im eating too many carbs and not enough protein, im a pescetarian and never anywhere near what my protein intake should be accoring to mfp
im 38 but close hahah thank you for this
thanks everyone , you have been very helpful :)
yeah 154lbs i want to lose about 14lbs
yeah , i was worried eating more carbs would stop me from losing weight seems not !!! i will assess my carb intake thank you
5"7 and 11 stone ....yeah im not very good with all this and how many calories i should be having
hi - Varies between 1000 - 1200
id rather not elaborate if thats okay but im cutting down on bad fats,carbs and anything nasty, such as diet coke with it being full of aspartame, ive had to make a lifestyle change i was drinking up to 1.5 - 2.0 ltrs a day
i feel awful, not as tired today but probly because ive slept 9 hours haha, will have a cup of tea to see if that takes the edge of my headache , was yours like a throbbing headache?
im also struggling with belly and back fat, im feeling quite disheartened !!
yes i log what i eat on this and also im always under my calories, im still going to try it and i know theres no magic pills but ive heard it is good for stress :)
thats a good link thanks x
ha, well i shall let you know if it works or not lol , obviously im not expecting a miracle, and bear in mind i am excercising a lot , its not like im sat on the couch hoping to lose weight lol
it wasnt that dear, just willing to try it out see if it helps :)
oooo right, thanks for that
thought it might stop me getting fit or slow down the process as read somewhere that its better to take them non consecutive
hi all, thanks for the advice, i think ill just have to wait a bit longer and really cut down calories
i think its habit now as ive done it for so long :(
Oh i know carbs are okay, but im worried that i eat so much of them late at night, i do well all day then boom
thanks everyone xxx
Thanks will try my very hardest to snap out of this