
  • I've used Jack3d and Cellucor C4 and both are amazing. I switched to C4 because I think my body was getting used to the Jack3d. Just don't take them if you work out in the evenings because your heart will be pounding when you try to go to sleep afterwards.
  • Eventually your dieting and working out will become a lifestyle change and you will realize you don't need MFP. Stick with it, I've been going strong for about 10 months and I realized that my goals needed to be readjusted. I didn't give myself enough time to overcome the years of eating poorly and never exercising.…
  • Honestly... a drink or two is not going to completely derail your diet. Enjoy yourself, have a few drinks and don't worry about the calorie counting for a night.
  • Stick with it, 2 weeks is not enough time to see results.
  • Ex-in-laws gave me a lighter that looked like a rifle for christmas. Pretty sure they got it from Cowtown for $1.99
  • Friend request sent.... I'm the same way, been losing but don't log in as much as I should!
  • This site is pretty awesome for targeting specific muscle groups and providing detailed exercise instructions. Check it out:
  • This is the most in-depth explanation I've seen thus far on here regarding eating exercise calories.
  • I try to get up at 530 every morning and hit the gym by 6-630... then I go again after work.
  • I'm right there with you, after making healthy choices all week. I feel guilty when having a cheat meal. I guess when your programming yourself to eat healthy your body/sub conscience gets on board with you after awhile. *shrug*
  • It could be a number of reasons. Don't worry about the scale, just keep doing what you are doing. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • What I try to do is eat something small every hour or so. I feel like I eat more now than I ever did... lowfat string cheese, nonfat yogurt, a serving of beef jerky, unsalted nuts (preferably almonds), lowfat cottage cheese + fruit (cottage doubles) etc.
  • Fun fact to share about drinking a lot of water.... The colder the water is, the better. Your body has to work harder to warm the cold water up to 98 degrees therefore it burns more calories. If you make sure all the water you drink is ice cold, your body will burn about 70 extra calories per day warming it up (assuming…
    in Water! Comment by FordEXP March 2011
  • I like to marinade my steak/chicken, preferably for a day or two. I am willing to add the extra calories for some good flavor. I cook a whole package of breasts at once on the foreman grill and store them in the fridge for a couple days. I make salads, brown rice, veggies etc all with the chicken. I always have something…
  • What about sex while on the elliptical? :bigsmile:
  • It's all about the long term. It's not good to weigh yourself too frequently because weight loss is not something that happens immediately. It's best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning before eating anything and after you use the bathroom. If you drink water during your workout you are always going to be taking…
  • These two quotes are spot on. You may have plateau'd and need to push yourself while working out. I looked a couple days back in your food diary and it looks like you are snacking a little too much, stop eating the fiesta mix. 540 calories for a snack is not a good idea, think about how hard you have to work to burn off…
  • The thing that really really sucks about fitness and cheating is that you can gain back in a month, what took you 2 months to lose. Just stick to your original plan and try to be as diligent as possible. Before you cheat, look at the nutritional value of the snack or meal and think of how much cardio you would have to do…
  • So far so good!! Mon: 1400 (120 mins on elliptical AM & PM) Tues: 700 (AM-60 mins on elliptical, PM-weight training...chest, back and biceps) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)…
  • I'm in. Last week I did almost 4500 so this will be easy :smile: Just started two weeks ago and I feel great.