nikkimwarren Member


  • If you are part of facebook go search out Trim Healthy mama, there is a great group that walks you through eatin healthier and allowing you to still have treats every now and again and how to do it :)
  • philips action wear ones earbuds...if i put them in my ears before starting they stay put. If i put in after sweating they slide just a little but have awesome sound.
  • Biofreeze works amazing..... I used it on stress fractures and it was the best!
  • Biofreeze works amazing..... I used it on stress fractures and it was the best!
  • Awesome work! And thank you for what you do :)
  • Great Results,, it bad I was giggling and thinking hot and sexy socks for the first pic LOL it is amazing results. You should be very proud!
  • I'd leave it sedentary, just a quick question for all with desk jobs, have you asked your employers if they would allow you to bring an exercise ball to use at your desk vs a chair? Some of my past employers have allowed me to. You can work on your core muscles and bounce to burn calories while you work.
  • Everyone's Success this year has me grinning ear to ear. I am so proud of you all. I am down 35 lbs this year but don't have any pictures to share. I will have to remedy this this year for sure. *clap clap clap clap*
  • Cant wait for that...I always put vaseline on my legs before wearing skirts or dresses so that I don't get that friction burn LOL the things that we put up with just so we could eat what we wanted
  • I too have big boobs and love running. So you can double bra it or I love hanes jogging bras. As for breathing I run and count 1-4 with my steps. Steps1-2 I breathe in and steps 3-4 I breath out. Go slow and enjoy it.
  • I haven't done measurements, but know that I am in the next size down pants and that shirts are getting looser on me as well. My toes even have started taking on a different shape...sounds weird doesn't it???
  • Congratulations...Awesome work BTW you have the most amazing jaw line and beautiful eyes .:blushing:
  • I totally get the non socializing at the gym, and that sneaky look over at the next machine. I always have a little burst of pride knowing that I may be 240+ lbs and running or ellipticalling faster, harder and longer than that fit 100 lb beauty or hunk of a man next to me. I think it is awesome that the woman complimented…
  • Good Luck on the run and like others said take little energy with you. Those boobs get in the way whether male or female...way to go on loosing them and the weight. You are an inspiration. I don't see many men posting in this area and it is great to see that they struggle the same as us females. I thought you all just…
  • Good Luck on the run and like others said take little energy with you. Those boobs get in the way whether male or female...way to go on loosing them and the weight. You are an inspiration. I don't see many men posting in this area and it is great to see that they struggle the same as us females. I thought you all just…
  • I'm up in Rockford. Looking to lose 100 pounds, but workout times are tough as I have 5 kids, a hubby and work schedule to fit it into.