

  • Hi, I hope you enjoy. Feel free to add me if you like. Well done for making the commitment!
  • SW:190lbs. GW: 180lbs. Week 1: 186.2lbs. Week 2: 186.8lbs (0.6lbs +) Week 3: 184.2lbs. Week 4: 182.6lbs. Week 5: Yay! Suddenly it all looks doable!
  • SW:190lbs. GW: 180lbs. Week 1: 186.2lbs. Week 2: 186.8lbs (0.6lbs +) Week 3: 184.2lbs. Week 4: Week 5: Phew, back on track. Not quite where I was hoping to be at this point but I'll take it! I actually took the week off from high-intensity exercise after I felt so awful last weekend (I kept walking and using the Wii Fit…
  • Congratulations! That's amazing! Must feel so good...
  • SW:190lbs. GW: 180lbs. Week 1: 186.2lbs. Week 2: 186.8lbs (0.6lbs +) Grrrrr... I've been good this week. I promise! The last two days I've felt sick so perhaps that's part of the reason but I'm not happy this week. Last week all my exercise was low impact - like the Wii Fit so perhaps I need to step that up a bit.
  • Well done on the 12.5lb loss! You're doing fantastically - it might be that you just need to wait it out or perhaps you could change part of your routine to stop your body getting too comfortable. Either way, every time you make healthy choices or exercise, you are making your body healthier and stronger - which are things…
    in Plateu'd! Comment by ellsq March 2011
  • Hi Caisy, I'm also trying to get down to my goal weight by my 30th birthday - although I've got further to go (60lbs - well, 56lbs now) but also longer as my birthday is in March. I love the iPhone app - it keeps me honest as I can update it on the run. For so long, I thought I was eating well but actually tracking my…
  • You look brilliant and so happy! Well done on all your hard work. I'm jealous :)
  • Well done! That's such a motivating contrast... It's good to see the hard work paying off.
  • I count the Wii Fit cardio as exercise in the same way I count a brisk walk - sure it's not working you as hard as if you were at the gym, but it is getting you movement and movement is what counts! I think it's all about consistency and intensity - if you do it regularly and work hard then you'll see results. And when it…
  • SW:190lbs. GW:183lbs (lose 7lbs by Easter) CW:186.2lbs. I don't know how that happened! I've been exercising and calorie counting for a few weeks with no effect and then suddenly this week nearly 4lbs goes... I believe this challenge must be a good luck charm! I'm going to up my aim to losing 10lbs as that would be…
  • This is the first time I've joined a challenge like this. So I'm certainly up for this... I'm hoping that the challenge will motivate me to get on with it! CW: 190lbs. GW: 183lbs. 7lbs to lose.