gemtayls Member


  • Oh ok. Yeah I set it away whenever I train so I thought it would register that burn in MFB as you would think that would be more relevant than the steps when you log exercise. Not to worry. Thanks for your help guys.
  • Really appreciated your replies guys and your help.... I know you’re right and it probably is something I need to just get on with and just be more organised. I am definitely a lazy tracker but I like the brushing teeth analogy. I’ll remember that one next time I try cutting corners lol.
  • Ahhh ok yes makes sense! Thanks 😊
  • Yeah that’s what does my head in it takes the enjoyment out of the food but I do realise it’s got to be done... I guess I was thinking along the lines of slimming world / weight watchers where you get the ‘free’ fruits and veg etc but it seems I’m gonna have to continue to track everything... oh well! Thanks guys.
  • Yes creating the small salad is a great idea thanks I’ll give that a whirl.... I do use the recents etc it’s just a ball ache for me - I hate tracking but I know I have to haha! Thanks everyone who gave helpful replies
  • Thanks everyone. I think you’re all right and I am basically overeating for how much I train.... I set it at 1800 as I often find mfp and other sources give you an unrealistic calorie goal that just isn’t sustainable. I guess I’m just really struggling to stick to any kind of deficit at the minute - never mind a lot less…
  • Thanks everyone appreciate your thoughts - I think I'll give it a go for a couple of weeks and see where it takes me :)
  • What are your calorie goals per day? Do you eat back exercise calories?[/quote] I try and stick to around 1800 cals each day, and exercise 3-4 times a week - two intense classes and two moderate gym sessions..... but I usually end up eating more like 300/400 more than that especially on weekends. I just can't seem to get…
  • I am really struggling to stick within my calories so I might give it a go and that way I can look forward to a good feed and feeling full and satisfied without going over because I'm having to spread my calories out thinly between meals. Thanks guys. Even if it gives me a boost for a few weeks it may get my head back in…
  • Hey just wondering how you're getting on, I'm 17 weeks and still waiting for the elusive burst of energy. I'm getting to the gym a few times a week but could quite easily just go home and lie on the couch I have to really make myself go lol..... I've already put on about a stone but trying not to stress too much about that…
  • I love this post!!! I have recently upped my calories after years of yo-yo-ing.... so many macro calculators have me eating under 1500 cals and it just isn't sustainable! I am currently eating around 2000-2200 (while still training 4 times a week as I always have, even on the lower 1300-1400 calorie phases I used to do). I…
  • I'll maybe switch the fruit and yoghurt (which usually has honey also but I've not brought it to work), to boiled eggs or cheese on none training days - should i be restricting the amount of eggs per day?
  • Oh OK yes I have had coconut milk before I'll get some :) What are you thoughts on cheese / milk / butter..? Good or bad?
  • Aw thank you Catherine I really appreciate your comment, and re-assurance!! Glad everything is going well for you!!
  • Hey I've unlocked it, thanks for your reply :)
  • Hi thanks for the reply. It's not that I feel I know better, it's more past experience of eating less = losing weight and I just can't get my head around adding an extra 1000 cals to my day, I feel like I don't have the time to test the theory with having a holiday coming up.. When I train I don't tend to eat back the…
  • P.S. I'm 35 years old if that makes a diff.... with a sedentary job...
  • great tip with the milk, thanks :) What would you advise logging boot camp as on here? I weigh 151lb and have been putting it down to around 300 cals for 45 mins (it's an hour class but taking rest breaks into account), think it's prob more than that but not too sure so thought best to be safe?! Any advice? I don't have a…
  • [/quote] I totally agree about the cycling. I usually go out regularly but keep an eye on the distances. More frequent but shorter rides suit me best, and I also ensure that I use low enough gears to keep a high cadence and lower loading. I certainly try not to feel sorry for myself because the negativity doesn't change…
  • Firstly OMG well done on giving up the cigs!!! That's defo something to be proud of...!!! :drinker: I think as everyone is suggesting just eat what you want in moderation. Healthy doesn't have to mean salads. Try diff weight watchers or slimming world recipes and start knocking up healthy alternatives to the foods you…
  • Haha sounds good to me Jodie!!!! I've added you all :) xx
  • Without sharing too much info pee is very pale sometimes hardly any colour at all so I know I'm properly hydrated if thats the guage to go off - Goldenguy I'm on day 2 - got about 13 cups in yesterday plus a bottle at my spinning class - top of the class!! :tongue: My peppermint teas defo help as a replacement for coffee…
  • The cheeky grin peeking out... lol
  • No i'm not interested in wasting my time, nor am I trying to make myself feel better (assuming you mean in my mind not my health) - I'm just asking a simple question. ^^^^^ 'The 8 glasses of water daily is meant to be a guide of your total daily water intake. Does not necessarily mean water in its purest from. If your…
  • Ooo yeah, good tip. I bring a huge bottle to work with me but after a couple of glasses I feel a bit sick lol.. I only have a coffee on a morning then one on an afternoon so will not count those but the water in my herbal tea should be OK to count would you say as it's just peppermint tea, no cals or anything added to it?
  • Hi Guys, first time 30 day shred, I'm on day 7 now and thinking of moving on to level 2 tomorrow. Need to up my weight also as I only have really small ones, gonna get onto my pals and see if anyone has some 2.5k ones I could try... Finding it difficult to stick to my diet though, any ideas for quick easy low cal lunches…
  • Well funnily enough when using an online calculator where you enter weight / height / age etc. to work out say spinning (45 high intensity I think I entered for that) it is coming out at way more than fitness pal allows so maybe it is more realistic than I thought. I am still reluctant to eat them all for now though so…
  • Makes sense..!!! Yeah, i'll do that guys :)
  • Thanks everybody, that's a great help! :)