CarolinkaCjj Member


  • Summer is rough for sure but I keep my mind on the end result - if I pile up my plate, it is just that much harder to reach my goal. I go off track from time to time but get right back at it. You have good advice so far - try it out. Plan ahead - that helps a lot especially for restaurant dining. It is about choices - yes,…
  • +1 and thank goodness! Otherwise I would need a new wardrobe. As it is now, I am going to have taking some things in, As chubbygirl253 said, when your clothes are stretchy (just about all of mine are), it takes longer for them not to fit any more. My pants did start to fall down - mercifully, we are not in pant weather…
  • Love a man in a suit and love the graph (love data) - great job, you are looking sharp!
  • At first it was really rough - up several times a night. A woman I work with assured me it would get better and it did. Hang in there.
  • +1 on the anger. I made a joke out of it - I called it the "crab fest". Even long after the anger subsided, any time I would get irritated with my husband, I would use the "I just quit smoking" excuse - he would just laugh at me.
  • Congrats on quitting smoking! I have been smoke free for 8 years. My advice for what it is worth is that quitting smoking is going to have a greater impact on your health than losing weight. I used to help me - folks are all going through the same thing as you. Keep up the good work and hang in there - it does…
  • Congrats to the end of the dreaded "chub rub" - that is great!
  • At dinner with a good friend. When we got up to leave, she looked at me and said "I love that dress - I know I have seen it before but I don't remember how it came in at the waist like that. How come I never noticed that before?" My best guess (and she agreed): It is not the dress that has changed, it is the body inside it…
  • Lots of folks really like them - one of my friends uses them in her office when she does not have time to go out and exercise. As far as I can tell, they are really good especially if you are just starting out.
  • Slippery slop in my opinion. 1200 is too few - if you were 150 trying to get to 140 maybe but 1200 at 360 without any medical supervision seems to me to be too risky. I have my daily intake set at 1700 and am down 43 pounds (from 318) - I still have a long way to go but it feels like a lifestyle change rather than a diet.
  • Go for the heart rate monitor but it might make you sad - it did for me. According to MFP, I was burning over 600 calories for an hour of Jazzercise but with the heart rate monitor, it is really around 300. Would be still be sad but the truth is better than fooling myself.
  • If the scale at the Y is consistent, stick with it. I go to my dr's office every Friday, knock on the door so I can weigh myself on the same scale. Once a week will track your progress.
  • Marago Gype is amazing.
  • I just joined - I am one of Molly's many friends. Carolyn, 52, married, no kids, three cats and doing my best to change my lifestyle (so far, so good :smile: )
  • Grilled peanut butter and cheese. And lunch meat if you want. Sounds awful. Is not. I was shocked.
  • I quit 8 years ago after smoking for over 20 years. Yes I gained weight. I would not trade quitting for ANYTHING - not even losing weight. It was more critical for me to quit. I was NOT a causal smoker - a true nicotine addict through and through. I can never go back and I know it. I would rather spend my life at my…
  • Friend List. That is where I get the bulk of my motivation. If you go to "My home" you can post updates and there are automatic updates when you finishing logging for the day or do some exercise. My friends read my diary, critique it and give really good advice. There are a small group that I can rely on to help me stay…
  • Read some posts, find someone with common goals and send them a friend request - tell them a little about yourself. Be ready to support them and they will support you. I find that the folks on my FL are much more motivating than the forums. (I would start with that nice Nancy10272004 lady - she kindly directed you to the…
  • Most folks will ask you to open your diary. It is hard to say without being able to look at the patterns. Also, how tall are you and what is your goal weight? I doubt I can offer you much assistance (our goals and fitness levels are miles apart) but I know there are folks here who can take a peak and your diary and offer…
  • Because I cannot help myself and am a snarky know-it-all, this is often called the Droste effect named after the label for a Dutch cocoa powder. Now I want hot chocolate.
  • Yes it will get easier. And you will be surprised at how fast it gets easier. And, btw, great walk! Keep up the good work - you are headed in the right direction. And the dog will thank you :flowerforyou: Oh, and when you are down a few more pounds, grab something that weighs as much as you lost and haul it around - it…
  • Not the worst but one of the most striking: Pre MFP: Panda Express Chow Mein plus Orange Chicken bowl = 910 calories for lunch MFP remake: Panda Express Mixed veggies and Chicken String bean = 230 calories for lunch. Even if the calories on the modified version is two fold off, it would still be nearly half the calories of…
  • Banana meatloaf. Bananas intact. Truly horrific.
  • Everything in moderation. There good options at Subway - pile on the veggies. I have to confess that I am still somewhat of a Jared fan actually - I lived in Indiana for a while - read his story in the local paper before Subway picked him up as a spokesman. He really did just eat at Subway and start walking everywhere.…
  • All great advice. So many restaurants have their nutritional info on line, it is a lot easier (and even if you do not frequent chain restaurants, you can use them as a guide). Measure at the free breakfasts (I carry measuring spoons in my purse - better than nothing). Check out the hotel gyms. Leslie Sansone has on line…
  • Forty two pounds is not chump change so to speak. Think of your husband. Think of your doctor. Think of how far you have come. Stop thinking about your sister - we cannot pick our relatives. I can understand why it is irritating but do not let it sabotage you.
  • You would be surprised what is in the database already. I would go with a clear broth, steer clear of coconut milk if you can. Laksa is in the database and does not look to be too bad - since they are "the king of laksa", I might be inclined to check it out. If they have fresh (not fried) spring rolls, I would go with them…
  • Welcome! Four pounds down is a great start! Will send you a friend request. I was you in November but starting at 318 (yeah, double ugh!) but I am down 40 pounds so far, feeling better than I have in a very long time (and looking forward to the next 40 and the 40 after that :smile: }
  • +3 on Leslie Sansone. I do jazzercize but whenever there is a move that twists my knees, I modify it. I am not small and I know I put a strain on my knees. Take it slow and don't take yourself out with an injury. Though you are young (just checked your profile) so you may be more resilient but I just would not risk it.