

  • I know you are right. My exercise is a problem and I knw if I get an attitude adjustment I can turn that around.:sad:
  • wow! wow!wow! What a transformation! It makes me want to try harder than ever. Just to see what you are not carrying around anymore. thanks for sharing
  • I regret the chocolate malt. Should keep the healthy choices coming. I also regret my exercise wasn't what it should be. I can change this if I want to----so I will.
  • I had a much better day today.I walked uite a bit today. orientation at school for my freshmen daughter. busy day,but I tried to stay focused and determined to win this battle.
  • Well, I had a good and hard weekend.Didnot eat very nutritionally, but stayed within my calories. Exercise is my problem . Any ideas out there. I have been a little depressed and iam not sure why. I have to stay focused on the battle I am fighting for my life. Sometimes I get lost in whats going on around me.
  • welcome to MFP, I would be happy to be a friend. I am 61,will be 62 sunday. I have been fighting this battle most of my life. I am determined to win the fight this time. I have 3grown sons ,3adopted 11,12,and 15 and 8 grandcildren.
  • Well here I am . I am totally committed to my healthy choice life style change and would love to add you as my friend. To give support and accountibility when you need it. I need to lose 99lbs. so if you want add me as a friend.
  • I left for a time but have returned .need to lose 100 lbs., but I have to take it slow increments, otherwise I become overwhelmed. I keep it at 30 lbs increments.I et my stress get to me at times and then I do some emotional eating and then I become depressed. This time I am going slow and easy, not so hard on myself. I am…
  • I am also serious about losing 95lbs.I am going to need all the support and encouragement I can get and I want to be there for support for someone else. That is how we become stronger. We all can make each other stronger
  • I am looking for all the support and encouragement I can get. Need you as my friend
  • You two are very fortunate to have each other for support. My husband passed many years ago. So I get support from my family.I also rely on my pal. It is hard at times being alone. I have a wonderful family. I need to keep on trying to stay focused on my program.Would like to add you two as my friends for support and to…
    in add me Comment by judygorham August 2012
  • well I am 62 still feel young at times.It helps a lot to have someone to encourage you. Its a hard road at times and I try to make it easier if I can. I am here if you need a friend.
  • :laugh: welcome I ha:laugh: ve returned to my pal today went out gained 50 lbs. Joined weight loss clinic lost 30 and now I need the support you can get from my pal. I am taking it with a new approach, not so hard on myself. I also have had rough times emotionally,financialy and physically. Things are getting better:laugh:…
  • you can add me as a friend if you like
  • just a quick welcome I hope I can be a encouragement to you when you need it I know I need support
  • I also had a gastric bypass 19 years ago and I have gained my weight back,but I joined a weight loss clinic which has helped and I am back to my pal and I also need support someone to yell at me when my thinking is not good.
  • I also am a returning member. If you need support I am there.
  • I am 61 and feel much the same way as you. I have returned to my pal after 15 months,gained 50lbs.Started a weight loss clinic and have lost30lbs. I also feel so much out of shape and get discouraged with going backwards for awhile, wasting time. I need the support I get with my pal.With every lb. my breathing improves ,my…
  • my name is judy,Iam 60 years old,and I am a newbie,Ibegun today,All my lifei have been fighting my weight. I want to make it this time because i KNOW Iwon't live to enjoy my family.I amfeeling positive after reading all of the articles you have shared .Iam looking forward to more.Bye for now
    in Newbie Comment by judygorham March 2011