

  • I do zumba too! I have been doing it for about 4 years, so it has kind of stopped working for me...losing weight wise..because I think my body is used to it, but it's so much fun and good cardio to keep your heart healthy, so I still do it. My instructor pushes us hard too, so I really enjoy it! When I first started…
    in 5'5 135 Comment by Sarah70183 April 2011
  • I hear ya! I have a sit down job too, from I have to really make myself do it when I'm done with work. I've tried working out in the mornings, and just don't feel as good as doing it at night..probably because after sitting all day I can't wait to get up and move! But I can see how that would be hard having classes…
    in 5'5 135 Comment by Sarah70183 April 2011
  • This is me! I'm 5'5 and my goal is 130-135..I need to lose about 15-20 lbs to get there. I am keeping healthy by sticking to my 1200 calories, and exercising nearly everyday. I've found running helps the pounds melt off a lot faster than any other exercise I was doing. I was previously just doing dance and some weight…
    in 5'5 135 Comment by Sarah70183 April 2011
  • Everyone's feet are very different...but I LOVE Asic Gels...I will never buy a different pair. They are so comfortable, I never have any pain!
  • Thanks! I will stop by my local place that I go for my vitamins and ask what they recommend for protein shakes. I think I will start to try these, since I am so active. I didn't always exercise this much, but once I started, I got addicted! :) I love feeling healthy. But it's also discouraging sometimes because I am not…
  • Thanks for giving me the idea to check which fruits contain more sugar! Yes..I am very active and I'm just getting into this MFP thing...and trying to get the swing of things. It's so hard to know if I am eating too few calories with all of my exercise, so I am hoping I can start track everything and find the best levels…
  • Jnovak-What type of protein shakes do you drink and when do you drink them? Morning? After exercise? I would like to add protein shakes to my diet, just didn't know where to start! Thanks!
  • Thanks. I should have also included that I run about 4 miles a day 3-5 times a week, strength train 3 days a week, and dance 2 days a week... so I am very active! Just love to eat fruit and sad that it makes me go over on sugar! :) I am always over on protein levels, so that is good to hear that I should be eating more…
  • bump
  • I'm so glad someone asked this question, because I feel the same way! I feel like , in a weight loss sense, what is the point of exercising if it just makes you have to eat more??
  • This makes a lot of sense actually, and explained the best yet. I understand now! So my calorie goal is 1200, so I should stick to that number everyday, regardless if I exercise or not each day. The days I exercise, I get to eat more! :) That's a nice reward.
  • Also good advice. :) Thank you. I just want to do this right and I'm trying to get as much good advice as I can for better success.
  • Thanks!! This helps! I guess I will force myself to eat MORE! haha :tongue:
  • Hi!! I can maybe help with this..I just started running last spring and did the same thing when I started. Each time, I tried to run longer and long as I can stand it. I used to think that runners were crazy because it was sooo hard when I started!! But the more I tried, the easier it became, and the longer I…