sooz Member


  • I diet without a support system, so I rely on books and Netflix. Since you have a history of digestion issues, you might try Beverly Snyder's book "The Beauty Detox Solution". Get it at the library if you don't want to buy it. It's a vegetarian diet, which most people are afraid to try, but her nutrition information is…
  • I saw your post and thought I'd respond. I know how frustrating it is when I post something and get no response. I started juicing and eating a "clean" diet about a year and a half ago. Every time I fall off the wagon (red meat, etc.), I gain weight. I just can't eat like normal people. But since I discovered raw (Raw for…
  • I got a couple of books from the library. I expect 80% of the recipes will be too complicated, but if I get a couple, it will add to my repertoire (which right now is pretty much limited to salads and smoothies). My raw food hero is David Wolfe. Have you tried any of his books?
  • You don't have a sweet tooth -- you're addicted to sugar. If you plan to lost 167 lbs, you need to go cold turkey. Try a green juice fast for two or three days. I know it sounds drastic, but it's the only time I completely lost cravings. I could think about all the usual trigger foods and not feel compelled to drive to the…
  • You really need to get some nourishment every 4 hours. If you can't eat solid food, maybe try a protein shake (your own not a store-bought processed one) or green drink.
  • I know nothing about red palm oil, but I've been using coconut oil and I love it. Also supposed to be a healthy fat and tolerates high temperatures in cooking better than olive oil. Also no worries about it going rancid like olive oil.
  • I had the same questions about how much protein. In my never-ending quest to lose weight I went to an acupuncturist this week (who's also an M.D.). She told me to calculate protein requirements, take your weight in kilograms and multiply by .8. (150 lbs = 68 kg x .8 = 54 grams of protein). You should be able to find a…
  • I think the biggest concern is slowing your metabolism by restricting your calories -- and I speak from experience. Since you're a guy, you should read The 4-hour Body by Timothy Ferriss. He speaks from personal experience, so it's not preachy or too technical. He recommends 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of getting…
  • I'm struggling with this myself because I'm trying to eat mostly fruits and vegetables and if I have to eliminate fruit, then that seriously restricts my options. I read a book recently by Jorge Cruse, who talks a lot about sugar -- I'd explain his theory, but I don't fully understand it myself. He recommends limiting…
  • I was on a two-month plateau until this week when all of a sudden 5 lbs came off. Explanation? I got some advice from an acquaintance who's lost 100 pounds. I'd been tracking calories and trying not to go overboard on carbs and exercising like crazy, but nothing was happening. I showed a couple days of my food log to this…
  • I just watched the show on my DVR. What melodrama! Seriously, what's with all the crying? I try to watch the finale shows because I'm really inspired by the results, but the weekly drama is not helpful. The voting off thing ala Survivor is sooo overdone. If the show really cared about people losing weight, they'd find…
  • You want to know about frustration? I just finished week 5 and I've managed to gain a pound or two. I joined a health club (week 1), and I've been exercising like crazy. I was told to make sure I ate my exercise calories, so I did that. But it didn't work. I felt like I was eating too much food. So now I've stepped up the…
    in frustrated Comment by sooz December 2008
  • Thanks for responding. There's so much conflicting info it's hard to know what to do. I ate low carb/high protein last summer and lost weight, although I was also working outside. I read something on Jillian's website that indicated that apples (those of us with most of our excess weight around our middles) should eat more…
  • I started a new program -- joined a gym and tracking calories -- three weeks ago. Nothing is happening. MFP says I should be losing 2 lbs a week. The only place I may be digressing from the plan is that my protein tends to be too high and my carbs too low. This was intentional on my part because too many carbs sends my…