Disappointing weigh-in!!

jenrobyoung Posts: 37
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I had a very disappointing month in February! I was bad, off the program for a few days at a time, inconsistent in my workouts, but REALLY I didn’t think I was that bad!! I did my weigh in up 5lbs since the beginning of February. Even my measurements went up with the most disappointing one being my waist up 1.5 inches!!!!

I know I couldn’t have been that far off my program, help I am sooooo disappointed in myself and my results. I’m realistic and would not have expected my measurements to change for the better but adding an inch and a half to my waist alone, not to mention a half inch to my hips and chest!!! I added 4 inches total to my body with that 5lbs!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sooo frustrated with myself. I have been trying to hit it hard again but this is a major blow for me.


  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    hmmm what have you been eating??
  • jmrm619
    jmrm619 Posts: 1
    I am experiencing the same thing....my trainer suggested I get my thyroid checked. I did and am now going for more tests...think about a visit to your doctor.
  • jeromy75
    jeromy75 Posts: 112
    Thank you for sharing this with us. The next weigh-in or two will be successful. I love your commitment. Keep it up.
  • You can do it! Maybe start off with smaller goals and expectations and ease into a routine. Trying to go all out could cause you to relapse perhaps. Try some moderate exercise and activities that you can keep to and try to manage your eating. It has taken me a long time to change my eating habits. You will loose the weight and get back on track before you know it, just don't give up.
  • ddmiles
    ddmiles Posts: 4
    get back on it you will lose it again....
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    I had a very disappointing month in February! I was bad, off the program for a few days at a time, inconsistent in my workouts, but REALLY I didn’t think I was that bad!! I did my weigh in up 5lbs since the beginning of February. Even my measurements went up with the most disappointing one being my waist up 1.5 inches!!!!

    I know I couldn’t have been that far off my program, help I am sooooo disappointed in myself and my results. I’m realistic and would not have expected my measurements to change for the better but adding an inch and a half to my waist alone, not to mention a half inch to my hips and chest!!! I added 4 inches total to my body with that 5lbs!!

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sooo frustrated with myself. I have been trying to hit it hard again but this is a major blow for me.

    Simple: Water weight (5lbs & 1.5 inches in your waist). Don't worry about it hun, & get back on it today :)
  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    I know, it is sooooo disappointing but you can get back on track and you will.

    It is sometimes so much harder to keep going despite no loss than you ever thought it would be but WHEN you reach your goal it will all be worth it!!!!!

    I have had no loss for 2 weeks, have had to look at my food diary and have a strong word with myself - we will get there!!!!!1

    Keep going!:drinker:
  • I did track my food for most of the month, keeping close to my goal but had two 4 day periods that I was not tracking and not eating well. I wouldn't be surprised if they were 2000 calorie days. I was more inconsistent with my workouts only getting about 2 weeks of workouts in for the month, most consistent was a solid 5 days in the last week of the month.
  • ewegner
    ewegner Posts: 48 Member
    I just had a week like that myself and I feel awful. I weigh myself weekly, just so I know I'm not getting too far off track. I did have a good last week - lost almost 4 lbs. So I figured this week I wouldn't lose much, or any and I was ok with that. However, when I got on the scale this morning - I was up 2 lbs! In one week! And all of my clothes that just recently started to feel loose, now feel tight again. It is not "that time of the month" so I know it's not from bloating. I just feel "fat" and am so frustrated and disappointed. I didn't even want to measure myself cause I know I have to be more in inches since my clothes feel tighter.

    The most frustrating part is, I DIDN'T have a "bad day" or stray from the program. So I don't know how to fix it! I actually thought of taking a day off of work to go to the gym and spend the day! My husband told me that sounds like I'm obsessed. This made me sit back and think about why I'm doing this. I wanted to start to lose weight to be more healthy for my family and to hopefully get pregnant again - and have a healthy pregnancy. I know it is hard to not see the numbers decreasing as soon or fast as you would like, but YOU CANNOT GIVE UP!!!! Just know that every day that you are eating better and working out - you ARE becoming healthier, whether the numbers show it or not. Don't be disappointed in YOURSELF - just your scale or measuring tape for not showing what you want. Keep going and put last month behind you - literally. I hope you can find it in you to stay positive and go forward - That's what I'm trying to do too.

  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I can totally relate!!! February sucked for me as well. I was up 2lbs also and the thing is I was only being not consistent on the weekends which made me more pissed off! So after crying literally about it all day Friday because that's how depressed I was, I cleaned it up and started back up this Sunday and I'm down 2.2lbs in 3 days. So, don't loose momentum and kick it in to high gear. I just have to remind myself that this is a lifestyle change and there are no excuses. This is the reality of weight loss and changing; there's good weigh in and bad ones. But you can do it!
  • ddmiles
    ddmiles Posts: 4
    I am also getting my thyroid check. going to show doc all of my reports just so he can see what I am eating and hours of exercise. if not thyroid maybe he can suggest something.
  • [/quote]
    Simple: Water weight (5lbs & 1.5 inches in your waist). Don't worry about it hun, & get back on it today :)

    I hope that is true, I have been tring to be sure I am drinking a lot more water. I use to only drink 1 or two glasses a day and have been working at getting the number up. The last week it has been about 6 glasses a day.
  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    Nothing you can do about last month. Start now and keep plugging away.
  • jlcghs27408
    jlcghs27408 Posts: 37 Member
    Oh no! :( I'm so sorry.

    Looking in your food diary, you've got to make some more changes! You're around the right calorie levels, but candy, chips, cheese, and cake aren't the right way to get there!

    I'm also super addicted to candy. I almost have to have candy every day and that's something that I'm working on. I do try to balance it out with other healthy choices and I almost never skip meals entirely (I've fallen asleep without eating dinner twice in the last 2 months).

    I know it's a crappy feeling when you've been waiting and waiting for that weigh in/measurements day, not knowing what it's going to say. But just remember that this month as you make better choices. Every day make the decision to work towards your goal and remember that next time you're going to do so much better!

    It is hard, but we can do it!
  • I like to tell people that instead of measuring in inches measure in centimeters! Your more likely to lost more centimeters then inches! So you gained 5 lbs and a few inches, thats nothing to freak out about it happens. Go back and measure yourself, but this time in centimeters, and re-evaluate your diet and exercise. Most people have cheat days, big no no! Cheat days will catch up to you really quick and most people tend to over indulge on those days with foods that are high in sugars, bad fats, and bad carbs. You should set yourself up to where you have a cheat MEAL. Just one meal a week, you can choose if you want it to be a breakfast, mid morning, lunch, afternoon, dinner, or dessert, but only one meal and only one day a week. And I'm assuming your eating atleast 5-7 times per day with your protein, fats, and carbs all balanced. Next, look at your exercise routine. If you have been doing the same workouts for more then 3 weeks your body may have plateaued. When this happens your body gets used to the exercise routine and what can happen is your body will stop losing weight or you may even start to gain. So change it up, maybe switch your cardio days around and impliment more weight lifting. Hope this helps and keep your chin up!
  • sometimes it is just a matter of zig-zagging your calories or changing up your routine to jump start your weight loss. have no fear and remember that slow and steady wins the race. besides you have the setbacks are just a reminder of what we can do better the next time.

    Feel free anyone to friend me for some daily "food for thought" Cheers, Colleen
  • FordEXP
    FordEXP Posts: 22
    The thing that really really sucks about fitness and cheating is that you can gain back in a month, what took you 2 months to lose. Just stick to your original plan and try to be as diligent as possible. Before you cheat, look at the nutritional value of the snack or meal and think of how much cardio you would have to do to burn it. Most snacks would be around 30 mins or so, a meal from a restaurant 1.5-2 hours.. is it worth it?

    Your body won't lie to you. You started your post off saying that you have been inconsistent, skipping workouts.. Did you do that in January when you lost 10 lbs? You can't expect to continue to lose weight when you have been slacking, not trying to be mean or anything its just the nature of fitness.

    I agree with what stingray said... nothing you can do about it now, get back to the gym and start sweating!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I feel your pain my February sucked too I gained 8 lbs and my PMS blaoting never really went away so my tummy is still poffy...
    But you know what its is March now just get right back up and go again....it doesnt matter why you fell off track the most important thing is to get back on track.....I found that beating myself up can be so de-motivating that you dont feel like working out or doing much of anything...so we need to shake off the blues and start again.....
  • Looking in your food diary, you've got to make some more changes! You're around the right calorie levels, but candy, chips, cheese, and cake aren't the right way to get there!

    Cleaned out the house, all bad things are gone. Thanks for the reminder, some of my friends don't always encourage the best eating habits and I need to start standing my ground and not giving into temptation!!!
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