We were trying (ovulation tests and progesterone labs) for about 18 mos and getting extremely frustrated. I decided to focus on losing weight ( a doc didn't tell me to) and then we became pregnant accidentally after I lost 20 lbs. Even though I thought we had missed the "window" for that month. My mom said the same thing…
Hi! I am also pregnant and due in January. Since I have had repeated c-sections, I imagine we will have a baby in December. I lost almost 20 lbs and was really on a roll before we found out. We had been trying for over a year and this came as a surprise. I didn't gain a whole lot during my first two pregnancies, but I…
Mine is unlocked but I'm fairly anonymous here with few friends. I don't think I would like people commenting on mine. I have mine set up to lose 2 lbs a week. I know that if I go over a little on date night or the weekend then I am only losing 1 lb a week. Occasionally when hubby is home I'm just happy to maintain. That…
I think I'm going to try this too!
This does inspire me. In your last picture you have a noticeable change in neck definition (besides all the other changes). Maybe there is hope for me yet. :)
Stuffed pizza from Arenellos (Chicago).
I was 203, pregnant, in 2006. Highest, not pregnant, was 190 on January 1 2012. Trying to turn that around.
My husband and I have separate accounts and do not have any animosity towards each other. When we got married I made more than him, now he makes more than me. I pay all the house bills and his truck payment. He pays my van payment (because it is the same company as his bank). When I need money, I tell him and go get it. He…
Dear 5 yr old son, Will you please stop saying cuss words at school and flipping kids off? I wish you would tell me where you hear them, and no it was not on nickjr like you said. You don't always have to be the boss of everyone at school and please stop sitting on other kids when you think they are in your "spot". I would…
I have never had my hair colored, so when I get to 165 lbs I am going to get highlights and a new cut. I haven't made any other goals....but have been trying to think of an idea.
I tend to over-analyze, but am actually thinking my walking from is wrong. After thinking about this, I also notice that the balls of my feet are where my socks wear out first as well. Just out of curiosity (if anyone knows), what kind of problems can arise from an improper walking form? A couple of years ago I had plantar…
I got Mirena right after son #2. I had two c-sections so insertion should have been similar to not having child birth. Insertion was not really painful, but uncomfortable. I did not have a period while I was on it, since I was still breastfeeding. I did like that aspect of it. I didn't have any weight gain or any other…