
it has been three days and not 1 pound yet frustrated I am


  • kammiller
    it has been three days and not 1 pound yet frustrated I am
  • Lizjkp
    Lizjkp Posts: 278
    Maybe you are expecting too much too quickly?. Give yourself at LEAST a week before weighing and then if you have logged all your food and excercise correctly acccording to your initial input you should find a weight loss.
    GOOD LUCK :flowerforyou: dont loose motivation.

    "Everything comes to those who Wait"

    "Life may not be the party we hoped for :grumble: but while we are here we might as well dance :drinker:!"
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    HANG IN THERE-Stay off of that scale you will make yourself nuts. Remember, with us women, hormones, h2o retention, time of day can all affect things. Keep on pluggin' away, it'll come. Trust us.:happy:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I totally agree with Liz, DON'T weigh yourself more than once a week!
    I'm sure that if you check out the message boards, you'll see that LOTS AND LOTS of members ARE losing weight, (LOTS of weight!) so MFP DOES work, just give it some time!
    Make sure you are logging ALL of your foods, and not forgetting to add some stuff, and you TOO WILL lose weight! Hang in there! :smile:
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Yikes!! WAAAY too early to be frustrated! In two weeks if you haven't seen any changes on the scale then maybe you should re-evaluate things. 1lb every couple days is not a realistic goal. It took me 3 years to lose 100 lbs. Make sure you take your measurments too, numbers on the scale don't always show how much progress you've made!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    You must give yourself some time. Please don't get frustrated yet. Sometimes it takes a body awhile to get used to a new exercise & diet routine. Heck, I did really well until the last 2 weeks & all of a sudden, I gained 2 pounds over the course of 3 days...and it stayed there & stayed there & stayed there. It is just not starting to come off a tiny bit at a time. Give yourself some time & try not to be discouraged. If you stick to your meal & exercise plan, you WILL see results. It is just a matter of time. :flowerforyou:
  • kammiller
    thanks ladies, I will not lose my motivation I am now in for a big xhallenge making those Christmas cookies without eating any
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    it has been three days and not 1 pound yet frustrated I am

    Patience will come...It has only been 3 days......just remember, you didn't put the weight on overnight and it's not going to come off overnight. Take it one day at a time.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    to lose a pound you must eat 3500 calories less than your body needs to function. So if you are on a diet 3 days you are now 1500 calories into the 3500.

    I would suggest, as others above have done, to weigh yourself 1x week, same time same day each week.

    Time my dear, time. :flowerforyou:
  • sooz
    sooz Posts: 15 Member
    You want to know about frustration? I just finished week 5 and I've managed to gain a pound or two. I joined a health club (week 1), and I've been exercising like crazy. I was told to make sure I ate my exercise calories, so I did that. But it didn't work. I felt like I was eating too much food. So now I've stepped up the exercise and, while I still keep track of exercise calories, I try to keep my total calories below 1700. That's because a few years ago I went on a diet recommended by a nutritionist of 1700 calories a day, and I lost about 5 lbs a month. So I know that works for me. I'm consoling myself that I'm gaining muscle and that's why the scales are up. I have gained muscle tone and am feeling more fit. I'm going to keep tweeking this until I find what works for me. I note that you have a lot of weight to lose--as do I. I'm also guessing that you've tried before and given up when you weren't successful. But really, do we have a choice? We can keep trying and figure out what works for us or we can convince ourselves that we're happy being fat. I've had too many years of being fat, and I feel like those were wasted, unproductive, unhappy years. It may not be right, but the world discriminates against us fat people. We can resent it and be angry fat people, or we can figure out why we're fat and fix it. Everybody is different and it sucks that the solution isn't straightforward. But keep at it until you figure out what works for you. And please share any tips with the rest of us slow burners. :flowerforyou:
  • kammiller
    thanks ladies I have been doing well it is my 5 day and I lost 1 pound , I know once I start it will get easier and the older you are the longer it takes. Thanks for all the motivational talks much appreciated.
  • melissa91971
    HANG IN THERE-Stay off of that scale you will make yourself nuts. Remember, with us women, hormones, h2o retention, time of day can all affect things. Keep on pluggin' away, it'll come. Trust us.:happy:
