Boot Camp Questions

I started attending Boot Camp Classes about 4 times a week and its a 60 minute class. Now I have never done this type of workout for very long , a class here and there . I have always been the type to focus on cardio for weight loss and I am wondering

What time a change will I see with this type of class ? Will my weight loss be faster or slower ? I know that may depend on my eating which I am tracking between 1200 and 1300 calories per day .

Will I see a change in my body quicker with boot camp ?

Its a lof of squats, trx, planks, crunches, medicine ball workouts , tabata style workout s


  • Nicoleace22
    Nicoleace22 Posts: 32 Member
    I think boot camp especially when you start is more of inches than weightloss. Youre body will be very sore. You should not do classee back to back. Even if your muscles arent sore if you push yourself itll show quickly ( less than a month). The weightloss is another story. Your body will hold onto water more in anticpation ofthe activoty if its not usedto it. Also if you have very low muscle mass youu probably will build it along wirh bone density. I started boit camp a month ago 2 x a week 1500 cals and I weighed. 214. I went up and down and up and down with every class. Mosrly water weight. However now with wproper hydratiin (60%) I now weigh 208. About six lb weught loss.
    Oh and if possibke drinkmilk or protein shake within half hour after class helps with the dayafter soreness.
  • gemtayls
    gemtayls Posts: 42 Member
    I think boot camp especially when you start is more of inches than weightloss. Youre body will be very sore. You should not do classee back to back. Even if your muscles arent sore if you push yourself itll show quickly ( less than a month). The weightloss is another story. Your body will hold onto water more in anticpation ofthe activoty if its not usedto it. Also if you have very low muscle mass youu probably will build it along wirh bone density. I started boit camp a month ago 2 x a week 1500 cals and I weighed. 214. I went up and down and up and down with every class. Mosrly water weight. However now with wproper hydratiin (60%) I now weigh 208. About six lb weught loss.
    Oh and if possibke drinkmilk or protein shake within half hour after class helps with the dayafter soreness.

    great tip with the milk, thanks :)

    What would you advise logging boot camp as on here? I weigh 151lb and have been putting it down to around 300 cals for 45 mins (it's an hour class but taking rest breaks into account), think it's prob more than that but not too sure so thought best to be safe?! Any advice? I don't have a HRM.