Making Excercise a Habit



  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Saturday 6/11

    TDEE: 4,014 cals
    Steps: 26,537
    Active Minutes: 192

    Another week done. I'll admit, even for me, it was starting to get hot and muggy there the last couple of days.

    This next week, the humidity starts cranking. Highs in the low 90s every day with chances of rain every day, increasing as the week goes by. Temps drop back into mid 80s on Friday.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Sunday 6/12

    TDEE: 2,044 cals
    Steps: 2,528
    Active Minutes: 0

    I did get out of bed... and that's about it. Truly a day of rest.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Monday 6/13

    TDEE: 5,145 cals (PB)
    Steps: 35,355
    Active Minutes: 394 (PB)

    Guessing the PBs are more from working in the heat than increase of activities. We did do shrub trimming on two yards in addition to the normal mowing.

    Today's temps pretty much like yesterday's, just touching 90s, then the next three days get warmer. Mid 90s. Still chances of rain every day.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Tuesday 6/14

    TDEE: 3,736 cals
    Steps: 20,134
    Active Minutes: 125

    A two liter Gatorade day. First of the season.

    Next three days have heat indexes in the triple digits (F). Hoping to get some yards mowed with getting heat stroke.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member

    Kinda changes the meaning of that last statement.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Wednesday 6/15

    TDEE: 3,524 cals
    Steps: 20,335
    Active Minutes: 117

    Knocked off work at 4:30 pm due to heat. Put 35 minutes on treadmill @ 2 mph to meet my activity goals for the day.

    Two more excessive heat days to go.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Thursday 6/16

    TDEE: 4,117 cals
    Steps: 22,437
    Active Minutes: 193

    Knocked off about 3:30 pm as heat index was 101F.

    Only a couple of yards left on the day list and everyone was getting a bit grumpy. Boss said if we finish the weekly mowing list today (Friday) we get the whole two day weekend off.

    Today is the last day of a three day killer heat wave. Had a storm roll through last night about 2 am so there will be plenty of humidity in the air.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Friday 6/17

    TDEE: 3,572 cals
    Steps: 22,270
    Active Minutes: 192

    Finished weekly mowing list AND knocked off at 2:30 pm with heat index of 100F. Had to add 30 minutes on the treadmill at 2.5 mph to make activity goals, but made it.

    Nothing but chores to do the next two whole days!!! Probably through in a 5K run Sunday, just to keep from getting bored. :-)
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Saturday 6/18

    TDEE: 2,865 cals
    Steps: 13,398
    Active Minutes: 94

    Just chores. Burned the brush pile, mowed the shop, turned the compost heaps. That sort of thing. Beautiful day to be outside!
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Monday 6/20

    TDEE: 4,345 cals
    Steps: 28,574
    Active Minutes: 261

    Weatherman promised cooler weather this week. He was wrong. Highs in mid 90s all week. [grr]

    Sorry, helped a friend trailer his car back home after work (four hour round trip) and short on sleep. Woke up this morning with less than 5 hours under my belt. Makes me cranky.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Tuesday 6/21

    TDEE: 3,617 cals
    Steps: 21,564
    Active Minutes: 120

    Other than heat, an easy day. Had to put an hour on the treadmill @ 2.5mph after dinner to meet my activity goals for the day.

    Also managed 7 hours of sleep so feeling human again. Ready to deal with another 95F humid day.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Wednesday 6/22

    TDEE: 3,579 cals
    Steps: 21,719
    Active Minutes: 94

    Had to add 45 minutes on the treadmill @ 2.5 mph to meet my activity goals for the day.

    Really starting to see the effects of the heat and being 8 plus inches behind in rainfall for the year. Even the irrigated lawns are showing heat stress.

    More mid 90s the rest of the this week and now into middle of next.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    edited June 2016
    Thursday 6/23

    TDEE: 3,202 cals
    Steps: 13,079
    Active Minutes: 93

    Yup, heat is getting to me. Got home and needed 90 minutes on the treadmill to meet my activity goals... not gonna happen. Polished off half a package of cinnamon Bun Oreos instead. Went over my calorie budget for the day by 936 cals,

    My only saving grace for the whole day was hitting the rack at 8:30 pm. Got a full 8 hours sleep and hear a drizzle outside right now.

    I just might survive this heat wave after all.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Friday 6/24

    TDEE: 2,882 cals
    Steps: 10,595
    Active Minutes: 26

    Drizzled on and off most of the day. Stayed in the shop and did maintenance. Oil changes, air filter cleaning, sharpening trimmers and chain saws, took care of a flat tire on the skid-steer, and those many minor adjustments that make the equipment a joy rather than a curse to work with. A good productive day.

    By the time I got home, I would've need nearly two hours on the treadmill to make my activity goals. Went to Long John Silver's instead (I did stay within my calorie budget), and then hit the rack early again.

    This last week of heat has taken its toll and I'm listening to my body, giving it some much needed rest.

    We should easily finish the mowing list today. Not sure what other jobs the boss may put on the list. Still have a few 'Spring' shrub trimmings to finish up and some fertilizer to put down, maybe some sod work.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Saturday 6/25

    TDEE: 4,604 cals
    Steps: 37,334
    Active Minutes: 321

    Good day! Heat Index never went over low 90's. Muggy and warm but not exhaustively so.

    And sleep bucket is full. Tried for 8 hours last night but was up after 7 and 20. Just couldn't stay in bed any longer.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Sunday 6/26

    TDEE: 2,397 cals
    Steps: 4,233
    Active Minutes: 51

    I was on the knife's edge with my intake calories... then my wife baked bolillo rolls with swiss cheese on top [drool].
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Monday 6/27

    TDEE: 4,557 cals
    Steps: 32,051
    Active Minutes: 309

    Muggy day. Heat Index in low 90s. Short pop-up showers during afternoon doing nothing but adding to humidity.

    Today will be the same. Currently humidity is 90%
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Tuesday 6/27

    TDEE: 3,656 cals
    Steps: 19,882
    Active Minutes: 144

    Finished day's mowing list with time to also finish steps 2 & 3 (out of 5 yearly steps) of our fertilizer program. Boss says if no rain-outs and we finish the weekly mowing list, we get three days off this weekend for the Fourth.

    Only problem with a long three day weekend... is the short four day week afterward. Still have to squeeze in five days of mowing.

    Also not finished with 'Spring' shrub trimming list. Getting pretty far into Summer for 'Spring' trimming.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Wednesday 6/29

    TDEE: 3,523 cals
    Steps: 22,244
    Active Minutes: 105

    Morning was pleasant, both temp and humidity down. Afternoon... not so much. Finished day with no issues but ran through some pop-up showers on way back to shop.

    Weight not dropping, but not gaining either. Guessing its the heat. Not going to worry about it.

    Survive the Summer is the name of the game. Hottest is usually a four week stretch, last two weeks of July and first two weeks of August. After that, its down hill into Fall leaf clean-ups.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Thursday 6/30

    TDEE: 3,760
    Steps: 22,875
    Active Minutes: 153

    Got caught in a pop-up shower just before lunch. Refreshing at the time, yes. Comfortable afterward, no.

    Rumor for today is, one school campus, but just around main building (no playing fields today) and a couple sq.yrd. of mulch to put down.

    Should be done in time for lunch at home, and then a three day weekend to look forward to.