

  • thank you all for your replies. i know things have to change and i need to stop being so self destructive too. i'm going to get myself on the bus to the gym tomorrow as i've been avoiding it lately because i've been so self conscious. i've been walking everyday instead as i live in the middle of a national park but this…
  • i'm in ...i'm 5ft 1 and currently 170lbs!
  • i think you look great but i prefer the bottom one. i think the briefs on that one suit you more. by the way you don't have a big bottom it's just right. m x p.s loving your hair colour and ink
  • this is just what i need a wedding invite arrived in the post today which set me into panic mode. so i'm 32 years old , i'm about 28lbs overweight and i love running and boxing. something interesting about me ...i've already lost 98lbs and to celebrate i dyed my hair bright pink.
  • well i'm starting a couple of days late but i'm sure i can make 5000 if i work hard ... today was 40 minute run 40 minute cross train 20 min cycle total = 900 kcals burned see you all tomorrow x
  • from my mother when i was around 12 years old " look at you with your big fat melon head" ...i wasn't overweight at the time but it led to years of self hatred. from my dad after i lost 98lbs and dropped 7 dress sizes " you still look a f**kin mess " my gran pointed out a lovely dress in clothing store a few years ago and…
  • i couldn't function without my cardio fix ... i do strength training and toning too but nothing gives me that feel good feeling as much as a decent 10k run. the other benefit being i eat well and still lose weight
  • NEVER meat celery artichokes RARELY alcohol milk chinese food USUALLY protein shake cottage cheese fruit quorn burgers vegetable juice diet cola (although i'm trying to quit) soya latte salad feta tomato soup
  • i overeat because i'm lonely
  • my wake up call came when my beautiful aunt died from obesity related cancer. at the time i weighed 220 pounds which isn't good for a 5ft 1 inch girl. i decided to enter a 5k 'race for life' in her memory and when i told my partner and family this they laughed at me. you can't blame them for laughing really ...i was a uk…
  • i'm in ...done 1 hour and 20 mins today - 40 mins cross trainer and 40 mins run- not including my 20 min walk each way for the bus (i never count that, it's just part and parcel of life in the countryside ;-))
  • i'm in ...done 1 hour and 20 mins today - 40 mins cross trainer and 40 mins run- not including my 20 min walk each way for the bus (i never count that, it's just part and parcel of life in the countryside ;-))
  • i'm going to go for 3.5 miles per day so that's 24.5 miles per week ... ;-)
  • i'm in ...i love ab work (bizarre i know ;-) ) will do them after my run x
  • i'm in....that's exactly what i came on looking for ;-)
  • i'm in ...it'll hopefully stop me dwelling on all the other stuff that's making life difficult right now. resisting the comfort food is getting tougher
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