Help -- Off to a slow start

sooz Posts: 15 Member
I started a new program -- joined a gym and tracking calories -- three weeks ago. Nothing is happening. MFP says I should be losing 2 lbs a week. The only place I may be digressing from the plan is that my protein tends to be too high and my carbs too low. This was intentional on my part because too many carbs sends my blood sugar up and down and I'm hungry all the time. Any suggestions? :ohwell:


  • sooz
    sooz Posts: 15 Member
    I started a new program -- joined a gym and tracking calories -- three weeks ago. Nothing is happening. MFP says I should be losing 2 lbs a week. The only place I may be digressing from the plan is that my protein tends to be too high and my carbs too low. This was intentional on my part because too many carbs sends my blood sugar up and down and I'm hungry all the time. Any suggestions? :ohwell:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I found out right away when I joined MFP that I had a major problem with too much protein.
    That very well COULD be your problem! I still tend to go over some, (and MFP does tend to go too low with their amount) but it's a lot less these days than it used to be. Since I've steadily been losing, my advice to you is to try cutting your protein some. I tend to have the same things to eat, with an occasional change. I usually have the Quaker Oat's (one minute kind) with frozen blueberries and Splenda for breakfast, salad with no fat cheddar cheese and Wish Bone Raspberry Bliss spritzer for lunch, and then a SMALLER amount of meat than I used to, with potato or rice and another veggie for supper. And because I also exercise (walking and or dancing to my fast oldies CD) I usually have numbers left so that I can have a snack of slow churned no sugar added ice-cream later on in the evening. I LOVE ice-cream, and there's really NO difference in taste from the "real thing"! :smile:
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Well I have different advise:laugh: I wouldn't worry about the protein to much I would maybe up your calories. Change your goal to one pound a week and that should up your calories a bit. If you are exercising eat those calories too.
    Just my 2 cents:tongue:
    Hope it helps:flowerforyou:

  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    I agree with Adrienne. I would change your goal to one pound a week and eat your exercise calories. I bet you'll start seeing the scale move again.

    I would also read the following link for some other helpful hints...

    Wishing you success! :flowerforyou:
    Hi! I wouldn't worry too much yet. I know my Mom took about a month before she started seeing any progress and then it just started dropping of like crazy. The body sometimes has a mind of it's own. I am fighting a plateau too at the moment, but I believe the key is persistence. Hang in there and you will see results!
  • sooz
    sooz Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for responding. There's so much conflicting info it's hard to know what to do. I ate low carb/high protein last summer and lost weight, although I was also working outside. I read something on Jillian's website that indicated that apples (those of us with most of our excess weight around our middles) should eat more carbs than protein. I wish I understood why. I've also read a couple of posts about eating the exercise calories. I'm exercising so I can lose weight faster, not eat more food. Yikes, I'm confused. :noway:
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    Just wanted to welcome you:flowerforyou:

    Hang in there....i also agree with'll be fine!

    Did you get a chance to read the link that Cheermom11 provided? It explains alot!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thanks for responding. There's so much conflicting info it's hard to know what to do. I ate low carb/high protein last summer and lost weight, although I was also working outside. I read something on Jillian's website that indicated that apples (those of us with most of our excess weight around our middles) should eat more carbs than protein. I wish I understood why. I've also read a couple of posts about eating the exercise calories. I'm exercising so I can lose weight faster, not eat more food. Yikes, I'm confused. :noway:

    I know eating more is not what you want to do, but is it working the way you are doing it now? That is the question my friend, and I have had to ask myself this many times over the past 6 months!!

    So how about trying to eat your exercise cals (cut them in 1/2 if your afraid of the full amount, or dont have an HRM) and see what happens. When I did this I dropped 3 pounds in a week.

    I am old school. 1200 calories, exercise to Jane Fonda till you feel the burn, and lose a million pounds. Not so much any more. I have found when I have the proper nutrition and fuel, I lose weight.

    Good luck to ya:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I just went and looked at your profile, you've already lost 20 lbs! Congratulations! Way to Go!

    Sometimes your body just does weird things. This week, I went to the gym and ate well for the first half, then got busy and couldn't make it to the gym, but still ate within my calories... Yesterday, I skipped breakfast, ate frosting all day (I was decorating a cake), had pizza for lunch. I sat down after I delivered the cake and plugged in my numbers and found I had gone over by a couple of hundred. Not too bad, considering how I ate. I stepped on the scale today, and poof, two pounds gone overnight.

    I'm not saying to start to eat cruddy, I'm just saying mix it up a little, your body gets used to doing and eating the same thing day in and day out. Hang in there, the scale will start moving again.