Pregnant Mommas

So I am trying hard this time around to keep my weight gain under control! I keep losing motivation due to fatigue and family issues. I just enteres the 2nd trimester and I am feeling much better, so I figured now is the time to kick it in gear and start tracking and exercising. Are there any other mommies to be out there in the same boat? Feel free to friend me, its always easier to do this when you know someone else is in the same situation with the same goals.


  • 24000066
    24000066 Posts: 1 Member
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    24000066 wrote: »

    not sure why this was aboves reply!!

    Congrats btw. You need to ask your doctor about exercising during pregnancy. I know for those who already exercise then its perfectly ok to continue but whether starting now would be a good idea is only for the dr to say.

    Tracking your food is a good idea, eating at maintenance calories for now and then for last trimester adding another 200 calories a day - but again, check this out with your midwife/dr.

    All the best.
  • MimiLaza
    MimiLaza Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2017
    Congrats!! I am really exhausted this time around, it's hard to get up in the morning to work out. I keep telling myself that I will be more comfortable in my third trimester if I don't gain 40 lbs again
  • gemtayls
    gemtayls Posts: 42 Member
    So I am trying hard this time around to keep my weight gain under control! I keep losing motivation due to fatigue and family issues. I just enteres the 2nd trimester and I am feeling much better, so I figured now is the time to kick it in gear and start tracking and exercising. Are there any other mommies to be out there in the same boat? Feel free to friend me, its always easier to do this when you know someone else is in the same situation with the same goals.

    Hey just wondering how you're getting on, I'm 17 weeks and still waiting for the elusive burst of energy. I'm getting to the gym a few times a week but could quite easily just go home and lie on the couch I have to really make myself go lol.....

    I've already put on about a stone but trying not to stress too much about that and I'm hoping it levels out as the majority was over Christmas, normally I can diet in January but obviously not this year! :wink:
  • erica_today
    erica_today Posts: 185 Member
    Yes. I just came back to mfp. Weight gain has attacked. Although I eat pretty healthy the exhaustion has caused me to be a couch potato and its just piled on. I'm about 4lb over what I should be at the maximum and about 6lbs over where I want to be. So I downloaded mfp again today to try and slow down my weight gain not lose. And I do have energy back so I have started hitting the gym again. I'm 19 weeks
  • custardapplepie
    custardapplepie Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ladies! Same boat. I'm 18 weeks and just downloaded myfitnesspal. Although I do not ever count calories and don't put any kind of restrictions on my eating, this pregnancy makes me feel like a whale.

    With my first, I didn't even show much until past 5 months, now I'm only one kilo away from my previous 8-month pregnancy weight, lol! I too am generally very healthy (though I bake sweets at least once a week
  • custardapplepie
    custardapplepie Posts: 7 Member
    Also, (I am entirely new to this app, forgive me if this isn't news) there is a group for pregnancy at the bottom the forums list you can look for it under "my groups..." I tried looking for pregnancy posts under the search tool but couldn't find much. Anyway, the group is pretty dead; not much action since September, but maybe we can change that. (:
  • homegrownish
    homegrownish Posts: 3 Member
    Hey @custardapplepie ! I am also pregnant :) 22 weeks and am at 16 lbs weight gain. But I was overweight at the start (lost 70 lbs last year with about 40 lbs to go when I got pregnant) I am trying very hard now that I am not sick anymore to eat really healthy.
  • schellies
    schellies Posts: 88 Member
    I lost weight and was doing ok. Lost my job got pregnant and all the stress I got lazy and binging started again. Hoping it'll get warmer here soon and I can do more outside. I also just got a new job and hope it'll help keep me moving and my spirit. I too just entered second tri, feeling about same but even more tired :/ sleeping is awful for me. Hoping to eat better amd get a bit on track.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Just throwing these in here in case anyone finds them useful:

    I found this thread for calorie counting while pregnant extremely useful, and easy to understand:

    I also enjoyed participating in the fit, fabulous, and pregnant group. There are alot of other pregnant women who are fun to talk to and very supportive of one another.
  • cheltgirl
    cheltgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I was in the midst of trying lose weight as I'm obese and had been struggling to get pregnant for several years. The 5 days after I first spoke to a doctor about the struggle, I found out I was pregnant. I'm 8 weeks in and ecstatic, but really concerned about carrying all my extra weight and what impact that will have on my pregnancy and the baby. I have constant nausea (though no actual sickness) and that, along with fatigue means I mostly want to sleep and eat junk. I've come back to MFP from Weight Watchers to monitor what I'm eating on maintenance calories.
  • custardapplepie
    custardapplepie Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ladies,

    cheltgirl, the beginning is so hard. Its awful having food aversions and nausea but in most cases it gets better by 12 weeks. I *think* on average 10 weeks is supposed to be the worst. Hang in there. Its easier to eat healthy in the 2nd (or when the nausea goes away.) Be kind/easy on yourself. Growing a human is hard work!
  • custardapplepie
    custardapplepie Posts: 7 Member
    Okay...not sure where the rest of my message went but anyway; schellies, I am so sorry about your job! That is so stressful and completely understandable how the experience has shaped your eating habits. I am so happy you found a new job! I have recently found these prenatal videos on YouTube and I am doing the "Body by Amy" videos. They are 20-30 mins and they are great no matter your fitness level or trimester (I am pretty put of shape this time around. I had a broken foot and was on crutches for 12 of the first 15 weeks) and the first video killed my legs and upper abs. The choreographer of "Black swan" also has prenatal dance/ballet videos on YouTube if that's more your jive. Even if you only do 10 mins of a video, it's a start and could be all you need to get out of a junk-funk and great for the mental state. I hope you find the motivation to do it once and it will get the ball rolling so you will be ahead of the game when the weather warms up. 4legsRbetterthan2 thanks for sharing the links! Its hard to find pregnancy boards around here.
  • marley_12
    marley_12 Posts: 17 Member
    When I was pregnant with my second I was able to stay with the the recommended weight of gain by gaining 26lbs..(my first I gained 50). I wasn't able to really excercise much cuz if some complications I had so I mostly just walked 30-40 min. A day drank 7 bottles of water and used the babycenter weight calculator. First trimester I ate the same to maintain which for me was 1700 a day..2nd tri. Added 300 cals a day and for the 3rd trimester I just stayed at 2000-2200 a day. Good luck and I hope you and baby stay happy and healthy
  • mrskcreations
    mrskcreations Posts: 26 Member
    With my first I gained 50 lbs, this time I am 29 weeks along and have only gained 10 thus far, while baby is measuring ahead. I would love to have some friends for encouragement. I'm having trouble keeping focus this last 10 weeks and not deciding to just binge, haha. I have a 2000 cal intake which I will be sustaining through the 4th trimester to help me feed my son. After that I plan on reducing my calories to my TDEE before determining when to start my loss again. I don't exercise, but keep moving and active. Feel free to add me.