

  • Yeah, this seems odd. I'm 5'6, 150lb and am about 33% body fat, and I'm not exactly an athlete.
  • start with this: OR this: do it for about three months, then change over to something else, after having researched a little bit and learned about your body!! btw, you don't have to drop cardio…
  • i'd just worry that if you start feeling dizzy, one day you might faint while the treadmill is still running. treadmill rash isn't funny. have you considered HIIT? less dizzying, but still not long sessions:
  • What are you looking for? If you just want a flat stomach, that's entirely weight control. If you want it to look "fit" you can do a ton of ab exercises at home: bicycles, sit ups, planks, side-planks, hanging leg raises [tho you need a bar to hang off of]. Also, yoga dvd's are great for core work.
  • dude just eat right and exercise. think of it this way: even if you lose all that weight with the pill, how will you maintain your new weight? will you take the pill forever? no, you'll have to exercise and eat right, like you should've been doing to lose weight in the first place. it's a skill, not a hard one, but still…
  • thanks to all of you! removed the sushi entry for another "generic" one. Similar calorie count -- insanely different split!
  • While you are certainly not "spot-losing" on your back, you are slowly bulking the layer of muscle underneath the fat. If you throw a blanket over differently sized objects, it's going to look different. Your fat is getting pushed into new places because muscle is taking up a little more space.
  • find some users on this website that looks like you want to look and ask them what they do. "look toned" is very vague and can mean a lot of things.
  • Please go see a nutritionist. They are covered by most health plans and will be able to guide you to a decent eating regime that can help you keep competitively thin + get all of your micronutrients. Just so you know, these: are some of the risks of under-eating in the long-term.
  • Unfortunately not. Muscle doesn't fly on that quickly for anyone, even guys. I've been doing my lifting program for about the same amount of time as you, and I've not seen any gain, except maybe a little definition in my arms. I haven't lost a ton of weight either, but that's cause I am a bit of a pig. However, when I'm…
  • I found it was easiest to set mine to sedentary and then just add in how much i exercise per day. has been working OK for the past month or so.
  • No reason to change your routine unless results have plateaued. Splits are nice if you go to the gym every day or don't have much time at the gym, full body workouts are great if you go only a few times a week and have a bit more time.
  • Fantastic! Your belly is cut! What sort of exercises did you do?
  • 40 pounds in five months word work out to 2 pounds a week. At 240 that is certainly possible, but be careful! You will be hungrier than if you did only a pound a week: you may end up binge eating. Try it, but if you are too hungry: 1) eat more protein, fat, and vegetables; still too hungry: 2) spread out your meals; still…
  • Do you have any access to a gym? You might be better off starting w/ a class or a training session. If not, this is a "program picker"
  • They're great. Swapping between the treadmill and the elliptical will challenge you a lot! They work slightly different muscles and are often adjustable. If possible, use on with swinging arms. It's a great warm up for your upper body while bangin out your cardio! Also, crank up that resistance. You can work 2x as hard...…
  • consider weight lifting. I weighed about 125 in high school but I looked tubby. In college I weighed 135, had a smaller waist size, and had a pretty flat belly. Also, don't worry too much about the thigh gap. It's down to anatomical differences, sometimes. ::