just nothing too intense.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Back in olden times people just had sex. They pretty much had to go on about their normal business of working (often strenuously), riding horses, scrubbing the floors and beating their laundry against rocks.

    And once they got knocked up they still had to go about their business of not having our modern, coddled, worry-wart lives.

    Unless you have a SPECIFIC medical reason to not do something - carry on with your life. And copulate. A lot.

    ETA: I was a professional horseback rider until I was in my 7th month of pregnancy - with the blessings of my doctor.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    When you are trying to concieve then you should just live your lifestyle all the same. BUT as soon as you are prego thats when everything changes... not drastically... just slows down. The 1st 3mos are the most vital for your child... No alcohol, of course.... Caffiene is linked to miscarriages... exercise can still be done... just not as heavely... and riding your atv... the bumps will only make you run to the potty more often.

    I hope this helps a lil...

    Good luck!!
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    first off coffee (for the male anyway) actually helps in the TTC area because coffee helps their "guys" swim harder and faster- I found this out when I was pregnant with my first.
    you can drink beer if you want on occ. just stop if you find out your pregnant it WILL NOT keep you from getting pregnant

    you can still rider ATV's if you want, i just wouldn't suggest further into a pregnancy

    do everything your currently doing

    the biggest thing that will keep you from getting pregnant is stressing over all the little things like this
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    first off coffee (for the male anyway) actually helps in the TTC area because coffee helps their "guys" swim harder and faster- I found this out when I was pregnant with my first.
    you can drink beer if you want on occ. just stop if you find out your pregnant it WILL NOT keep you from getting pregnant

    you can still rider ATV's if you want, i just wouldn't suggest further into a pregnancy

    do everything your currently doing

    the biggest thing that will keep you from getting pregnant is stressing over all the little things like this

    I was talking about caffiene while you are prego.

    Coffee and Miscarriage
    Recent studies have focused on the effects of coffee intake during pregnancy. A large-scale Danish study polled more than 80,000 pregnant women regarding their coffee intake. This study found that women who drank large amounts of coffee during pregnancy were more likely to experience a miscarriage. Women who drank more than 2 cups of coffee a day had a slightly increased risk of miscarriage, while those that drank 8 or more cups experienced a 59% increase. This is why it is so important to watch your caffeine intake during pregnancy.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Honestly, one of the biggest problems with couples trying to concieve is stress. So, stop overthinking it! Have fun trying to have a baby! :-) When your mind and body are stressed out, you're telling it "This is a stressful environment" and your body will think twice, so to speak, about holding on to a fertilized egg because it's a dicey situation.

    There is no reason to stop drinking caffeine containing foods or alcohol prior to the pregnancy or engaging in rougher activities. Alcohol is not recommended during the pregnancy, however, because there are some women who drink to excess during pregnancy and have perfectly normal babies and there are some women who have one glass of wine and have a baby with severe problems. We simply don't know enough to recommend drinking during pregnancy.

    As far as activities or other foods when you're trying to concieve, eat plenty of iron and folic acid. Iron is essential for normal blood formation and folic acid is essential for preventing neural tube defects (I wouldn't recommend Google-ing what that is unless you have a strong stomach for terrible photos) but basically, it helps the baby's spinal cord develop normally. Not enough folic acid will result in a baby whose spinal cord doesn't close. That's probably enough of a mental image for you.

    When you are pregnant, no one will ever be able to tell you something that works for everyone. You will be the pregnant lady, you get to decide. I know women who have gone skiing at 6 months pregnant.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Stress is the worst.

    90% of your normal activities can be done while pregnant.

    If you drank coffee before, you can drink coffee now... and at reduced amounts during your pregnancy.

    If you drank wine/beer before, you can drink wine/beer now... and at very reduced amounts during your pregnancy (and yes this goes against everything the U.S. medical community will tell you... look at other countries with lower infant mortality and FAS rates).
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    first off coffee (for the male anyway) actually helps in the TTC area because coffee helps their "guys" swim harder and faster- I found this out when I was pregnant with my first.
    you can drink beer if you want on occ. just stop if you find out your pregnant it WILL NOT keep you from getting pregnant

    you can still rider ATV's if you want, i just wouldn't suggest further into a pregnancy

    do everything your currently doing

    the biggest thing that will keep you from getting pregnant is stressing over all the little things like this

    I was talking about caffiene while you are prego.

    Coffee and Miscarriage
    Recent studies have focused on the effects of coffee intake during pregnancy. A large-scale Danish study polled more than 80,000 pregnant women regarding their coffee intake. This study found that women who drank large amounts of coffee during pregnancy were more likely to experience a miscarriage. Women who drank more than 2 cups of coffee a day had a slightly increased risk of miscarriage, while those that drank 8 or more cups experienced a 59% increase. This is why it is so important to watch your caffeine intake during pregnancy.

    About 40% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage so I wonder if this study took that into account. Many pregancies are just in the first trimester when the women hasn't even figured it out yet though.
  • atcbabe1
    atcbabe1 Posts: 22
    When we first started ttc i watched everything i did and tried to be perfect. Slowly i relaxed as the process went along. 18months after we first started I now just live my life normal. If / when we get pregnant I will then stop the things that i need to but until then no point in diving my self nuts. That being said i don't drink caffeine more then once a week or so and alcohol only once or twice a month but that is just my regular life. Try to relax and enjoy the process and DON'T stress. It may only take a month or two, or you could be at it for a while.
  • ludugirl
    ludugirl Posts: 4 Member
    After years of trying to conceive (we're on year #9!!) with no luck, here's what I've heard from everyone from the Doctor to Grandma...

    1. DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. Especially in the first year! If after a year you still haven't conceived, go see a doctor. But in the meantime, just have fun. Your body will know what to do. Some woman are lucky enough to conceive the first month, but for most women, it's after 6 months. So seriously, just go on with normal life during that first year of "trying," relishing in the fact that you're not using any form of birth control. =)

    2. Continue to eat healthy and exercise--it will actually help with conception! If you do get pregnant, make an appointment to see your doctor. Bring with you a sample of what you're eating and doing for exercise. He/she will let you know if you need to change anything. Usually, as long as you're not doing a starvation diet (shame on you, if you are!!), you most likely won't need to change anything. Baby will take from you whatever it needs. Exercising and stretching is good for your body, even when you're pregnant!

    3. Drinking alcohol is NOT OKAY when you're pregnant (in my line of work, I see a lot of sad, sad results of children born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). Doctors do not know how much is "safe" and how much isn't. For one person, a glass a day may be too much, and for another, it won't be. Don't take the risk. Since you don't know when you're pregnant until a month or later, don't take the risk. If you can live without the beer, start doing it now because once you know you're preggers, you're not going to be drinking it anyway.

    Anyway, those are my thoughts on it. Good luck! :) (PS: Grandma's advice was the most embarrassing of all... it had to do with "magic babymaker positions." Mortifying only because the advice came from my husband's grandma...)
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Don't stress!
    Start taking a prenatal vitamin. They're good for you before, during and after. Plus they make your hair and nails look nice.
    Ovulation tests are fun and accurate if you want a foot up on the trying process.
    I stopped drinking alcohol and don't really drink soda that much any way.