toeknee45 Member


  • 8/8 FITBIT ALTA STATS 15,231 steps 133 active minutes 3,151 total calories burned 2492 calories logged No gym workout, again dog walking and working in the yard after work.
  • Okay, I'm going to partially hijack your hijacked thread. 8/7 FITBIT ALTA STATS 15,961 steps 90 active minutes 3,268 total calories burned No food logged No gym workout, just dog walking and yard work.
  • i'm back after a 6 months vacation from mfp. i'm ready to hit it hard. feel free to add me a friend.
  • SW: 226 lbs (Jan 2013) CW: 193.4 lbs GW: 187 lbs (end of month) Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (7/02 Wed): 193.4 lbs 7/05 Sat: 194.6 ( pig) 7/12 Sat: 7/19 Sat: 7/26 Sat: End of Month (7/31 Thur): Total weight lost: (32 lbs to date)
  • SW: 226 lbs (Jan 2013) CW: 193.4 lbs GW: 187 lbs (end of month) Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (7/02 Wed): 193.4 lbs 7/05 Sat: 7/12 Sat: 7/19 Sat: 7/26 Sat: End of Month (7/31 Thur): Total weight lost: (32 lbs to date) Anyone feel free to add me. I support if supported. Cheers!
  • Added. anyone else, feel free to add me. I log everyday and will provide comments to you if you do the same. Tony
  • I've recently started doing StronglIfts 5x5. Today: 5x5 squats (120lbs) 5x5 overhead press (65lbs) 1x5 deadlift (125 lbs) I know the weights are light, but not for long.
  • I started at 226 lbs. One of the guys in my band was the first to notice (or at least say anything), which was when I was around 200 lbs. Right around the same time, my mother and a few other people mentioned it. I'm around 190 now and pretty much anyone I haven't seen in a couple of years comments on it.
  • 3 DAYS DOWN 1. 78000 steps Sun 15868 Mon 13940 Tues 12000 Avg 13936 steps (12000 goal) I’m ahead of my goal 2. Stay under 10,500 calorie intake Sun 1649 Mon 1750 Tues 2221 Avg 1873 cal (1750 goal) So I need to eat 1627 average for the next 3 days to make it. Might be close. 3. Go to the gym 3 times. Been to the gym 2 days.…
  • I'm going to start today, instead of tomorrow. I have plans on Saturday which may hamper my step count. 1. 78,000 steps 2. Stay under 10,500 calorie intake 3. Go to the gym 3 times.
  • My goals for the 1st week: 1. 78,000 steps 2. Stay under 10,500 calorie intake (1,750/day)
  • Fitbit One use here:
  • Some hard rock favorites; Queens of the Stone Age Black Mountain Karma to Burn (instrumental) The Cult Alice in Chains Metal favs: Iron Maiden Kylesa Red Sparrowes (instrumental) Neurosis Witchcraft Current Playlist: The Lumineers Alabama Shakes The Gatthering Mark Lanegan
  • Moxie, hands down the worst (in my opinion).
  • Ginger Gold is the best apple. Gala, Fuji and Golden Delicious are good also.
  • I have the Fitbit One and I love it. I am sending back the Force, which I have had for 3 months. I liked it, but missed the One, it clips on my belt and I forget about it. The Force had great features, but I'm not a watch person, so it was kind of irritating. Luckily, they are having a recall due to some people having…
  • welcome. added as friend
  • Welcome to the group. You have been added.
  • I'm going to hijack your thread (but I'll friend you also). I'm new too (1 week) and looking for support also.
  • As far as beards go, I'm almost 3 months into this beast and if I do say so myself, it is looking awesome! I'm going to the gym 5-6 days a week, lifting 3 days, cardio/core exercises the rest. Working on dropping some lbs. I'm planning on kicking up my lifting after the new year, but for now, trying to be consistent and…
  • I just joined MFP today. I have a Fitbit One and have been getting on track, but want to step it up and get to my goal. SW = 226 CW =195 GW=175 I go to the gym 5-7 days a week. I lift 3 days and do cardio / core exercises the rest of the days. I've been eating better, but have bad days when I go a little overboard (200 to…