First day on MFP ...Supporters Needed!

Im new to MFP .... In need of supporters, I have started at the gym this month and been doing good so far! Diet could use some help... as well as some support! I love the idea of this site and hope to make some great connections!
My Goals:
To lose 45lbs before I turn 30 in Aug! Or at least close to it!
I have not been in a bathing suit for over 4 years and would love to get one this summer!

Let me know what is the best resource in MFP for you and why?


  • rice161
    rice161 Posts: 59
    Welcome Caisy! MFP is an awesome site! Personally just having the cheering audience and support is my favorite part. I feel like I'm taking control when I enter everything into the site for food. I may not always make the best choices, but I'm aware of what's going in to my body, and that has been half the battle! Getting to the point where you want to change for YOU is the first step so CONGRATS!
  • nomoremuffintop42
    nomoremuffintop42 Posts: 129 Member
    you can friend me!! I gave up fb for lent and mfp is the fb for me...I am on it alot and would love to support you-Take care!
  • ellsq
    ellsq Posts: 12
    Hi Caisy,

    I'm also trying to get down to my goal weight by my 30th birthday - although I've got further to go (60lbs - well, 56lbs now) but also longer as my birthday is in March.

    I love the iPhone app - it keeps me honest as I can update it on the run. For so long, I thought I was eating well but actually tracking my calories is a real education! I've found the message boards really helpful as well. There's a lot of really good advice.
  • KitKB
    KitKB Posts: 45 Member

    I also have a goal I'm trying to reach. I have to be in a wedding in September. My brother's fiancee asked me to be a bridesmaid. She's a size 2 and so are all of the other bridesmaids. I'm a size 18 right now... yikes.

    I'd love to get down to my goal weight, which was a size 6 at the time. I've been there before, but I gained the weight back in the last couple of years due to some stressful situations. So I'm trying to lose 50 pounds before September (or at least as much as I can!)
  • Caisy
    Caisy Posts: 2
    Thank you all for your encouraging words... I look forward in getting started and reaching my goal!
  • RunningforJesus25
    Tomorrow will be my first official day, but I made my profile and all today! So I needed supporters too!!! I'll add you:smile: