5'5 135

stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Looking for some peeps around the same height who are looking to lose another 10 to 20 pounds to help motivate each other. Love to know what you are doing to lose weight and inches.


  • This is me! I'm 5'5 and my goal is 130-135..I need to lose about 15-20 lbs to get there. I am keeping healthy by sticking to my 1200 calories, and exercising nearly everyday. I've found running helps the pounds melt off a lot faster than any other exercise I was doing. I was previously just doing dance and some weight lifting to tone, but when I added running, I've been noticing a drop each week. I've also been finding good things to eat to keep me satisfied and to stick to my calorie goal. I mostly have some type of fruit or sugar free oatmeal for breakfast, a sandwich(either turkey, tuna, or egg salad) and some type of low calorie chip(like the sensible portions veggie straws) or cracker(Special K) for lunch, for a snack in the afternoon, I have fat free vanilla with granola high in protein mixed in. Then I workout when I am done with work, then I make dinner. My dinners usually consist of salads containing tuna or sweet potato and lots of veggies!, morning star chicken patties, grilled tuna steak, sometimes a healthy portion of spaghetti...something like that...and then I will sometimes have a weight watchers icecream snack for dessert if I am still hungry. Hope this helps! :) I just keep envisioning flat abs and that keeps me motivated and makes me push myself when I exercise!
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks thats helpful for sure. I would love to be at 125 thats my goal. Right now im doing the 30 day shred just started level 2 yesterday and try to get in a half an hour of elliptical every other day hopefully when the weather warms up a little more i will be able to get back to morning runs and start the C25K.

    The hard part for me is I work a sit down job 730 to 430 and then either have class or work my 2nd job which is a server at Outback steakhouse so thats temptation. That also means I have to do my work outs in the morning and that is some days a struggle but im working at it.
  • I hear ya! I have a sit down job too, from 8-5..so I have to really make myself do it when I'm done with work. I've tried working out in the mornings, and just don't feel as good as doing it at night..probably because after sitting all day I can't wait to get up and move! But I can see how that would be hard having classes and a 2nd job after work! Keep up doing what you are doing...sounds like you are on the right path! :)
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    That's me too, exactly! I need to lose about 10-15 pounds. I have been slowly (and unconsciously) changing my eating habits for the last couple years, but now that I've quit smoking (6 weeks ago now, yay!) I'm needing to lose the weight I put on by distracting my mouth with food, plus I just want to be healthier. The biggest thing I've done so far is I have started taking Zumba classes 1-3 times per week, which I am really enjoying. I have heard other people don't really enjoy it, but my instructor pushes everyone HARD and I'm starting to see some results. Also I've been trying to cut some of the sugar I eat out of my diet. I eat (or ate) a LOT of sugar, so I'm cutting back on that, and it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

    Glad to see that there are other people with goals like mine!:tongue:
  • I do zumba too! I have been doing it for about 4 years, so it has kind of stopped working for me...losing weight wise..because I think my body is used to it, but it's so much fun and good cardio to keep your heart healthy, so I still do it. My instructor pushes us hard too, so I really enjoy it! When I first started this(MFP) I was eating my exercise calories back and not noticing any change in weight...I've since stopped doing this...and I know someone on here will probably yell at me for it..but I've been losing weight more consistently by not eating them back...so I'm going to go with that for a while. If I hit a plateau..then I will start eating them back. I want to lose about 20 lbs..and hope I can do it by summer time :)
  • I'm with you too! 5'5 and my goal is 125-130, have about 20 more lbs to go. I do the eliptical as well and Slim in Six aerobics workout. I watch kids for a living so I am running around alot during the day.
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