Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    I'd like to add another success/concern. Lol. Happened today. I've officially learned to cook too healthy. I'm set at 1730 calories for a 1 1/2lb loss a week. Recently, between all the food and snacks I've eaten during the day, I seem to be clocking in at about 1400-1500 calories. Sometimes a little more, but those are generally on my work out days. now, MFP says 14something would give me 2lbs a week which is ok by me. The downside today is that I had my healthy pork roast, for dinner I made chicken fajitas in lettuce wraps with cheese and ranch. I found a ranch recipe for "skinny ranch"....1/4 cup is only 55 calories. My total intake today was 1300ish, but i did a half hour on the eliptical and burned 250, so im actually probably around 1100 net for the day. Now I have to go find something healthy to snack on that will give me like 300 extra calories so my body doesnt freak out.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @Nichols - How is the width on Ryka shoes? I usually only go for New Balance, because I have feet like flippers and they are usually the only comfortable shoe for me.

    I'm the same way. Actually, the last pair I bought were men's because they fit the best. Finding sneakers has always been a challenge, but this last pair was the best fit. I actually need to buy another pair. This was is getting a little hole on the top by my toe. I'll probably try to find the same pair.

    I used to wear men's sneakers - in high school I wanted to wear men's shoes. Thought I would fit in with the jocks better. Then that was what I got used to. I am actually surprised at the fact there there is such a noticeable difference so soon into wearing them.

    Picnic update - well, I entered everything I ate...which was pretty decent. I was under for the day...then I remembered that I had almost 3 glasses of home made Sangria that didn't even taste like alcohol. Wow that put me over. Oh well. It's recorded and can't go back now. But hey, hard to say when I'll ever have that wonderful elixir again!

    OH and not to put the idea of ice cream in your heads...but today I discovered Magnum Mini Bars. Only 150 cals for a little bit of heaven. It's the perfect amount of ice cream and chocolate for a once a week treat!

    Ok, so I am putting it up here so y'all have my permission to hold me accountable. I want to go on a long bike ride tomorrow. So no excuses, I'm going. There, yell at me if I don't!

    @nicholsvj: Thanks for the Magnum Mini Bars! I normally buy the Weight Watchers Giant Fudge Bars and save my calories for a bar a few times a week. It helps me to not feel so deprived. I haven't tried the mini bars, but definitely the full size ones. I may need to search these ones out. Thanks!!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    [OH and not to put the idea of ice cream in your heads...but today I discovered Magnum Mini Bars. Only 150 cals for a little bit of heaven. It's the perfect amount of ice cream and chocolate for a once a week treat!

    two words: Skinny Cow (ice cream, that is). For those of us who just cant' resist the ice cream addiction.
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    I also love golden spoon frozen yogurt (if you have one near you). Their peanut butter cup and graham cracker flavors are sooo yummy and sweet, the pomegranate blueberry is very refreshing, and all non-fat flavors are only 100 calories for 4oz!
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks for the breakfast ideas! I think I'll have to try the mini quiches! That just sounds like a perfect, healthy road breakfast! I've been thinking hard boiled eggs would be good too. But I don't know how long ahead I can pre make the eggs.

    My other option might just be making oatmeal ahead of time, taking it to work and microwaving it there. Ironically I am not that worried about lunch. I guess they have a salad bar everyday at the hospital. And I plan on keeping some almonds in my pocket as well as my water bottle with me at all times. to work in exercise when working 7-7....

    Saturday Success: When I weighed in on Wednesday I was back to my lowest point since starting this journey. Which I was so excited for. However, yesterday I was back up another 9 pounds! I know that with what I ate and exercising the way I did, it is not possible for that 9lbs to be anything other than my stupid IBS. So, I call it a success that I am going down with the actual body weight (even though my intestines are holding on to too much stuff).

    Well, off to start cleaning my house....yuck!

    Google "summer porridge". It's a make ahead recipe using oatmeal and yogurt. That would be something already made up and easy to grab
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    [OH and not to put the idea of ice cream in your heads...but today I discovered Magnum Mini Bars. Only 150 cals for a little bit of heaven. It's the perfect amount of ice cream and chocolate for a once a week treat!

    two words: Skinny Cow (ice cream, that is). For those of us who just cant' resist the ice cream addiction.
    4 more words. Coconut Bliss, cherry amaretto. It is iced coconout milk that is *heavenly*!
  • regojess
    regojess Posts: 28 Member
    Don't have any time to read up on everyone:cry: I just know that you are all doing great, keep succeeding at everything you're doing and it will all work out in the end!:bigsmile:

    Just gonna hit you guys up with my Saturday success real quick and go do some homework. The only thing I can think of is that I finally got me a new pair of running shoes.:happy: I don't run, but because I am large they seem to work better than the walking or cross training ones. I found a pair of pretty black and hot pink Nike's at Ross the other day for $40. And because things tend to disappear in Ross if you don't buy them right then I just bought them. I haven't tested them out yet though. Before you say anything I did try them on and walk, or rather hobble, around with them in the aisle. Can't really walk with the shoes strapped together. But I'm just happy I finally got a new pair I've been using this pair I have had for a few years so, this should be a nice change.

    Have a good night everyone!
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    @nicholsvj - The free weight section of the gym intimidates me, too.

    @jana - 2 sets of 10 is impressive. I feel like I'll never be able to do that!

    @skinny - that stair climbing race sounds hard but I bet you could do it!

    @Laurie - I want to try rock climbing some day but I don't think I have the strength yet.

    @annie - congrats on the great time for your 5K! Right now 5K takes me at least an hour.

    @MyM0wM0w - I'm now on the hunt for Coconut Bliss, cherry amaretto. Sounds amaxing!

    @jtconst - Mongolian bbq is one of my favorite meals. Yum!

    @Christine - You are really making progress with your walks! You're so inspiring! I really need to push myself as well.

    Friday Fitness - Had a hard workout with my trainer on his last day before his vacation. I guess he didn't want me forgetting his torture too soon.

    Saturday Success - I guess my success is mostly keeping within my calorie goals while on night shift. When I have to work overnight I don't really worry about what I eat. I just try to get through it.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    sorry I've been a little MIA folks - heat/work/depression really kicking my *kitten* this week.
    @nicheven – 30 min on the elliptical… wow. My knees and back scream at me after 5-10. Way to go!
    @aug - *hugs* family can be sooo much drama
    @naceto – holding off on Tae Bo sounds like a plan – something like that would kick you off a plateau (sounds right to me), so building up to it slowly makes a lot of sense
    @skinnyjeanz – love the new pic – what a beautifully baby! Good luck with the new school year.
    MyMowmow, Liz, Robin – wonder if it’s something about this time of year – several of us seem to be having the same low point right now… including me
    @kah & others – magnesium is also really important if you have respiratory problems such as COPD or asthma, particularly if you are prone to attacks initiated by exercise. One of the first things an ER physician may try (along with breathing treatments) to keep from needing to intubate a severe asthma attack is a bolus of magnesium – it helps relax smooth muscles (like the bronchial tubes).
    @scottr35 – welcome to the crowd! Big Aug better be on his toes with another joker in our midst.

    love ya all...

    @vickimieth- WOW!! I didn't know about the magnesium for breathing issues. That is super cool! I have asthma and along with my increased activity and better food choices, have been more consistent with my magnesium supplement. This could be contributing to my increase in endurance. :happy: Yay! Knowledge is power. :) Thank you for the information!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - my math on the noodles was way off - :blushing: that's what I get for counting on my fingers - sheesh -

    Toots - congrats on finishing your adoption training - you'll make for a wonderful home for some great siblings! Hope you get over that cold soon!

    Susan - what a great week you've had - kudos!

    Annie - WOOT on running/walking your 5K - you're a SUPERSTAR! :love:

    Laurie - thanks for the articles! You're a sweetheart for looking them up!

    regojess - aloha and congrats on your new shoes - I'm sure you're gonna love 'em!

    Sunday Share - I went a little 'crazy' and bought a bar-height table off of Craig's list - and gave the seller's a down payment - with the balance to be paid when I move the table. Now I'm having buyers' remorse. I am wondering now if I can back out of the deal and if I do if they'll give me my down payment back. Its too expensive for me and I can't really afford to be spending money right now. I really love the table though. Sigh.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Sunday Share - I live in the Midwest----60 years old and on the perilous slope to 61 next month (eeeeck). Been looking after my elderly father for a number of years and ignoring myself altogether and I'm trying to focus on me now while still handling everything for him. In just the last several days he's insisting he needs another trip to the audiologist (really, we end up going there about once a month), his phone isn't working properly, he fell in the laundry room of the Assisted Living facility, forgot to set his alarm clock which made him *not perfect* for the day, etc., etc. etc. I don't know how to communicate the immensity of his demands. It's difficult to live my life.

    Well, nothing like putting your guts out there on a plate for the whole world to see. Ha. There are no takebacks........

    Anyway, I'm trying my hardest to get down to a reasonable BMI before my next doctor's appointment. (Note I did not say normal BMI as I am really not delusional). I'm glad to have found some great folks on MFP.

    Later folks. Things to do, places to go, water to drink.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Sunday Share - I went a little 'crazy' and bought a bar-height table off of Craig's list - and gave the seller's a down payment - with the balance to be paid when I move the table. Now I'm having buyers' remorse. I am wondering now if I can back out of the deal and if I do if they'll give me my down payment back. Its too expensive for me and I can't really afford to be spending money right now. I really love the table though. Sigh.

    @Robin - good luck to you if you want to try to reverse this transaction. Totally depends on the person you're dealing with and how easy they think the table would be to sell to someone else don't you think? I understand, I often have buyer's remorse.
  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
    Sunday Share - as I mentioned earlier this week I'm reading up on a bunch of different types of dieting and watching various food documentaries, trying to figure out what's best for our family eating. I really want this to be a lifestyle change and not just a temporary thing.

    In more "fun" news, I've convinced 3 of my girlfriends to come geocaching with my family today so I'm super excited about that! Check out if you've never heard of it. It's a great way to get some family exercise/fun time and there are caches pretty much all across the globe nowadays.
  • badfattitude
    badfattitude Posts: 54 Member
    I'd like to be part of this group. I need to go back and read a bunch of pages to catch up, so it'll take me a few days. I need to lose 110lbs. I"m hoping to lose 50lbs by February when I'm going to participate in the Spartan Race.
  • deb_109
    deb_109 Posts: 16
    Good Morning

    I would like to also be part of this group I have total of 120 lbs to lose. I have already lost 51 lbs since May
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I'm not sure its possible, but think I made the coffee too strong this morning! :laugh:

    Sunday Share~I'm Kelley, 43 (til November), from Texas. By day I'm an accountant and I go to school part-time in the evenings - all in all a pretty stressful lifestyle. I've been at this weight loss game for several years, having lost the bulk of my weight on Weight Watchers. When they switched over to their new plan last year it quit working, then after knee surgery in May I started working out with a trainer at my gym and we started working on my nutrition - so even though I've been on MFP for a while I started using it regularly in June. This trainer has been a Godsend - he used to be a physical therapist so he helped me regain the strength in my knee and now we're working on finding the athlete in me again. I'm also in a weight loss challenge at my gym that runs August-November - right now we're tied for first place. We really hope to win!

    @Susan~Awesome job with the loss this week and the exercise!
    saturday success- I got to the gym for the first time since my back surgery 5 weeks ago. No problem with my back or legs on the treadmill but having trouble with my heart the last little while. So annoying. Saw the cardiologist yesterday and have some more tests booked.
    then i got to go outside and do a bit of weeding in the late afternoon sun. Can't do as much gardening as i would like but i sure enjoyed doing a bit!

    Good news about not having issues with your back, I remember returning to workouts following my knee surgery and how scared I was to do anything - now its just a thing of the past. :smile: I'm sorry for the heart issues, that can be scary, I hope that all the tests your cardiologist has ordered have favorable results.

    @kah & others – magnesium is also really important if you have respiratory problems such as COPD or asthma, particularly if you are prone to attacks initiated by exercise. One of the first things an ER physician may try (along with breathing treatments) to keep from needing to intubate a severe asthma attack is a bolus of magnesium – it helps relax smooth muscles (like the bronchial tubes).

    Wow, I had no idea! I actually have exercise induced asthma - normally have attacks and have to use my rescue inhaler when I have really intense workouts. Sounds like I have even more reason to pick up that calcium/magnesium supplement at the gym today! Thanks for sharing.
  • judygorham
    I left for a time but have returned .need to lose 100 lbs., but I have to take it slow increments, otherwise I become overwhelmed. I keep it at 30 lbs increments.I et my stress get to me at times and then I do some emotional eating and then I become depressed. This time I am going slow and easy, not so hard on myself. I am holding myself accountible for what goes in my mouth. I feel so good since I took off the 32lbs,my breathing, walking,hip pain,all of it improved I know each day I improve my quality of life. Love being back keep on keeping on----later:huh: :drinker: :drinker:
  • andreabeatty
    Morning, all. Happy Sunday =) THis has potential to be a long Sunday Share, just a warning.

    I come from a family that has a history of weight issues. Both sides are all Italian and we love our food. My dad's side are all men, NYC cops and firemen who are all big and loud and happy, my mom's side is all women who care too much what people think. My sisters and I had two aunts who constantly told us that we would never find nice boys, be loved, or have anyone like us because we had no discipline and that's why we were heavy. It messed with us a little, no lie. (The pride and joy of the family is my cousin, who is revered despite being hospitalized several times for eating disorders, because she married a rich guy)

    SO flash forward to now, I am still the only one really heavy, but frankly I have a pretty strong self image and think my aunts can pretty much go scratch. And my nieces and nephews have the eating gene we all have, too. My older sister keeps her three kids pretty active, but you can tell that they will struggle like we all did. And this being the Diet Pill Queen Sister, her kids are very conscious of weight and I know that she probably harps on them about being heavy. Since I can't interfere with her parenting I can only hope she doesn't mess them up.

    My younger sister, who is my best friend and support, called me at midnight last night crying over her 8 year old son. She made him go on the scale last night and he weighs 121 pounds. She said she just didn't see it, she puts him in sports and thought he looked slimmer, but he's actually gained weight. I just don't have the answers for her, while we were all overweight it was never serious at 8 years old.

    So now I have more motivation for this journey, I need to do this not just for myself but also to show him it can be done, and to lead by example. We did talk about some things last night and I think we have a good plan to better his eating habits, and he and I both will be seeing the nutritionist. And the sad part is, I know exactly how this sweet, loving boy is feeling right now. He doesn't see anything wrong with himself, and can't understand why he's told he can't have something, while his younger siblings are encouraged to eat more and more.

    Just me getting a little emotional and feeling my heart go out to this child and understanding how hard it is.

    XOXOX Andrea
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    See andrea, i think in a situation like that the only thing to do is make everyone eat less and eat healthier. or to, at the very least, not encourage others to eat more. which i realize seems to be the italian way but they should probably try to work out a way to have the whole family step back from eating a little. i have a son who is almost twelve and while he isn't flat out fat he's certainly chubby. his metabolism has always been super fast and he was plain emaciated for almost his entire life, until about a year ago. he eats and eats and eats. way more than the rest of the people in the house. he has a gut but he looks normal still unless his shirt is off. but to nip it in the bud we're all eating less and we're all exercising more. so he doesn't feel like he's being targeted. i don't know with your nephew, but that might help
  • andreabeatty
    @ toots, thats some of what we discussed last night. My sister has 4 kids, and until this coming year the three school age were all in different schools. With them all in one school now, she can get on a good schedule and get the family into a routine. I told her she really has to cook - they get takeout or eat out almost every night. Without cooking she really can't control what he's eating.

    The two younger siblings - we wont count the four month old =) - are picky eaters like I've never seen, and tall skinny toothpicks whose bones stick out. So she's trying to control what one of them eats, while the other two have to be dragged to the table. My advice to her was, they'll eat when they are hungry. Have healthy food available, and focus on Nicholas' diet. Eating healthy can't possibly be bad for them. I told her we will work on a good schedule and stuff together, since I'm there almost every day, and that none of us has to do this alone.