pinkshoelaces Member


  • Well, I'm a lesbian and I only cook for myself, so you can add me if you like!
  • I started out with roughly 100 to lose and I'm currently down 53. It's a long and tough road but it's definitely worth it if you stick it through! I wish you the best of luck.
  • Congratulations on your success! I've been using this app for over year also, but I've never really done much on the forums until now. I've lost 53 pounds at this point. Best of luck to you on the rest of your journey!
  • I'd assume that serving sizes for foods like this are based on their packaged weight. So yeah, weigh them frozen when you can.
  • I weigh everything I know has a substantial amount of calories: meat, bread, pretty much all fruits, even squash and zucchini and stuff like that, but generally I don't bother with things like lettuce and peppers because it doesn't account for anything I consider worth logging.
  • It's really better to just try to cut back on things instead of eliminating them, especially if you're craving them this badly. I mean, obviously you want the pizza. So maybe treating yourself to a slice when you want it instead of increasing the chances of devouring a whole pizza in one go (because you're craving it so…
  • My self-control has gotten a lot better over these past few months. I can keep most foods around that I used to have to avoid without too much temptation to over-indulge. However, there are still some foods I generally just do not keep around because they're too easy to over-eat on (chips, cookies, frozen pizza bites, most…
  • Well, I started out with 100 to lose but I've lost 51 so far, so I only have 49 to go. Still, if you wanna add someone that's been there and is still on that journey, feel free to add me!
  • I think I averaged about a pound a week for the first year, which I'm happy with. If I can keep up that average for this coming year I'll be at my goal by next December or the following January. That one pound a week has been a real struggle though. I have almost no room to make mistakes anymore.
  • Chaotic. Unstable. Reckless
  • I'm in pretty much the same boat. I started out with 100 to lose, lost almost 50 and am down to about the last 50-60 pounds I want to lose. Good luck!
  • Because when you are chewing food, it is sending a signal to your stomach that it is about to get food. Therefore, your stomach starts building up acid in order to digest it. But when you do not swallow it, you are leaving your stomach empty and only with acid in it, which can be harmful to the lining of your stomach.…
  • It's a picture of her hips and side I believe.
  • Not trying to be rude or anything but this is actually an eating disorder (I used to be anorexic and this was one of the 'tricks' very popular among us). I wouldn't encourage stuff like this, as it's actually potentially harmful to your stomach and not a good thing to get into doing period.
  • I started here in about November of 2013 so I was here during January. I've lost about 45 pounds since then. Haven't reached my goal yet (have another 50 to go) but I'm hoping that'll happen in 2015
  • Well, you're going to find that counting calories is going to be very important, especially the closer to your goal that you get. When I first started, I could go without weighing my food and logging the calories for a few days at a time and still lose weight, but now that I'm getting smaller, I'm finding that its becoming…
  • I actually experienced this today, except it was avocados. I ate an avocado, which I normally love, but then suddenly felt like I was going to puke and it was the most sickening, heavy feeling in my stomach. I think sometimes when we're switching up our diets, the body can react a little off to certain things. But if this…
  • 50 would be a bit difficult (not impossible, but very difficult), so don't feel too defeated if it doesn't happen and please do be safe about it! It's not bad to have big goals, just don't let those goals hurt you. Celebrate whatever success you make and keep pushing forward from there.
  • You could always drink Ensure or something like that. They're pretty high calorie and small so it won't feel like you're trying to chug down a gallon of milkshake.
  • I know, I was thinking the same thing, haha! I'm like, if I can fit cheesecake into my day, I'm not gonna waste it by liquefying it. I want to enjoy every bite. To each their own, though.
  • Seriously, just have fun experimenting! Try new things, work out what you like and what you don't like. Don't make this something that should be hard and miserable. See it as more like an adventure. If you don't like carrots, don't eat carrots but if you do, that's awesome. I guarantee you'll find a bunch of things you…
  • You don't necessarily have to replace those things if you can't find a satisfying alternative. You can still have those things, but I'd recommend weighing out a serving of it (the back of prepackaged foods should all have a serving size, and it will tell you how many grams a serving is. Weigh out the food until it equals…
  • It's best to kinda ease into it at first. You know, making simple changes like picking something you know you eat that is bad for you and swapping it out for something better. For example, when I first started, I immediately cut out juice and started drinking unsweetened tea with lemon instead. Then I worked up to cutting…
  • I'd suggest probably eating back about half. You don't want your net calories for the day to be too low.
  • I rather like the 'straight' look on my body. I've never had boobs (been an A cup all my life) or a butt anyway so maybe I just don't know what it'd be like to have curves. Though, my butt has actually started looking rounder since I started working out and toning, so maybe it won't be so bad.
  • I'm glad it's at least not a totally aggressive goal. I was afraid I might have been far too optimistic haha.