To the people who workout at home.....



  • cyndiee1
    cyndiee1 Posts: 24
    A) What equipment do you use? Elliptical, pull up/dip station and my feet (walking and agility with dogs)

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc? Tried DVDs and get bored with them...same thing over and over. I now use FitStar app on iPad, which the subscription is a dynamic workout and I love it.

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg? My workouts are bodyweight

    D) How long do you workout for? 1/2 per day on workouts and 1/2 walking.

    E) How many times a week? 7 days walking, 5 days workouts and/or agility
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    A) What equipment do you use?

    -Olympic weight sets (bar & bumpers)
    -Adjustable Dumbbells
    -Squat Stands
    -Spin Bike
    -Heavy/Speed Bags
    -Torque F1 Cable Machine

    Yes, I literally have a full gym in my house. I've been slowly adding to it for the past 8 years, plus I also do Personal Training out of my home.
    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc?

    How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg?

    Depends on the lift, but anywhere from 75% of my Bodyweight to over 150% of my Bodyweight
    I would prefer to tone, so I am thinking lighter weights but more reps.

    Toning is the absence of fat and the presence of muscle. You need to LIFT HEAVY to gain muscle. All you'll do with lighter weights with more reps is spin your wheels and get nowhere. Calorie deficit is how you lose fat.
    D) How long do you workout for?

    My lifting sessions usually last 60-70 minutes, cardio 20-30 minutes.
    E) How many times a week?

    6 days/week
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    A) What equipment do you use? Currently: Incline walking treadmill, exercise mat, light dumbbells; may get a kettlebell and resistance bands in future

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc? Yes, most of my routines come from Fitness Blender (via youtube or

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg? I'm early in my training & don't have much room in my apartment, so just 3 and 5 lb dumbbells for now.

    I would prefer to tone, so I am thinking lighter weights but more reps.

    D) How long do you workout for? 30-40 mins

    E) How many times a week? 4-5

    Also your general feedback about workout out at home over the gym. I work out at home mostly because I don't have the money for a gym membership at the moment; that said, I do like that fact that I can better fit workouts into my day at home. I can also alter workouts or take a break if I need one without feeling self-conscious (I have asthma & a few other health problems).
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    A) What equipment do you use?

    I do a bodyweight strength routine ( plus a couple dumbbell exercises (one arm rows and overhead presses.) For the pullups, I made a bar by looping ratchet straps over the beams in our basement and threading a pipe through them. I use the treadmill sometimes but prefer running outside.

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc?

    I do the 20 minutes Winsor pilates routine (found on Youtube) as a warm up on strength days.

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg?

    For rows I use 24# (~11 kg) and for OHPs I use two 15# (~7 kg) dumbbells. Once I get up to 3 sets of 8 reps I up the weight.

    D) How long do you workout for?

    My strength workout takes 25-35 minutes plus 20 minutes pilates plus stretching. Running is however long it takes to go 2-3.5 miles plus stretching. On any day, I'd say I'm exercising for an hour to hour and 15 minutes.

    E) How many times a week?

    6. Three days strength, three days running.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    Hi there. I am also growing my home gym as I can't afford a gym membership.

    My equipment:

    Barbell with 5 lb. plates (4 plates = 20 lbs. plus the 11 lb. bar)
    Resistance band
    Kettle bell set (5, 10, 15 lbs.)
    Boxing gloves/Punching bag
    Weighted jump rope


    I have so many different workout DVDs. Insanity, 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, Hip Hop Abs, a kettle bell training disc, and a Biggest Loser disc as well. I alternate DVDs when I don't really know what to do for a workout. And they all work well in making sure I get a good sweat session.

    How heavy:

    Currently I do high reps with low weights, as I only have the above weight sets. I want to get heavier dumbbells and heavier plates to add to my bar. I know the biggest part of weight lifting is consistently increasing your weights, and I can't wait to do that and see the results.

    How long:

    I try to always get a 30 minute workout in, if not longer. My goal is to work out 5-6 times a week.

    Hope this along with other replies helps you in your decision to stay at home!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    if you're pressed for space for a bench and barbell, you should look into kettle bells. very versatile weights.
  • merisaOct3
    merisaOct3 Posts: 197 Member
    You've gotten a lot of good responses to your specific questions, so I'll just add this:

    Giving up a gym membership was LIBERATING for me! I now workout 4-5 times per week in the morning, plus I usually add an evening or two workout, and I've been making sure to walk more during the day.

    I love being able to wear whatever I want and be ready to workout by simply walking to the basement and tying my shoes (if I feel like wearing shoes).

    I still add in a yoga class or a group fitness class or a bootcamp session once or twice a week out at a local gym.

    BONUS! I was getting ringworm fungal infections from the dirty gyms, and that's not happening anymore.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    A) What equipment do you use? 5 pound hand weights

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc? I use Latin Dance Fitness on YouTube.

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg? 5 pounds.

    I would prefer to tone, so I am thinking lighter weights but more reps.

    D) How long do you workout for? 20-30

    E) How many times a week? I run two days, take one day off, run two days, etc. I lift weights T/Th/Sat, do my Latin dance M/W/F
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    A) What equipment do you use? Elliptical, endless jogging paths in my community, squat rack, barbells, bench, Olympic weights, Olympic bar, curling bar

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc? No.

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg? Stronglifts got me up to 65 lbs for everything except deadlift. Deadlift was 105 lbs. Deloaded, about to start again.

    I would prefer to tone, so I am thinking lighter weights but more reps. THIS IS A MYTH. Toning? There is no such thing.

    D) How long do you workout for? Walking: 30-90 mins, Elliptical: 15 mins - 45 mins, Strength: 20-40 mins

    E) How many times a week? Walking/Elliptical: 2-3X/week. Strength will be 2X a week. Was doing 3X per week but my knees were not pleased.
  • ordinaryloser
    ordinaryloser Posts: 35 Member
    I'm down 41 lbs and haven't been to a gym yet and I've managed (with a small apartment mind you) to build a decent size "exercise corner" I guess you could call it. I have a weight bench w/ barbell with weights that go up to 200 almost. There's the kettle bells (up to 30lbs), adjustable dumbbells (up to 40-45lbs), yoga mat, ab wheel, resistance bands, stability ball and I believe that's it for now.

    I'm also looking into getting a stepper and a stationary bike. I have countless DVD's (and there's always YouTube) but I hardly use either as sources lately since I've been getting more equipment plus I happen to be on the 3rd floor, so jumping etc is no bueno.

    I usually work out 3-4 times a week anywhere from 45 mins to hr, and on the "rest days" I do mild cardio at my job which has a treadmill and bike. Don't see me ever getting a gym membership tbh. I might use a guest pass from time to time but I do my best work alone in solitude :)
  • CaraRahl
    CaraRahl Posts: 72 Member
    Equipment: small dumbbells (2, 3, and 5 lbs), small kettlebell (10 lbs), resistance bands, jump rope, aerobic step, pilates ball, yoga mat/blocks/strap, and my foam roller (I love my foam roller)

    DVDs: a variety of Jillian Michaels, Beachbody, and Ballet Beautiful DVDs mixed with a large number of FitnessBlender videos

    How Heavy: still working on building up strength, max 10 lbs per hand, don't do barbell yet

    How Long: anywhere from half an hour to 2 hours at a time, depends on the day and what I want to accomplish

    Times per week: every day. once a week is flexibility day (yoga/pilates/stretching blend) and once a week is C25k, the rest involves some form of strength training and/or some type of cardio

    gonna be moving soon/changing jobs and will have time and money for a gym membership, which is exciting since there's a pool and an arena at the gym I'm looking at, which means swimming and skating again, not to mention the chance to try out some more strength training, but I still plan on keeping up with the majority of my home workouts (no feeling self-conscious, I get to try a wide variety of activities, plus if I wake up and want to do kickboxing in my pjs I can ;)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I have recently set up my Garage Gym and love it. It is super convenient, there is always room, no waiting or changing my plans of what I want to do, I can wear what I want and if it's raining I don't have to go out in the wet. If I get hot I can take my top off and I can dance around like a crazy person between sets if I feel like it. No travel time. No creepy dudes staring at me. Awesome all round!

    A) What equipment do you use?
    I have a barbell and 2 dumbbell bars and just under 100kg weight plates between 1.25 - 10kg. 16kg kettlebell, BOSU, Resistance Bands, Gym mats and yoga mat, Spin Bike, skipping rope. Also have a TV/DVD.

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc?
    Just got the Les Mills Pump programme on DVD, looks good for days when I want to zone out and not plan a workout. Also have P90X, Jillian Michaels Shred, Pilates and Yoga. I've only done the Pilates so far, usually I plan and do my own weight training.

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg?
    I don't have a squat rack, so can't go heavy on legs as I can't raise more than 25kg safely up and over my head. So anywhere from 25kg down to 5kg. Lifting weights will give you the curves that you want and if I were you I would lift heavy - believe me, if you think you are getting "bulky" you can always go lighter.. Just give it a try and you will get that "toned" look you want.

    D) How long do you workout for?
    I like to do split routines and supersets, so my weights usually go for about 35-45 minutes and then I chase that up with 10-15 mins HIIT on the bike.

    E) How many times a week?
    3-4. Love it.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    A) What equipment do you use?
    Equipment that i use on a regular basis: A squat rack, barbell, and weights (several sets each of 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 14.8 and 25 lb weights and a set of fractionals) and adjustable dumbbells that go up to 52.5lbs each. I also use a bar in the basement to do partial bodyweight chinups & pullups from. It works ok for now but i think i will soon outgrow it & want to buy a pullup/dip station. (I have a pullup bar but despite checking the measurements carefully before buying, it doesn't fit any of the doorframes in my house. grrrr)

    I also have a few yoga/exercise mats, a stability ball, a high step, a rebounder, a bosu ball, a high stepper machine, rowing machine, recumbent bike & a glider. I have been slacking on cardio for a few months so they are collecting dust, but i hope to start getting some cardio in again soon.

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc?
    a couple years ago i bought P90x and Insanity, but did not care for them so i sold them on amazon. I have some other videos downloaded on my computer (30DS and a few by Jari Love) but i do not use them anymore. If i were to use videos again i would probably go with I like that they have a lot of free routines and there is no music in the background so you can play your own tunes while working out.

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg?
    It varies depending on the lift. Basically for the main lifts i aim to go as heavy as possible. Once i can execute all reps with good form i will increase the weight. I used to increase by 5lbs each time for most lifts, but after a few months i had to drop it to 2.5 lbs. Eventually even that got to be too much for some lifts (OHP & bench press) so currently i am only able to increase by 1-1.5 lbs at a time.........On the accessory lifts i go a bit lighter (what i would consider to be medium/heavy weights) and do higher reps.

    "I would prefer to tone, so I am thinking lighter weights but more reps."---IMO you should lift heavier weight/fewer reps. I did that lighter weight/higher rep thing for a few years and had so-so results. Using heavier weight and doing fewer reps is really working. I am very pleased with how my body (especially my thighs, butt & tummy) is looking smaller, tighter and much less jiggly. If that is the result you are looking for then heavy lifting is what you want to do.

    D) How long do you workout for? / E) How many times a week?

    When i first started heavy lifting i did StrongLifts 5x5 which is a full body workout 3x's a week. Each session took me about 45-50 mins to complete. Then for about 2 months i was adding accessory work to the program and my workouts were running 100-120 mins each. I burned out pretty quick trying to keep up with that volume and found that i was not able to squat 3x's a week anymore, so recently i switched to an upper/lower split which is four days a week. Each session is taking about 60 mins to complete.
  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    A) What equipment do you use?

    I predominantly use my kettlebells but also use dumbbells for isolations etc. I also own resistance bands and a skipping rope, a few hand grippers and some running shoes (which I've never used :p). I also technically own several barbells, plates, a bench, more dumbells etc but they are in storage.

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc?

    No. Though I have watched the "Enter the Kettlebell" DVD.

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg?

    I don't lift heavy at home due to the restrictions of having fairly transient living arrangements. I mostly use a 28kg kettlebell, but also a 20kg one and a ~ 13kg dumbbell (need to buy a heavier one when I am more solvent: curlz for da gurlz).

    D) How long do you workout for?

    20 - 80 minutes, intensity and protocol dependent

    E) How many times a week?

    Used to be 3 - 5. Recently I've been lazy.
  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member
    A) What equipment do you use? mat, adjustable kettlebell (it's small, getting more later), adjustable dumbbells, weighted vest, ankle/wrist weights, swiss ball/physio ball, aerobics step.

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc? Fitness blender. I'm currently following program #1, and I've got the others as well. I highly recommend them, even if you don't buy the program. It's all free, and a huge selection of videos.
    I do have some Jillian Michaels videos, but I find they get repetitive very quickly. They're okay once in a while.

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg? Depends on the exercise. The heaviest I can go for some is 6 kg, others I need 1 or 2 (getting stronger, but not strong yet)

    I like the feeling of lifting heavy weights, and seeing the difference in my strength.

    D) How long do you workout for? Varies widely, from 45-90 minutes (the longer days are usually split into two sessions)

    E) How many times a week? Between 5 and 7 days, the seventh day is usually a light walk and stretching day.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    A. My wee gym has squat rack, barbell, plates, adjustable dumbbells, homemade bench, parallel bars and pull up bars. I share with my daughter so have punchbag, floor to ceiling ball and medicine balls too.

    All mine was bought gradually, as I moved up the weights, so I didn't really notice the expense - it has definitely paid for itself rather than paying for a gym (where I just feel akward)

    B. Haven't used DVDs for a while -, YouTube and books (starting strength, strong curves, wendlers 5/3/1 and NROLFW)

    C. OHP & bench, my heaviest has been 40kg, deadlift 90 and squat 75 but I've been at it for over a year.

    D. Around an hour/hour and a half

    E. Monday to Friday

    Edited as mixed myself up with question order :/
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    A) Precor elliptical, power rack, resistance bands, bench, exercise balls, medicine balls, dumbbells, foam roller, Olympic bar, curl bar, power rack has a pull up bar

    B) I don't use dvds but I have them.

    C) I'm squatting 120 lbs but my husband lifts much more than that. We need to buy more plates for him. I think we have like 200 lbs in weights. We have dumbbells that go up to 50 lbs each.

    D) Until I finish. LIke 45 to 60 minutes for weights, not including cardio

    E) 3 to 4

    I love working out at home. Now I don't have any excuses not to work out.
  • sparklefrogz
    sparklefrogz Posts: 281 Member
    A) What equipment do you use?

    My building's stairwell, one of my walls, my kitchen counter, a chair, a yoga mat.

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc?

    No. I have tried DVDs in the past but it never ends well. I end up pausing for breath, laughing at myself, and cursing the DVD instructor. It's too easy for me to watch DVDs instead of do them.

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg?

    I do bodyweight exercises and weigh 153 lb (11 stone/69.4 kg). We have weights -- they're just only used by my husband right now. I'll pick them up once I feel I'm not getting further benefit from the bodyweight exercises.

    D) How long do you workout for?

    20-30 minutes/day, plus a 20-30 minute walk in the morning.

    E) How many times a week?

    6 days a week. Half of them are bodyweight training using Mark Lauren's "Body By You" program, the other half are stairclimbing.

    Also your general feedback about workout out at home over the gym.

    I've never been a "gym person"; I can come up with way too many excuses not to go. Working out at home removes all of them. My routine is also geared so I can do it anywhere (even when travelling on the road) and any time I need. It cost me nothing beyond the cost of the Body By You book and the yoga mat -- and my employer's health benefits reimbursed the cost of the yoga mat...
  • moylek
    moylek Posts: 27
    A) What equipment do you use?

    Power cage, bench, three barbells (luxury), two paris of dumbbells, a miscellany of weights, and a weight belt. Everything but the bench and power cage came from the garage sales and charity shops. My wife uses the dumbbells, mostly, but also a big rubber ball thing.

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc?

    I read books and magazines out of the library in order to get ideas for changing things up every three months or so (something I've been convinced is important). My wife, however, has been working with variations out of _10 Years Thinner_ for two or three years.

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg? I would prefer to tone, so I am thinking lighter weights but more reps.

    I won't touch the whole "there's no such thing as toning but not putting on muscle" thing here. And you probably don't care how much a 47 year-old man squats and presses. But I will note that my wife - who is quite toned :) - uses weights between 10lbs (arms) and 70lbs (compound lifts).

    D) How long do you workout for?

    Me: 25 - 25 min. My wife: 20 - 30 min. And because the gym is our shed, travel time is about 45 s each way.

    E) How many times a week?

    Me: 2 - 3 times. My wife: 3 - 4 times.