What's the worst thing you ever ate regularly pre-mfp?



  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Everything I ate then, I still eat now.

    Oh except Diet Coke; I used to drink it multiple times per day. Now I might have a small cup of regular coke 1-2x per year.
  • transientcanuck
    transientcanuck Posts: 82 Member
    Oh dear, where do I begin...

    I had the worst eating habits in university, hence why I gained so much weight. My diet would worsen the more stressed I was. On any given day (when I wasn't on a crash diet), this would resemble my intake:

    -Large Double-Double (which is the Canadian term for a large coffee with two creams, two sugars)
    -Toasted blueberry bagel with butter

    Mid-morning snack:
    -Chocolate chip cookie from the library cafe
    -Another coffee

    -Crispy chicken burger with fries
    -Chocolate milk
    -Another coffee to go (for my afternoon class)

    Afternoon snack:
    -Red Bull

    -Giant bowl of pasta with veggies (perhaps my only "healthier" option that day)

    Night snack:
    -Chocolate bar, plus three additional coffees (you know, to fuel those study sessions)

    I surprisingly only gained 30 lbs during university. If I had gone back now I would have gained so much more...

    Since graduating from school I have been MUCH better with my eating, although I occasionally relapse with the fast-food and instant noodle binges
  • H118
    H118 Posts: 9 Member
    Multiple packets of ramen noodles. With cheese melted on top.

    I would inevitably wake up every morning after eating that to 3-4 lbs of water weight bloat. I'm pretty sure 70% of it went straight to my face.
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    Grazing on mini peppermint patties and chewy jolly ranchers all day, and not measuring the amounts of olive oil or cheese I put in salads or in cooking.
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    There's a place near where I live that makes a BLT pizza. With mayonnaise.

    I don't even want to find out how many calories that is...... or how bad it is for my heart....
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Big bag of chips AND container of ice cream. Still wish I could once in a while.
  • Bittersweetbruises
    These absolutely giant, as in like mountain of cereal completely downed in like 800 calories of full fat milk. Ugh.
    I haven't has cereal in a year now.
    I also used to have like 9 sausages at dinner with like 4 potatoes and vegetables and all that but seriously, 9? I could throw up.
    Haven't had that in a year either.
    I honestly can't believe what I used to eat wow no.
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    3-4 Cherry Pepsi's a day sometimes paired that with lots of chips.
  • Kitteneyes01
    Kitteneyes01 Posts: 125
    I can't remember what I used to eat before I started losing weight. But I DO remember I used to eat a LOT of candy and chips. And those sugary kiddy cerials...
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Taco Bell's Nachos Bell Grande, a steak Grilled Stuft burrito, a Mexican pizza, and a caramel apple empanada, with a large Baja Blast. :noway:
  • Tomboly1
    Tomboly1 Posts: 42
    I ate cereal as a snack....all day. I could eat a box or two in a day. I thought it was low fat so it wasn't that bad. I am happy to say I completely cut cereal out of my life (besides the occasional bowl of granola) and don't miss it for a second. It just makes you hungrier the more you eat it.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    Probably one of my worst lunches I would get from a local spot:

    Steak Burrito with rice, grilled veggies, cheese, sour cream and guacamole
    Cup of Chicken Tortilla soup
    Side of Chips with Salsa and Queso.

    Easily a 2000 calorie meal....I look back and just wonder what I was thinking. I still go there but make such smarter choices now and its just as satisfying if not more.
    It's crazy - you don't think of how those numbers add up. I had a steak burrito from Z-Teca last night and that was just under 800 calories. Good thing I lifted yesterday. I still came in over cals but I'm not terribly worried. 1st time in 3 weeks. I guess I'd be lying if I say I hadn't had meals with a large caloric intake prior to that . I'd have to say that when I was eating very poorly years ago, it would be fast food. I eat at Wendy's still every so often - just a small burger after training or w/e but it fits into my plan and actually helps me with protein. 6 years ago it would have been a McD's crispy chicken meal with extra mayo and tomato and mayo on the side. I loved (haven't had a drop of it in 5 years) diet Coke for the taste (not the "diet" aspect) so I would have had one of those and probably thrown a 6 pack of nuggets and a hot fudge/caramel sundae in there too. I'd probably have that once a week.
  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    Wawa cheesesteak with extra steak, extra cheddar, bacon, mayo, avocado, and a hot dog as an appetizer.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    Yup, I could easily go through a box of cereal in a day. Tasted great and never seemed to fill me up so I'd want more an hour later.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    mashed potato sandwiches

    lightly toasted white bread with gobs of butter then filled with home made mashed potatoes (made with butter and heavy cream)

    I would eat these as a teenager every day after school at least 2 of these plus over the day probably an entire box of cereal with milk and yet was always thin back then because I ran almost 14 miles every single day (didn't know this was a half just was what we did lol). We also roller skated for fun and rode bicycles for most likely over 150 miles a week.

    I gained weight after moving away from the country and becoming inactive.
    Doesn't it make you slightly sad that the world isn't like that anymore? I would love to just run around and bike in the country again like I did as a kid at my grandparents' cottage. Heck yes I would eat two of those sandwiches if I did that all day
  • Kendrazombie
    Kendrazombie Posts: 157 Member
    2 sausage biscuits
    2 Hashbrowns
    1 breakfast burrito
    Large frappe

    2130 calories for breakfast. I'm sure I've done way worse but the thought of this one makes me queasy now.
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    When my family would order pizza, I'd get an entire cheesy bread from Domino's as my dinner because I didn't eat sauce. To be fair, I usually split it in half and ate half the next day for dinner again :P

    Or I would get an order of mozzarella sticks and french fries for dinner. Not exactly the best food.
    Then there'd be days where all I'd eat for dinner was a box of Velveeta mac & cheese, with cookies/snacks/chips for breakfast/lunch.
    Basically I ate junk food almost all of the time because that's what my mom bought and I didn't care/know any better.

    OH I almost forgot. When my mom and I would go "grocery" shopping (she was a bad impulse buyer - every snack/cake/chips would get put in the cart and no meals were ever cooked in our house) we would get a pack of raw cookie dough and eat it on the way home. How messed up is that? lol
  • 43mmmgoody21
    43mmmgoody21 Posts: 146 Member
    I still eat the same crap i ate pre MFP but now i track what i eat (and usually do so in moderation). When i feel like pigging out on so-called "non-healthy food" (as opposed to just a bit of crap) i simply make sure it fits my macros for the day.
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    Not the worst but one of the most striking:
    Pre MFP: Panda Express Chow Mein plus Orange Chicken bowl = 910 calories for lunch
    MFP remake: Panda Express Mixed veggies and Chicken String bean = 230 calories for lunch. Even if the calories on the modified version is two fold off, it would still be nearly half the calories of the high cal version (and truth be told, just as satisfying)
  • OtakuMusician
    OtakuMusician Posts: 66 Member
    I could drink an entire 12-pack of Pepsi in one sitting if I wanted to.

    I would never get that extreme, but I would drink like... up to six per day. That's over my daily limit right there.