Hello! 0 friends on here haha

I'm not new to MFP, I've been using it for a year, but this week month I have been logging faithfully to track my calories. My goal is to loose 15-20lbs hopefully by Christmas. That would be lovely. Anyway I have no friends and I plan to use the remainder of November and all of December to achieve my goal.
So if anyone wants to be friends, has similar weigh-loss goals, looking for support/give support then lets be friends :)


  • toeknee45
    toeknee45 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm going to hijack your thread (but I'll friend you also). I'm new too (1 week) and looking for support also.
  • I'll be your friend! LOL Im new to this site! I love it so far. I love seeing everyone's progress, it motivates me even more!
  • oroblar
    oroblar Posts: 68 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am on here daily and will give you a kick in the pants once in a while!
  • I want to be your friend too. I don't have many friends either:)
  • smann1115
    smann1115 Posts: 63 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • Angel03744
    Angel03744 Posts: 74 Member
    Heya, Been using MFP a while, Can always use new friends myself, So feel free to add me :)
    I'm a consistent logger and I try to comment on Diaries and statuses with enthusiasm and motivation :)

    Hope to meet some of you real soon XLissaX
  • i use this 7 days a week but im only on here for 5 days a week lol feel free to add me
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Add me any time, any one!! I've been on the site for about 3 months but having a little extra motivation would be great! I'm so impressed with how well everyone on this site seems to do.
  • Feel free to add me as well. I'm always looking for friends who are on the same journey as me.
  • I am friending all of you! haha I've done MFP before but never had any friends on it so I'm thinking this time around it might actually help with my motivation. Feel free to friend me back!
  • kjdunn68
    kjdunn68 Posts: 26 Member
    You can add me if you like.
  • Im new (again) after loosing my way recently. Going to get back on track and hopefully loose 15lbs before xmas.

  • Scarlet_Moon
    Scarlet_Moon Posts: 8 Member
    Same here. It would be nice to have some friends for motivation :)
  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me, the more the merrier ????
  • lydwak
    lydwak Posts: 13 Member
    Hello :-) Yeah I've been using it for about a year too, definitely need some more activity on here from friends to stay motivated though! So count me in!
  • Hello.....Im new on here.
    Got on Monday but really just getting started today....mid wk LOL
    So far I like everything but not sure that I have everything figured out yet with using MFP.
    I can see that having friends is encouraging so Im hoping to add lots of you cuz Im gonna need it. :)
    Anyway, still figuring it out, but....Im started and thats what counts.
    10 lbs by Christmas isnt to far out of reach so thats my goal.