
  • The 30 Day Shred is a DVD by Jillian Michaels. The concept is to do the workout everyday for 30 days performing level 1 for 10 days then bumping up to level 2 and so on. The workout itself is made up of 3 circuits consisting of 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs totaling around 20 minutes of…
  • Thanks everyone for your honest feedback!
    in TurboFire Comment by BADAS5 August 2011
  • I am starting Week 7 today. It is definitely INSANE! You may want to throw things at Shawn T occassionally but you will love him for kicking your butt as well. I have been recruiting all of my friends to join me in this journey. I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you have pertaining to the program. :)
  • I am currently on Week 7 of Insanity. I am hooked on beachbody programs, looking to do P90X next. I have already lent the first month of the Insanity tapes to my best friend so that she can join me on this adventure! It's great being able to motivate others to accomplish their goals as well! Great job everyone, keep up the…
  • Truly inspirational, congratulations on all of your success!
  • You look great, awesome job!
  • I really like Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown. It's a faster paced yoga because she has you moving through the poses in order to maximize calories burned yet it's still a more relaxing workout that will having you feeling sore the next day. I like to mix this video in with her 30 Day Shred and Six Week 6 Pack because it…
  • I love this post! I'm still 9 lbs over my listed weight and need to renew my license in July. I'm hoping to be down to 140 by then but even so am thinking about dropping my listed weight to 130 since I am striving to be that weight and will have to keep my license for another 5 years after this renewal.
  • Good to know. Of course I am interested in losing weight but I guess I am more concerned with losing inches, toning up and overall just feelling healthy and strong. I love yoga and was super excited when I was finally able to accomplish Crane! Now I would really like to be able to do side crane, which apparently is easier…
  • I just added Jillian Michaels 6 Week Six Pack- Level's 1 and 2 sepeartely to my workout database and entered it in as 35 minutes burning 200 calories for Level 1 and 250 for Level 2. This may be incorrect but it was my best guess from what I have found people with a HRM noting the calories burned to be.
  • Honestly I have only done Level 1 about 3-4 times and Level 2 once since I have only owned this video for about a week now so no, I haven't seen a huge difference yet. I have been mixing this video in with her 30 DS though since I like the variety and her 30 DS is a little bit shorter so on days were I haven't left myself…
  • Haha, I love it... I will definitely have to give it a go around and show him that I have it in me! I think mostly he just doesn't want to borrow his P90X program to me and surprisingly no, he is not a chauvinistic pig. Thanks for all of the feedback, I am excited to start!
  • Level 1 wasn't very challenging, I didn't even start to sweat until doing the circuit the second time around at a faster pace. Level 2 however, kicked my butt! I haven't been getting sore from working out anymore but I thought I was going to pass out half way through the video. It was intense and I sweat like I did doing…
  • I was convinced it stood for No Small Victory. I guess it can mean whatever you want it to mean, but None Scale Victory definitely makes more sense. Glad someone had the guts to ask! :)
  • Thats great, congrats!
  • Thanks for all of the advice, I will have to try them. As for the Salsa Chicken I have had a box of brown rice in my cupboard for about 6 months now, now might be a good time to pull it out and try it.
  • I love chicken and could really use some different ideas on how to prepare it so that it doesn't always taste the same. I also love salads but drown them in ranch dressing, any ideas on a lower calorie substitute?
  • Thanks for all of the posts. Another wide variety of suggestions but I think I have a better feel for what I should be doing. Unfortunately I am one of those girls that does sort of tend to bulk up. Nothing extreme like a body builder but after 6 years of being a swimmer/diver my shoulders have taken a liking to adding…