NatashaAlexandra Member


  • Excellent suggestions!! For the people asking about shakes... I'm merely asking for opinions if you think they would actually work! I don't have any shakes in mind, I was going to make some myself or smoothies. But this too would require a lot of fruit/veg! I do kinda feel that doing a limited detox diet is a bit stupid…
  • I have a really weird strategy to stop me binge eating... I found that even though I stopped buying bad foods in my weekly shopping, it just encouraged me to run out to the shop up the road and buy 3 bars of galaxy or whatnot. So.. to stop this I developed a weekend fund which is basically a jar in my kitchen.. everytime I…
  • Yes definitely!! With walking there are so many variations; you can change your speed/surroundings easily.. For better results I would mix it up, uphill is always good for the muscles in moderation, look online for walks in your area, I'm sure you'll find some you never knew were there!
  • It's not the neighbor I'm worried about!! Breaking the floorboards/damaging the floor is what's worrying me hah!!
  • Yes we do have a gym that I can use maybe one day a week because my university is 2 hours from my home and I commute in and out so times are strict for my trains I never usually have free time! :(
  • Yes I programmed it, and I use the chest strap and tighten it properly which is why I am so confused!!
  • Def doing this!! Need some motivation!! SW: 144 CW: 142 GW: 135-132 (unrealistic i know!) Weigh in Dates: 9/1: 142 9/8: 9/15: 9/22: 9/31:
  • I will stress over the tiniest things - such as there not being any seats left on the bus when I get on. I have to remind myself to chill constantly!! I am really self conscious and I take AGES getting ready until I feel okay to step outside - I even have to wear make up and do my hair to go to the corner shop!! I have too…
  • Oh my god YOU ARE AMAZING! So jealous, I would love to be your weight :) Sounds like you worked very hard for it!! You are my inspo to lose these last 10 pounds :D
  • I only check in when I know it's a stable weight... for example I've went down another pound today but I'm not logging it for another few days incase it goes back up again - my weight changes so frequently I don't want to be excited about losing another pound if its just temporary!!!
  • LOVE IT!! Got it 3 weeks ago and I've been doing it 3 or 4 days a week since! The workouts are amazing - you really feel it working and even by half way through you are dripping in sweat! I've lost 4lbs doing this workout and eating 1200 calories a day - but I find it extremely hard to lose weight, I think I don't burn as…
  • Aim to have around 1100-1300 5 days a week with 300cals burned in exercise = 800-1000 Net Calories On the other 2 days - which just happen to be my days off work ha - I usually have 1400-1600 Cals with no exercise! For some odd reason even though I am 5'8 and 136lbs... I have tried exercising the same and upping my…
  • I really recommend Jillian Michaels DVD workouts!! I've done the 30 day shred - which was really good and helped me lose inches quickly, but as it's only 20 minutes long and only burns roughly 150-200 calories (will differ on your weight/height) I had to do around 34 mins of cardio too! Right now I'm doing the 'Banish Fat…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat!! The scale doesnt matter - its the inches that are important, that way you KNOW for a fact you look different! :)
  • I am going to start fasting too! I need to confuse my body a bit as I am completely used to eating around 1300-1500 and it's driving me insane! I don't understand how my body thinks so little calories is normal it's crazy :( But I will most likely fast 1 day a week if I can to start off with, just to level my calories out…
  • Haha what a way to motivate somebody! I take this very seriously but my eating habits are hard to kick. I joined MFP last year and logged for quite a while but got a new job so ended up giving up! So now I'm back and trying to change my diet :) I agree with most posts though I do need to add more fruit/veg and protein.
  • Currently weigh 139 pounds and my goal weight would be 126-133... Although I am tall I carry most of my weight on my legs and arms, therefore giving off the image that I am quite 'chubby' although I don't actually weigh a lot! Ideally want to lose 10 pounds and tone up but its proving very diffiucult with a healthy BMI..
  • Yes I want to lose 5-7 pounds and also tone up at the same time. It doesn't seem like a lot compared to some people on here, but it is A LOT for me to lose as I find it almost impossible to lose even 1 pound! Hence why I need diet advice as I am completely stuck!
  • I think this may be the problem. But the thing is, I don't want to be this weight. I am an average sort of build but have flabby arms, muffin top, big thighs and a chubby face. Although it may sound ideal, I'm not slim. I want to look slim and even a little athletic (mostly on my stomach, I don't want very muscly manly…
  • I'm not happy with my weight though. My goal weight would be around 132. Everyone has different goals, but I'm just aiming to lose a few pounds and tone up because I'm not confident with my arms, muffin top and my legs are quite chubby. I won't be too skinny as most of my friends seem to be around 130 and they are just…
  • 18!! Young'un!
  • The problem is that it is completely different for every single person. No two people will have the same calorie intake and recieve the same results. Dependant on your BMI and your daily activities, it varies. If you have a healthy BMI, I'd go with 1350 calories a day, and then eat back all your exercise cals. BUT if you…
  • Yeah, when I'm exercising my heart rate seems to feel high during the whole workout, which is pretty evident as my face and sometimes my arms/legs get a bit red from all the blood pumping through me haha! But I just thought it was kinda high considering I've been told since I'm a healthy BMI that it is more difficult for…
  • Oh, sorry, most people on the site are familiar with the DVD so I completely forgot haha! It is only a 24 minute workout (that includes about 4 minutes of stretching, so 20 minute intense workout)
  • confusing isn't it!
  • I am 5'9 and I'm 138 pounds.. so I think that is 9 stone 12. Bust = 33-34 Thinnest point of waist = 27 Lower waist = 29 Hips =34-35 Top arm = 11 Top leg = 21 :)
  • A reverse crunch definitely!! But when you are doing it keep your legs in the air at all times, don't drop them or roll back and forward too quickly as this can just strain your muscles but not actually burn anything!! :)
  • All good but varied responses might I add haha! I do run on the spot, but it is on a carpeted area and I wear Next trainers which were only £30 but at the moment I can't afford to invest in a really good pair of running shoes! I had them fitted though so they are fine for that, but obviously once I get money I'll need to…
  • Yes! I eat Scottish oats porridge, as I am from Scotland haha - but I just have it plain and then maybe add fruit or a flavouring on top so I can change it up from time to time and not get bored :)