Not eating enough calories?

I joined weight watchers about a month ago but then I downloaded this app cause I wanted to make sure that I was not going over 1200 calories. Turns out that I am going way under. I am diabetic so I eat pretty low carb all day with the most carbs at supper but even at supper I usually only eat around 20-30 carbs. I can't eat a lot of fat either cause of gall bladder problems.

Most days I am only eating around 1000 calories a day! I've always heard that it's not good to.go under 1200 cause if u go under, it slows down your metabolism and weight loss. Anyone else go under 1200 calories a day? Any suggestions on how to get more calories?


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    Going under 1200 is generally unhealthy because most people who do it aren't getting enough of what their body needs. So you'll want to eat to whatever number MFP gives you, ideally. Eat whatever you like that doesn't bother your body.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Eating under 1200 calories will not slow down your weight loss. However, it can cause some serious health issues.

    First, I would ensure your logging is as accurate as possible (everything logged, weighed on a food scale, recipe builder, etc.). If you're still falling short, speaking with a dietitian may be your best bet as they would be able to work with your diabetes and gallbladder issues. Otherwise, all you could add is protein.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    What are your stats? Some older, shorter sedentary women would be in that range. I hate to arbitrarily say yes that's too low but usually haha.
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    I think the most important reason to eat at or over 1200 calories per day (you can average that out over a week) is that it's hard to meet your macros and get good nutrition if you're eating so little.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    If your calories are really low, you might be willing to sacrifice the nutrition for weight loss but would you sacrifice the weight loss? I know from my early days that dieting that aggressively is a huge binge waiting to happen and I can do spectacular damage that would negate any fat loss the week before (and even the week before that)
  • pebbles45112000
    pebbles45112000 Posts: 6 Member
    edited February 2018
    I've been trying to add to my original post but it won't let me :(

    I am 47, 5'4 and 167 pounds. I have a desk job too, so I am sitting all day. I have lost about 10 pounds since 1-8. I lost about 30 pounds last year but fell of track. Also I walk an hour a day on the treadmill ( 30 minutes a day, twice a day to help control my sugar ).
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Even 1200 calories seems low to me. I know mfp suggests it a lot (it could be the user's fault for not setting it up correctly too, so I can't blame mfp for it), but I see too many people with 1200 calories when in reality, not many should be eating that low. Not saying that no one should eat 1200 calories, but usually a minority of people have the metabolism so low that they need to eat that low to lose weight.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Based on those stats I'd say you were lightly active. I'd be more inclined to suggest 15-1600. That might help you stay on track this time around too.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    edited February 2018
    I don’t know much about WW, but it seems you are paying to get nutrition advice that’s specific to your condition. And Not knowing what you can and cannot eat with diabetes, I would think more fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, but and seeds could help boost calories.