Interval Training?

Does anyone have any Interval training routines they do on the treadmill to help maximize calorie loss? I know interval training burns a ton of calories but I don't really know how long to do each interval. I kind of ate a lot of calories already today and need to maximize my burning at the gym so I can eat dinner lol. I plan on running anyways, but what are some ideas of an interval training to add on to a workout?


  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    If your normal pace is an 8 min/mi, try 7min/mi for a min, then 9 for two. Rinse and repeat. If that's too easy, then widen the difference in pace to maybe 6 and 10.
  • coahdan
    coahdan Posts: 19
    here's what I have all my clients stat with

    Weeks 1-2
    8 rounds of 15 seconds 100% 45 seconds 50%
    Finish with 22 minutes of jogging

    Weeks 3-4
    8 rounds of 20sec. at 100% and 40 sec. at 50%
    Finsih with 22 minutes jogging.

    Continue adding 5 seconds to the high intensity every 2 weeks until you have flip flopped to 45 seconds at 100% and 15 seconds of recovery. Always finishing with 22 minutes of jogging.
  • changling82
    changling82 Posts: 137 Member
    Mine might be different than anyone else's, but this has really worked for me.

    10 mins on treadmill: running 2 mins, walking 1 min...repeat

    weights, arms

    10 mins on treadmill: start at 9% incline at 3.5 mph, up incline 1% every min until you max out

    weights, legs

    10 mins on eliptical: 2 mins high incline and resistance, 1 min low incline and resistance

  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    this is from my blog....

    Walk at 3.5mph for 5 minutes. Increase the speed to 6mph for 2 minutes. Come back down to 4mph for 3 minutes. Alternate between the two speeds three more times (until 25 minutes are up) then go back down to 3.5mph for the last 5 minutes.

    Walk at 3.5mph for 5 minutes. Every 2 minutes increase your speed by a .5mph so that you end up at 6mph, which is a run. Come back down by a .5mph every 2 minutes. Walk at 3.5mph for the last 5 minutes to cool down.

    -Intensify your workout!:
    Instead of tacking on extra minutes to your cardio workout, try intensifying your workout. You can burn more calories in less time by working out more intensely. One way to do that is with interval training. Vary your speed when jogging-walk for a couple minutes, then jog, then run. You'll get your heart rate up and boost your metabolism to continue burning calories after the workout as well.
  • StanJohn11
    when i hop on a treadmill i like to do interval training, as a matter of fact its one of my favorite things to do ever... the way i do it is, long periods of high intense jogging/running to get your heart rate nice and high (2.5-3minutes) then shorts periods of rest or slow walking to get your heart rate back down (im talkin 30-45 seconds).... repeat the process for about 30-45 minutes. Always keep in mind though that the high intensity part, should in fact be, high intensity 7,8,9mph depending on the person of course. Hope this helps. Good Luck!