Phentermine - Adepix P

Today is the first time I have taken Phentermine. I was curious if anyone else has taken this and if so, how long did it take to get in your system and work? Curious to read other success stories.


  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
  • dude just eat right and exercise. think of it this way: even if you lose all that weight with the pill, how will you maintain your new weight? will you take the pill forever? no, you'll have to exercise and eat right, like you should've been doing to lose weight in the first place. it's a skill, not a hard one, but still you need to LEARN a new lifestyle. you might as well learn to do that properly while you lose weight.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I don't do any type of diet drugs or diet food so I can't help you there but...

    You have already lost 22lbs without phentermine...why did you decide to start taking it to lose the last 15?
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    The minute you stop the pill most people gain back the weight plus more, besides that, what about bad side effects it does to your body. Why not just eat at a deficit and exercise?

    Read this:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    A lot of these threads get deleted because this isn't a very healthy weight loss technique. You will also get a lot of insight into the bad side effects and not a lot of success stories...this is because the people who have been most successful on this site do it through slightly reduced calorie consumption and more exercise. It takes about six months to get the hang of it, and then you are like "Was it really this easy all along?"
  • leslie_shoemaker
    leslie_shoemaker Posts: 22 Member
    dude just eat right and exercise. think of it this way: even if you lose all that weight with the pill, how will you maintain your new weight? will you take the pill forever? no, you'll have to exercise and eat right, like you should've been doing to lose weight in the first place. it's a skill, not a hard one, but still you need to LEARN a new lifestyle. you might as well learn to do that properly while you lose weight.

    First, I'm a woman not a dude. Secondly, I have two medical conditions that would benefit greatly from weight loss (PCOS and asthma). I lost the weight that I did lose (the 22 pounds) in 2012. I have been under close supervision of a medical doctor (because of the asthma) and dieting/ exercising and nothing was working. The prescription is a start not a "forever".

  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    You will get no support here or advice. Sorry, but I wouldn't waste your time and would look elsewhere.
    Good luck.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    ditch those and take raspberry ketones instead. or green coffee bean extract. or methamphetamine.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    my doc put me on it a few weeks ago should only take a day or two. just remember to eat and work out you should be fine
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I took it years ago for fatigue. It was a nightmare. It made me compulsive. I could not sit down or be still even though I was exhausted and I often found myself vacuuming at 2 a.m. and similar things. I had to force myself to eat and nothing tasted good.

    Please be very careful with this drug and make sure to check in regularly with your doctor. Also make sure you're taking in enough calories.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    dude just eat right and exercise. think of it this way: even if you lose all that weight with the pill, how will you maintain your new weight? will you take the pill forever? no, you'll have to exercise and eat right, like you should've been doing to lose weight in the first place. it's a skill, not a hard one, but still you need to LEARN a new lifestyle. you might as well learn to do that properly while you lose weight.

    First, I'm a woman not a dude. Secondly, I have two medical conditions that would benefit greatly from weight loss (PCOS and asthma). I lost the weight that I did lose (the 22 pounds) in 2012. I have been under close supervision of a medical doctor (because of the asthma) and dieting/ exercising and nothing was working. The prescription is a start not a "forever".


    I have PCOS and asthma as well, won't touch that with a 10 ft pole. Don't waste your time or money. As others said, you won't find much, if any, support for that.
  • MMulder68
    MMulder68 Posts: 139 Member
    In 2012, I took them. They did work and I lost 30 lbs. But when I stopped taking them I gained slowly my weight back. But part of that was not eating correctly. However, I have now lost that 30 +5 more I feel the right way. I have followed MFP on the calories end, made adjustments to my macros, exercise and I am losing! I encourage u not to take them. I also had withdrawals when I went off of them like sleep problems and headaches. Whatever u decide....I hope u have a great weight loss journey. Ignore rude comments.....there are a lot of people on here that do not know how to be kind and answer questions.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    I took it years ago for fatigue. It was a nightmare. It made me compulsive. I could not sit down or be still even though I was exhausted and I often found myself vacuuming at 2 a.m. and similar things. I had to force myself to eat and nothing tasted good.

    Please be very careful with this drug and make sure to check in regularly with your doctor. Also make sure you're taking in enough calories.

    ^^ This.

    I took them for fatigue and weightloss, and it was a nightmare for me as well. At first I experienced a burst of energy, followed by a false sense of euphoria but after a few hours I would have extreme lows to the point of feeling suicidal. I was moody and irritable and not very pleasant to be around. It was like cocaine in pill form. Not to mention they caused insomnia, and sure I lost over 70 lbs because I had absolute zero appetite and when I did try to eat NOTHING tasted good. I survived on diet soda and a string cheese at most per day, and only because I forced it down. Eventually my blood pressure shot up and I had to stop taking the pill because of that and the chest pains I started to experience. Once I started eating regularly I put on every single pound I lost back plus another 30.

    So OP, no I don't think you'll have anyone here encouraging you to take them as it is NOT a quick fix or a healthy way to "jump start" weightloss.

    Good luck!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Ha! Did I call it or what?
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    In 2012, I took them. They did work and I lost 30 lbs. But when I stopped taking them I gained slowly my weight back. But part of that was not eating correctly. However, I have now lost that 30 +5 more I feel the right way. I have followed MFP on the calories end, made adjustments to my macros, exercise and I am losing! I encourage u not to take them. I also had withdrawals when I went off of them like sleep problems and headaches. Whatever u decide....I hope u have a great weight loss journey. Ignore rude comments.....there are a lot of people on here that do not know how to be kind and answer questions.

    It's not that we're trying to be rude. At least I know I'm not. I'm just trying to point out to her that PCOS and asthma are not good reasons to justify using a drug that has known terrible side effects and will not help keep weight off long term. It's a shortcut, and not a good one at that. Support can mean telling someone something they may not want to hear but is the truth. In this case, we're being very supportive by doing exactly that. We're not going to offer fake support that will just have the OP back here in a year saying "welp, gained it all back"
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Phish. Not everyone experiences terrible side effects nor gains back the weight after using Phen. But anyone who would come on MFP and say so would have to be crazy to put up with the ridicule and self righteousness of some on this board. And I am not saying anyone who posted here. This is not the place to get support for using Phen.
  • BPL021
    BPL021 Posts: 3
    I have been taking phentermine for a few weeks now. I have also been taking B12 vitamin injections weekly, as long as chromium picolinate, and mega ditex plus chromium. The last 2 are just supplements, and the vitamins I go in the clinic to get them. Honestly it works if you take them how you are supposed to. I lost about 1lb/day on average. I only did it for a week because I didn't have the money to go take another shot at the moment. But you should be warned, when you get off these pills it is very common for you to have major weight gain. It has happened to a few people I know. Once you start to get off it, don't do it all at once. Ease your way out of it within about one month or so.

    Good luck on your endeavor!
  • JamieBeth19
    JamieBeth19 Posts: 47 Member
    I had tried phentermine last year, I did lose about 15 pounds. I have since then gained it back and am now trying to do it the old fashioned way. Phentermine took about 3 days to really start kicking in however my doctor started me out cutting them in half for the first 2 days. I was really off the wall energetic, not hungry at all. I most likely was giving off adult ADHD vibes to people and I do not have ADHD, I was just very off the wall hyped up.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I took for a while in about 2007. Got the jitters and kept forgetting to eat. I lost 20 pounds in just a couple of weeks and then I kept passing out. One day at work I thought I was having a heart attack (I was only 22 years old) and was rushed to the ER. I had to stop taking it. I gained back the 20 pounds, then I put on another 20.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member

    Phentermine worked for me.

    In June 2013, my physician started me on a medically supervised 1200 calorie weight loss program. I took Phentermine for appetite suppressant in the morning, visited his office once each week for a B-complex shot, and got an In-Body analysis each month.

    The Physician's Assistant suggested I try MyFitnessPal to go along with my 1200 calorie diet, and I am quite pleased that he did. This has been a great way to track my food -- I tried hand writing my own tracker but it was a disaster.

    For the first month, I took 18.5 mg phentermine each morning, and found myself consuming around 1450 calories. The appetite suppressant gave me the control to avoid cravings and start making choices about my food. However, I did not start learning seriously until the second month.

    For the second and third months, I took 37mg phentermine, and regularly hit my goal of 1200 calories. I started learning how to eat at 1200 calories because it is not just about eating less of the same stuff as before; it is also about hitting my macro targets. I started walking in the second month, and increased that in the third month until I was walking 5k several times per week. I regularly hit my macro targets, and started eating back my exercise calories.

    For the fourth month, I started tapering the Phentermine back to 18.5 mg, and I shifted my calorie goal to 1600. Since I burn around 300-500 each day in exercise, I simply quit viewing it as eating back my exercise calories and started seeing it as the appropriate caloric intake for my activity level. That helps me avoid coming to the end of a day, being starving after working out, and eating whatever is handy. Eating 1200 plus eating back exercise calories always meant that I was hungry in the evening and eating whatever was handy to cover my exercise calories. Eating 1600 and not worrying about exercise calories lets me have more control over the day and over the week.

    For the fifth month, I tapered my phentermine down to 9.75mg (1/4 pill), with the goal of stopping the appetite suppressant entirely. I maintained my target of 1600 calories, although the colder weather made it a little harder to get my exercise.

    For the past 7 weeks, I have been completely off the Phentermine and I continue to make progress. I am still losing around 1 pound per week. My food choices are much better because the drug allowed me the time to learn. I cannot imagine people being able to learn about food and choices without having the support of the suppressant. I guess that's why most people who do it on their own end up failing and gaining back all of the weight. They never learned what was necessary because they were always struggling with their choices.

    I have made steady progress each month. The appetite suppressant gave me the ability to make choices and learn about food. As I have learned more, I have been able to rely less on the pills. Now I don't take them at all but I continue to use what I learned.

    Phentermine stops the cravings so you can learn how to make choices.