is lifting the only way to get my desired tummy?

i did read a lot of posts and topic here in MFP and almost everyone says to heavy lift. however, i don't have a gym membership or equipment, so what should i do? i am doing the 30 day shred but not sure if 20 min a day is enough. "oh, and please dont leave mean or snarky comments, im sensitive:blushing:


  • rie_q
    rie_q Posts: 73
    You can use things around the house to "lift"... Bags of flour, bags of rice etc... Just an idea to think outside the box!
  • What are you looking for? If you just want a flat stomach, that's entirely weight control. If you want it to look "fit" you can do a ton of ab exercises at home: bicycles, sit ups, planks, side-planks, hanging leg raises [tho you need a bar to hang off of].

    Also, yoga dvd's are great for core work.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    from losing weight/NO strength training/lifting at time pictures were taken. Now I'm doing an at home strength training program and that's making my flat stomach not feel as 'soft', but really, who's going to be poking it besides me anyways lol. I added the strength training because I needed new goals to work towards now that I'm in maintenance. But, I got a flat stomach from losing the weight, getting my bmi in the 19 range, and then I also was doing a bit of walking and jogging (a total of 6-8 miles a week when the pictures were taken.

    ETA: I had sidesteel and sarauk do a bf % estimate on me, from my profile pictures, and they put me at around 17%. Again, that's just from losing the weight and a bit of walking/jogging :smile:
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    from losing weight/NO strength training/lifting at time pictures were taken. Now I'm doing an at home strength training program and that's making my flat stomach not feel as 'soft', but really, who's going to be poking it besides me anyways lol. I added the strength training because I needed new goals to work towards now that I'm in maintenance. But, I got a flat stomach from losing the weight, getting my bmi in the 19 range, and then I also was doing a bit of walking and jogging (a total of 6-8 miles a week when the pictures were taken.

    ETA: I had sidesteel and sarauk do a bf % estimate on me, from my profile pictures, and they put me at around 17%. Again, that's just from losing the weight and a bit of walking/jogging :smile:

    wow that is soo amazing you look like that w/out lifting!! if you mind me asking, did you have a pooch? i feel like around my belly it is very rounded
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    from losing weight/NO strength training/lifting at time pictures were taken. Now I'm doing an at home strength training program and that's making my flat stomach not feel as 'soft', but really, who's going to be poking it besides me anyways lol. I added the strength training because I needed new goals to work towards now that I'm in maintenance. But, I got a flat stomach from losing the weight, getting my bmi in the 19 range, and then I also was doing a bit of walking and jogging (a total of 6-8 miles a week when the pictures were taken.

    ETA: I had sidesteel and sarauk do a bf % estimate on me, from my profile pictures, and they put me at around 17%. Again, that's just from losing the weight and a bit of walking/jogging :smile:

    wow that is soo amazing you look like that w/out lifting!! if you mind me asking, did you have a pooch? i feel like around my belly it is very rounded

    I've had three kids, enough said :tongue:
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    :love: wow

    you are my idol!!
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    how long did it take you to get to how u are now?
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    how long did it take you to get to how u are now?

    Started losing the weight last October in the 170s. Hit my original goal in April, of 135lbs, then decided to keep losing because I wasn't happy with where I was at. Kept losing, and this is when I added in walking a mile a day (5-6 days a week). Kept losing weight over the summer, at a slower pace (I was in semi-maintenance at that point). Added more walking and a bit of jogging late summer/fall (started running 1 mile, walking 1 mile, 4-5 times a week). Hit under 120lbs early fall and really focused on maintenance at that point.

    My maintenance range is 117-120lbs and with the winter weather I now do the 3 days of strength training (on week 6 of Mark Lauren's Body By You program), and then since Christmas I've been doing the mini-trampoline 2 times a week for 30 minutes. I've totally cut out the walking and running (-3 out right now!). Soooo, all said and done about a year :smile:
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    wow thats amazing! great job, and i hope i can do it as you have!