Tblackdogs Member


  • As others have mentioned, I think sometimes we have to learn to love the shape we've got. My teenaged daughter wears a size 2 and is not overweight. However, she has a thick middle. Like I do, like her dad does, like her grandmother had. Her grandmother never weighed over 100 pounds but always had a thicker middle. We're…
  • You can eat ice-cream and pizza every single day and still lose weight. You might not get all the vitamins and minerals you need but if you kept within your calorie goal (set to lose), you certainly could still lose weight. Many people use cheat days as an excuse to eat whatever they want and often don't log it. So…
  • I can eat at or under my calorie goal every single day and still enjoy pizza, ice cream and wine. But I don't cheat because if I go over my calorie goal I will derail my weight loss. It's that simple. You can cheat but then you won't lose weight. Stay at your goal and make room for foods that you feel are treats. Then…
  • Welcome! You need to take this day by day. Exercise isn't necessary for weight loss but eating less is! Set small goals and be proud of any one you attain!
  • I think we can all agree on the "weight loss" happens in the "kitchen." And we can agree that people don't always exercise in a way that is productive, especially resulting in weight loss. I think that the original point, highlighting "Americans" is interesting. I can't compare to other countries but my observation about…
  • I would say that chips ARE as tasty as you think they'll be, but I don't have to eat every yummy thing out there. At least not now! (Congrats on the amazing weight loss!)
  • OP you sound a little upset and frustrated. Take a deep breath and start over. To lose weight you do in fact have to eat less food than you ate before (that caused you to gain weight). To lose weight you might have to eat some things that you don't want (like a huge pile of steamed broccoli or leftovers) but you can…
  • I am constantly amazed on this site by the amount of calories people "claim" to have burned by exercise. I'm sorry, but most people (especially older women) are not burning 1000 calories from an hour and half of exercise. I went on a 100 mile hike in New Mexico, and I didn't lose a pound, even when hiking 10 plus miles a…
  • I find it much easier to lose weight now that I'm older. When I was young, I ate whatever, I drank more alcohol and I was much less disciplined in general. Now I find it very easy to lose weight if I follow the rules!
  • I'd also add that people are very habitual. If you work hard to change your habits you can break this "addiction." I grew up adding lots of sugar to tea. Switched to artificial sweeteners and then stopped adding anything. But this was a conscious and somewhat hard fought habit change. As someone else suggested maybe give…
  • My advice is to be active on the site so it becomes a regular part of your day like checking email or going on FB. Get some friends, write comments on their pages and your own. Read the forums and of course log! Also instead of planning on a week, why don't you challenge yourself to log for 30 days. Put it on your…
  • Why don't you have one big milkshake every day?
  • What you used to eat doesn't really affect your weight loss now. What your were eating before caused you to gain. So cutting back might just help you maintain your current weight. You're not exercising and if I read it correctly, you're attempting to eat at a 100 calorie deficit every day? So that would mean you would be…
  • Know that restaurant meals will be high in sodium. So you might "appear" to gain weight overnight! Also, restaurant meals are almost never lo-cal. So as someone else recommended, maybe limit yourself to one meal out, per week, until you've gotten close to goal. And leave lots of calories by eating lightly the day you're…
  • I live in a house with a husband who is bigger than I am and likes a lot of different things than I do. I also live with a 15 year old son and 17 year old daughter. Neither of them need to lose weight and they like cookies, pretzels, frozen pizzas etc. We have ice cream in the freezer, beer in the garage and all sorts of…
  • I think the most important reason to eat at or over 1200 calories per day (you can average that out over a week) is that it's hard to meet your macros and get good nutrition if you're eating so little.
  • I NEVER wear smaller sized clothes. Partly because I like things looser but also because I carry all extra weight in my waist. I'm 5'4 and for one day in my 20's, I wore a size 6. I think I had dieted myself down to 128 pounds. Now when I weigh in the high 130s or low 140s I'm a size 10. I try very hard not to care what…
  • Wow. I went to the movies the other night and in a weak moment, decided to get the "weigh your own" candy. Except that I don't pay attention to the weight. I had raisinettes, m&Ms, peanut m&ms and reeses pieces. I knew it was a lot and I logged it but now I'm thinking that I WAY under logged it. Oh well. Friday is over and…
  • There is new research that points to other benefits from IF but none relates to weight loss. Like someone above, I like it because I like bigger meals!
  • So sorry for you incredibly tragic loss. Take care of yourself and take the whole weight loss and self care thing, one day at a time. Just love your kids and do your best.
  • I'd say you should start over. Enter your stats here on mfp. Come up with a calorie goal set to lose 1 lb a week. Get a food scale, measure everything, log religiously. There are a lot of ways to have room in your diet for wine on the weekends but it takes accurate counting. As for the "healthy" foods, eat what you like…
  • Is it your birthday, like...tomorrow?
  • Hi! I'm 52. What are your goals here?
  • I've been a Girl Scout and I've been a Girl Scout Leader. So thank you to everyone who supports Girl Scouts by buying cookies! I myself am a Samoas fan and bought four boxes already. Haven't had one cookie yet, but am planning a Samoas dinner (great idea elizabethb8686) one of these days. I'm lucky to have two teenagers in…
  • My older dog used to eat only a few days a week. I always made sure she had food but she ignored it most of the time. She was very active and lean. Then I got a puppy who would eat anything, all day long. So the older dog had to start eating or her sister dog would gobble up her food! Five years later, we still have to…
  • I take a hot bath. I bring in a big cup of ice, a Diet Coke and a good book. It's kind of gross (to me) to eat in the tub and if my book is good enough I can be in there for over an hour! If it's nice out, I go for a walk. Take your kid! I feel like mindless or emotional eating is what makes most people "fat." It's great…
  • A few things...I'm 52, so in your age range. I'm only 5'4, so shorter than you. I'm eating between 1200- 1500 calories a day, not a lot of exercise and I'm losing about 1 pound per week. I think you should commit to weighing and measuring every single thing you eat and log it here. Also, maybe weigh every morning so you…