Making Excercise a Habit



  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Monday 5/23

    TDEE: 4,128 cals
    Steps: 24,268
    Active Minutes: 255

    Ahh, the difference of having another man on the crew who can ride the mowers. Numbers back where I like to see 'em.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Tuesday 5/22

    Rain-out halfway through the day. I used the treadmill for about two hours to meet my 20K steps goal.

    TDEE: 3,436 cals
    Steps: 20,785
    Active Minutes: 140

    Got my 20K steps in, but missed my goal burn (3,500) by only 64 cals. i.e. another 10 minutes on treadmill.

    That's OK. Now I know and knowledge is power!
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Wednesday 5/25

    TDEE: 4,083 cals
    Steps: 20,492
    Active Minutes: 175

    Rain-out first half of the day and then yards too soggy to put mowers on, so did maintenance the first half and odd jobs the rest day. Did get two yards mowed by end of day.

    Had my burn goal from all the odd jobs but did need about an hour on the treadmill to get my 20K steps in. I think I have a handle on the process now.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Thursday 5/26

    TDEE: 3,966 cals
    Steps: 22,439
    Active Minutes 118

    12 plus hours mowing. No need for treadmill to meet my activity goals.
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    I worked 14 hours yesterday. But unlike you that 14 was either sitting behind a desk or laying under a motorcycle. :/
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Friday 5/27

    TDEE: 3,646 cals
    Steps: 22,165
    Active Minutes: 136

    Got our mowing list caught up during afternoon drizzle. That, with Thursday's 12+ hour push, has given us the whole holiday weekend off. Three wonderful days! (So, of course, I'm planning on mowing my place and then trim two burning bushes (Euonymus alatus) that have gone pretty wild over the last few years.)

    Pretty sure I'll still need the treadmill to reach my activity goals for today. Wondering if I still have a 5K run in me from all the work I put in over the winter.

    My RHR has been creeping up is why I'm wondering. I was down to 58 bpm just before growing season started 11 weeks ago. Its been bouncing between 60 and 66 the last few weeks. Today its 63 bpm.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Saturday 5/28

    TDEE: 2,944 cals
    Steps: 8,350
    Active Minutes: 102

    Took all morning but got the two wild burning bushes under the leash again. Those two monsters were over ten foot high and around. They are now down to about five, maybe six foot. Nothing but sticks, but ya can't kill a burning bush in the Spring. They'll be "burning" again by Fall.

    Also trimmed up a dogwood, redbud, my small sassafras grove, and removed a wild volunteer maple (12 foot tall) in our spice bush (4 foot), all in the front yard. Debris filled the back of my pickup over the cab, with me jumping up and down on it to smash it down.

    Didn't get my yard mowed as wife and I went to replace her phone and then saw a movie (Captain America, Civil War). Stayed within my calories (just) but didn't reach my burn or step goals for the day.

    Belly full of popcorn and candy is not motivation to workout.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Sunday 5/29

    TDEE: 4,269 cals
    Steps 20,668
    Active Minutes: 272

    Started the day with a 30 minute jog @ 5 mph (no walks) but still needed another hour on the treadmill @ 2.5 mph in the evening to get my step goal in.

    Haven't jogged since growing season started 3 months ago. (And feeling it this morning.) Good to know I still can. RHR 61 bpm this morning.

    True rest day today in honor of the Memorial Day holiday. Nothing planned but time with family and the charcoal grill.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Monday 5/30

    Memorial Day (rest day)

    TDEE: 2,452 cals
    Steps: 6,067
    Active Minutes: 11

    Missed my calorie goal but my intake was still under my burn... by 23 calories.

  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Tuesday 5/31

    TDEE: 3,837 cals
    Steps: 26,245
    Active Minutes: 140

    Back in the "Zone"!

    Four days to get five days of mowing in. And, if we make it, the reward is shrub trimming all day Saturday. Also... yup, chances of rain every day. Super.

    Gotta love short holiday weeks.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Wednesday 6/1

    TDEE: 3,568 cals
    Steps: 21,132
    Active Minutes: 112

    Rained out about mid afternoon, so did about an hour on the treadmill @ 2.5 mph to achieve my burn and step goals.

    Rain chances today over 70% around noon, so getting caught up on mowing this week not looking good.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Thursday 6/2

    TDEE: 3,765 cals
    Steps: 23,633
    Active Minutes: 114

    Light scattered rain during first hours of morning. Worked around it. Got pretty damp. Then sun came out and had good day. Finished mowing list. Back at shop by dusk for another 12 plus hour day. Not quite caught up for the week but close.

    So, of course, it is raining now as I type. Looks like it will continue, on and off, most of today.

    A little concerned as weight has been creeping up since Memorial Day weekend. Not sure what I'm doing different.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Friday 6/3

    TDEE: 3,324 cals
    Steps: 15,735
    Active Minutes: 98

    Rained all morning. Went to the shop about 9:30 am and worked on moving snow plow from old and busted black Ford to new and shiny red Ford. Also sharpened two and a half hedge trimmers (still need to finish one). Started mowing at 2:30 pm. Two large campuses. Back at shop around 7 pm. Mowing list far from complete.

    Back home, wife had doughnuts for our oldest who apparently has moved back in and been sleeping on couch last few nights with a cold. I must be tired... downed two doughnuts without thinking. Kept eating

    Needed 50 minutes on treadmill to make my activity goals. Ate instead.

    Should have gone to bed at 9... too busy eating.

    No idea how many calories I ate but wrote down 6,000... in red. True Weight trending app says (also in red) this morning I'm up 0.6 lbs for last seven days.

    Enough whining. Its only a small bump in a long road.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Saturday 6/4

    TDEE: 3,993 cals
    Steps: 28,701
    Active Minutes: 206

    A good day. Despite all the rain (which we needed), we managed to finish the week's mowing. Even had time once we got back to the shop to mow it's 4 acres. (Still have to mow my own place sometime today.)

    Next week's forecast is warm and dry. Temps into the nineties by the end of the week. My kinda weather!
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Sunday 6/5

    TDEE: 3,529
    Steps: 21,868
    Active Minutes: 181

    Had to put in another 1.25 hours on the treadmill @ 2.5 mph late last night, even after my morning run, to meet my activity goals for the week. But meet them I did.

    Scale is also starting to tip back toward the right direction. Weight trend is down 0.1 lbs this morning.

    Looking forward to a great week.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Monday 6/6

    TDEE: 4,031 cals
    Steps: 25,719
    Active Minutes: 229

    And a great first day it was. Finished off mowing list and shrub trimming list for day in only 9 hrs 25 mins. Feels like getting out of school early.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Tuesday 6/7

    TDEE: 3,971 cals
    Steps: 23,372
    Active Minutes: 160

    Truly a gorgeous early summer day. Only clouds in the sky are drifting contrails. THIS is why I retired from an indoor job.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Wednesday 6/8

    TDEE: 4,585 cals
    Steps: 34,513
    Active Minutes: 276

    Another absolutely gorgeous day in the Ozarks.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Thursday 6/9

    TDEE: 4,198 cals
    Steps: 30,255
    Active Minutes: 251

    Weekly mowing list about done. Another couple of hours this morning should finish it off and then its on to shrub trimming the rest of today and tomorrow. Maybe spread some fertilizer (fert for short) too.

    Get shrubs and fert out of the way and things should slow down again for the summer. Short 6 to 8 hours days during the summer heat would be nice.

    Temps today in 90s (F) with increasing humidity (currently 78%, dew point 62F), UV index 10 (very high), wind SSE 5 to 10 mph.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Friday 6/10

    TDEE: 4,019 cals
    Steps: 22,110
    Active Minutes: 235