Making Excercise a Habit



  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Saturday 7/23

    TDEE: 2,207 cals
    Steps: 3,298
    Active Minutes: 0

    Heat Index hit 102F... as I looked outside my air conditioned window all day long doin' nothin'.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Sunday 7/24

    TDEE: 2,034 cals
    Steps: 2,246
    Active Minutes: 0

    Didn't think it was possible to be lazier than Saturday, but I persevered.

    Another 102F HI, me watching the heat from inside AC for a change.

    Back out in the heat today. A bit cooler today with 50% chance of rain.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Laptop fizzled on me yesterday. Don't like typing on smart phone. Will catch up when I can.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Good news: computer tech says he's 90% sure my laptop issue is just a bad battery. :-)

    Bad news: new battery won't be delivered until Friday. :-(
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Picked up my laptop from the computer shop yesterday morning while waiting for rain to let up. Happily paid $39 for diagnostic. Saw their estimate to 'fix' my computer.

    $75 for battery and $99 labor... LABOR??? To plug in the battery? REALLY?!?
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Laptop battery I ordered form Amazon came in yesterday, Popped it into the laptop and plugged charger in. Battery charge light came on (a good sign). Looks like the tech guy was right. Just a bad battery. Been happily playing around on the computer ever since.

    $40 for the diagnostic, and $50 for the new battery. All is good.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Laptop charge system still acting a little hinky so crossing fingers it doesn't get any worse.

    Quick catch up on daily numbers for the week (probably won't format well at all):

    M T W Th F
    TDEE: 2,081 3,730 3,074 3,387 3,692
    Steps: 2,966 25,307 15,658 17,376 24,242
    Active Minutes: 0 188 42 93 158

    Saturday 7/30

    TDEE: 3,902
    Steps: 24,531
    Active Minutes: 228

    Mange to not drown this last week what with all the rain (lost a day and a half and got wet to the bone several times). And now looking at another killer hear wave coming next week. Heat Indexes are predicted to be well into the triple digits every day.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Sunday 7/31

    TDEE: 2,049 cals
    Steps: 2,344
    Active Minutes: 0

    Lazy day. Thought about doing a treadmill workout, but then thought about the triple digit Heat Index forecast for everyday this week. I'll be burning calories soon enough.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Monday 8/1

    TDEE: 3,849 cals
    Steps: 24,743
    Active Minutes: 172

    Day was warm, yes, but HI didn't hit triple digits. Only saw 98F.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Tuesday 8/2

    TDEE: 3,694 cals
    Steps: 20,307
    Active Minutes: 146

    Heat Index 104F. Yup, that is warm for sure. Thursday is hump day for the heat wave. Then it is suppose to... wait for it... yup, rain some more.

    Heat wave, followed by torrential rain, followed by heat wave, followed by torrential rain, followed by... Pattern just has to break soon, right?
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Wednesday 8/3

    TDEE: 3,512 cals
    Steps: 20,434
    Active Minutes: 68

    Heat Index 106F. Know I'm sounding like a broken record but, ya, it was warm. And not a dry warm. A wet, sponge in the face warm.

    Drinking 5 to 6 liters of water (about a gallon and a half) during the day (not counting normal drinks at meals) and then sweating it all out. That's about 13 pounds of water in case anyone was wondering.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Thursday 8/4

    TDEE: 3,813 cals
    Steps: 19,265
    Active Minutes: 168

    Heat Index touched 104F. Actually not that bad with a 9 mph breeze nearly all day. Went to a local fast food for lunch and decided to go back to the truck to eat as was way too cold inside. Felt good to get back out into the heat.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Friday 8/5

    TDEE: 4,492 cals
    Steps: 35,539
    Active Minutes: 317

    I think the weatherman's thermometer is stuck. Heat Index 104F again.

    Noticed something the last couple of heat waves. (Hope none are squeamish. Could be TMI.) A cotton tee-shirt (with company color and logo) once saturated with sweat to the point of dripping, no longer breathes. It is like wearing neoprene. Take it off, wring it out, flip it a few times to open the weave, and put it back on... [ahhh].

    I've had five or six wringer days during the last two heat waves. This day was only a two wringer.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Saturday 8/6

    TDEE: 2,101 cals
    Steps: 3,513
    Active Minutes: 0

    Rest Day
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Sunday 8/7

    TDEE: 2,735 cals
    Steps: 9,307
    Active Minutes: 42

    So, thought I'd try and do the last 10K app workout I completed before growing season started 21 weeks ago.

    10K app W11D1 incomplete.
    • normal 5 minute warm-up
    • 3 sets, 17 minute jog @ 5 mph, 1 minute walk @ 3.5 mph
    • 5 minute walking recovery @ 3.5 mph
    • 4 sprints, 1 minute run @ 7 mph, 2 minute walk @ 3.5 mph
    • normal 5 minute cool-down

    Bonked midway through second set. Probably shouldn't have worn the long-sleeve tee over my running shirt. Over-heated. Dropped into walk and then into normal cool-down. Didn't even think about sprints.

    • 45 minutes total,
    • 42 active minutes,
    • 500 cals,
    • 5,286 steps,
    • 3.17 miles.

    • 0 minutes in peak zone (>160 bpm, peak HR 165 bpm),
    • 26 minutes in cardio zone (130 - 160),
    • 15 minutes in fat burn zone (95 - 130),
    • and the rest out of zone (<95 bpm).
  • toeknee45
    toeknee45 Posts: 25 Member
    Okay, I'm going to partially hijack your hijacked thread.

    15,961 steps
    90 active minutes
    3,268 total calories burned
    No food logged

    No gym workout, just dog walking and yard work.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Monday 8/8

    TDEE: 3,784 cals
    Steps: 22,604
    Active Minutes: 179

    Four hour rain delay this morning. Started work at 11 AM with overcast... then the sun came out and somebody turned the steam on. HI was technically cooler at 97F and it was a zero wringer day, just felt warm and sticky until late afternoon. Back at shop when too dark to see grass, 8 PM.

    Still, all in all, a beautiful day to be outside. :-)
  • toeknee45
    toeknee45 Posts: 25 Member
    15,231 steps
    133 active minutes
    3,151 total calories burned
    2492 calories logged

    No gym workout, again dog walking and working in the yard after work.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Tuesday 8/9

    TDEE: 3,582 cals
    Steps: 20,387
    Active Minutes: 96

    Strange Summer we've been having. Heat Index hit 106F on one of my weather apps but didn't see over 98F on two others. I believe the 106. And then we get more rain in the late afternoon. [sigh]

    No worries. We finished both what we didn't get to Monday due to the late start and all of Tuesday's list before the rain started, so all is good.

    Upcoming weather... "Hot and humid with Heat Index near 100 and a storm or two is possible". There's a surprise.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Wednesday 8/10

    TDEE 3,400 cals
    Steps: 18,495
    Active Minutes: 112

    Saw triple digits. Two more days of heat in this wave. Today is suppose to be the crest. Looking forward to the downhill slide into Fall.