add me

me and my wife are trying to lose weight together. add us if u need support ,


  • StephJB1221
    I love that you guys are doing it together!!! Wish my husband was interested in it!!! Lol
  • ilovefood87
    ilovefood87 Posts: 41 Member
    aww, I love it that you are doing it together. best of luck to you both. :)
  • McArthurMom
    Best of luck to you both!! To have support at home is wonderful!!
  • judygorham
    You two are very fortunate to have each other for support. My husband passed many years ago. So I get support from my family.I also rely on my pal. It is hard at times being alone. I have a wonderful family. I need to keep on trying to stay focused on my program.Would like to add you two as my friends for support and to share same with you