

  • Ironically, I just hit my goal so I am going to the buffet to celebrate BIG TIME! I've learned how to eat properly so 1 day of going all out might take 3 or 4 days to recover from... But it will be well worth it ;-)
  • I was stuck for a couple weeks as well so I decided to do a 1 day fast. Drank tons of water and green tea during the day but didn't eat any calories. Not gonna lie, it was a miserable day. But when I went back to my regular eating I noticed that I was again losing my 2 pounds per week. I am considering adding a fasting day…
  • Physically or mentally? I'm sitting at my desk, but my mind is showing me packing my things and starting my weekend early... ok, after this post my body will begin the process of catching up with my mind.
  • This may seem counterproductive, but my bro-in-law & I are racing to 199. Once we both reach it the 2nd winner (since we both made it neither one lost, right?) is taking the 1st guy out to an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet that we used to love to go to. Then we'll have to do a bunch of extra cardio for the next week to get…
  • While losing muscle from a sedentary lifestyle will result in a slower metabolism I don't think we need to worry about that here. Metabolism is more a factor of muscle activity then it is muscle mass. As long as they are staying physically active some muscle loss will not have a negative impact on metabolic levels. Dan
  • I'm never a big fan of losing lean body mass, but as long as you are tipping your %'s in the right direction, which you are, there is nothing wrong. Whenever a goal includes dramatic weight loss there will be muscle loss as well. My current goal includes a 5 pound loss in LBM with a 35 pound loss in fat mass. Those 5…
  • All of them? How about ANY of them? I feel like a complete klutz the way my legs go every which way but straight on them. I used to think I was fairly coordinated... thanks Tony!
  • I wear my heart rate monitor to count calories and then input it as cardio. I've created "my exercises" so if I forget my HRM I already have the workout info and can select it from the menu. I generally burn about 450-600 cals during the strength workouts depending on which one I'm doing. Dan
  • I have found with my clients that there is quite a bit of "giving up what you love" to reach the goal weight/physique and then there is moderation and monitoring to maintain what you've achieved. If you track your weight weekly you can very easily knock a couple pounds off if they creep back up on you. And like they say,…
  • here's what I have all my clients stat with Weeks 1-2 8 rounds of 15 seconds 100% 45 seconds 50% Finish with 22 minutes of jogging Weeks 3-4 8 rounds of 20sec. at 100% and 40 sec. at 50% Finsih with 22 minutes jogging. Continue adding 5 seconds to the high intensity every 2 weeks until you have flip flopped to 45 seconds…
  • Just looking at the math, you're going to have to average a caloric deficit of approx. 1500 calories/day. While that's doable in the short term you might want to schedule a few "no loss" weeks in there so that your body doesn't break down. For example, 2 weeks of loosing and then a week of maintaining to give your body and…
  • could be... HIIT simply refers to High Intensity Interval Training. If you are doing periods of very high intensity work followed by periods of recovers then... DING DING DING - we have a winner! Rock On! Dan
  • Funny, I was just writing a chapter in my new manual re: the fat loss zones last night. Here's what I've got (no, i haven't proofed it yet so go easy on me...): "The Not-So-Simple Math Behind Rapid Fat Loss Okay, grab your calculator and let’s look at what you are currently doing to get your body wedding ready and how you…
  • I monitor HR with my clients, but really only for point of reference for them. We do almost all interval training, both cardio & strength intervals, and our goal is 100% effort during work and 50% effort during recovery. This doesn't relate to HR as 100% effort may get them up to 85, 90, or 95% of their estimated HR max…
    in MHR Comment by coahdan April 2011
  • What type of exercises are you doing? Does the soreness lessen as you get into your workout or does it get worse?
  • Check out the Power 90 DVD's. That's the program that came out before P90X and is much better for beginners when it comes to strength training. Keep up the great work! Dan
  • I do the P90X Kenpo X, Yoga X, and Plyo X in a very small space behind my couch while my kids watch TV. The space is maybe 1.5 yoga mats wide and about 7 feet long. Being a 15 year veteran of the fitness industry I believe that P90X is one of the best programs available for in-home workouts...