

  • A) What equipment do you use? Power cage, bench, three barbells (luxury), two paris of dumbbells, a miscellany of weights, and a weight belt. Everything but the bench and power cage came from the garage sales and charity shops. My wife uses the dumbbells, mostly, but also a big rubber ball thing. B) Do you use any dvds,…
  • I'm male, 5'10. I lost about 40 lbs in 2000 and again in 2011 (starting at 200+ lbs both times). It took about six months ... about five months for 30 lbs.
  • Keep in mind that you probably don't need to be drinking *eight* glasses of water a day, anyhow ... 'Everyone has heard the advice, "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day." That's about 1.9 liters, which isn't that different from the Institute of Medicine recommendations. Although the "8 by 8" rule isn't supported by…
  • My own experience was that moderation was not an option for bread or pasta - if I ate some, I ate it more and I ate it more often (and I found that whole-wheat pasta was like eating shredded cardboard). So my wife and I had to just cut them out almost completely. You get used to making and eating other things after a…
  • Gout is a funny beast - for such a common problem, it seems very ill understood. If you followed everyone's advise, I guess you would have to cut out most of the protein, the fat, *and* the carbs. Have you tried that?
  • The article "Gout: The Missing Chapter from Grood Calories, Bad Calories" on Tim Ferris' web site is worth a read ... Here's one of the key bits ... "The evidence arguing for sugar or fructose as the primary cause of gout is two-fold. First, the distribution of gout in…
  • That does make more sense :) Yes, I prepare some food ahead of time to reduce the temptation to eat out at lunch or to make a quick supper an option. My wife and I* make a big pot of chilli most weekends: that does most of our lunches for the week plus a lazy supper or two (often combined with an omelette). I like to cook…
  • Intresting: my gout attacks became far, far less frequent and severe after I started losing weight. I started dropping weight (from 200+ to about 165 on a 5'10' frame) after adopting a low-ish carb diet (lots of meat and eggs, plenty of fat). When gout hits me these days - generally just small morning twinges - it…
  • I don't even understand the question. Is "prep" the same as "cook" or "make"?
  • I guess we do not all mean the same thing by "home-made yoghurt". Which means we don't mean the same thing when we say "yoghurt." To me, yoghurt is a sort of fermented milk; to others, it's a snack food based on yoghurt. And so "sugar-free yoghurt" will mean something quite different, depending on what you mean by…
  • What about plain, all-natural yoghurt? Would you consider plain yoghurt to be sugar free? It has some naturally occurring milk sugars, of course. But that's just the way God made it.
  • "And it's probably never going to be cheaper than McDonald's value meal dollar menu." Nonsense. I'm a man, 5'10", 170 lbs. The cheapest meal I could eat at McDonald's - and feel that I've eaten a meal - would be about $5 for three value-menu bacon cheeseburgers (no fries, no pop - about 1,000 calories). My home-cooked…
  • I lost 40lbs (5'10" male) and dropped nearly half a size. I started having to wear heavier socks with some shoes, and there was one slightly-too-big pair of boots that I had to get inserts for.
  • I don't do push-ups very often, except 10-12 during my warm-up at the gym. But sometimes when I do a stop-gap workout at home, I'll see how many push-ups I can do in a row. It's usually about 45 - 50 before I get too weak ... or, I should be honest, bored.
  • I weigh myself every morning - same routine as several others here: get up, pee, weigh myself. There difference from one day to the next can be almost 2 lbs. so the daily weighing lets see through the noise of the short-term variation to the trend.
  • It's ... interesting. Not great. But fascinating to see writers like Christie, Sayers, Knox, and Chesterton playing off and against one another.
  • "I know it sounds like overkill, but I use my protein powder and a splash of chocolate syrup. I have to blend it for a few seconds to get the powder mixed in, but it's definitely healthier than using cream" What's unhealthy about cream? Or do you mean "creamer"?
  • That's a whole lot of time at the gym. And you're not enjoying it? Sounds like a recipe for failure. Maybe you need to change your routine. Do some 20-minute intense body-weight work at home. Or work out less often, but with heavier weights (your body will need the time to recover, anyhow). It's absolutely possible to…
    in 40's Comment by moylek January 2014
  • "I use fat free 1/2 and 1/2 by Land O Lakes." I must admit that I've always been puzzled that they can call it half-and-half when it has no fat. "Half-and-half" should be, by definition, half milk and half cream - so about 10% fat. Anyhow ... I used to drink a standard double-double: two cream, two sugar. I cut back on the…
  • I peaked at about 6 lbs over my mid-December weight. At this point, I'm about 4 lbs up. I liked what someone suggested in another thread some weeks ago: rather than look at this as a binge-and-atonement cycle, I considered all these extra calories to be extra fuel, so I lifted a little harder to make use of it. I'm pretty…
  • I wouldn't worry too much about a diet and fitness routine tailored for men at first. My wife changed the way we ate last year. She lost 30lbs, I lost 40lbs. Then I started lifting weights and replaced some of the lost fat with a bit of muscle. Probably it would have been better for me to start weight lifting earlier ...…
  • I'm in my mid-40s. Down about 40lbs from what I weighed at 40 and in better shape than I've been since my early 20s. Granted, the body changes. I can't eat the way I did as a teen (endlessly), and I can't run the way I did in my 20s (effortlessly). But 40 is way too young to give up. :)
  • I wouldn't say that you're fat, exactly, but you've got a freakishly round tummy for a 33 year-old man.
  • For a morning or mid-morning protein shake, I usually use yesterday's leftover coffee as a base - frugal and flavourful .... - 1/2 cup or so of saved, cold coffee - 1 scoop plain whey powder - 2-3 tablespoons peanut butter (Kraft; no sugar, no salt) - teaspoon vanilla extract - generous dashes of cinnamon - two ice cubes…
  • All the best. You've chosen a reasonable rate and a quantifiable method. Keep us posted!
  • "It's just very hard to maintain long term weight loss when you are on such a restricted diet. If you can't eat the foods you enjoy, eventually you will reach a breaking point. You're going to crack then revert right back to old habits." walterc7 Well, not so very hard in my experience. I really, really loved pasta, pizza…
  • I cut out almost all flour and added sugars about 16 mos. ago: I stopped eating pasta, cookies, bread (and rice) and stopped putting sugar in my coffee. I'm not dogmatic: I have a richly iced chocolate cupcake every Friday at lunch and I eat two to four squares of good chocolate after some meals. But that's it. I dropped…