why do people LOCK their diary?



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Mine is locked because that is where I keep my valuables. If my house is ever robbed, there is no WAY my precious objet d'art and my millions of dollars worth of jewels will ever be found. It's just common sense!

    So THAT'S where you've been keeping the giraffe!!!!

    And the tickets to see Radiohead.

  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I had mine open until people kept sending me messages on every little thing I ate. No matter how healthy I was eating. So I locked it. It's my business anyways!

    ^ Yep! I'm an endurance athlete that is not here to loss weight, just track my training. I don't need people looking at my diary and telling me I eat wrong or use my diary as an example.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i lock mine because i don't want people talking to me about it. whether i'm successful or not is my business. people looking at my diary strikes me as weird and creepy. like peeping in my windows. why would virtual strangers want to know what i'm sticking in my mouth. shudder.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Mine is locked because that is where I keep my valuables. If my house is ever robbed, there is no WAY my precious objet d'art and my millions of dollars worth of jewels will ever be found. It's just common sense!
    So THAT'S where you've been keeping the giraffe!!!!
    And the tickets to see Radiohead.
    DUDE! That Amber chick will see this, and stab her at the concert. Stop it! :angry:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Mine is locked because that is where I keep my valuables. If my house is ever robbed, there is no WAY my precious objet d'art and my millions of dollars worth of jewels will ever be found. It's just common sense!

    So THAT'S where you've been keeping the giraffe!!!!

    And the tickets to see Radiohead.

    Well, yes. Now you all know. I have recently installed a state-of-the-art security system around my diary, so nobody had better get any big ideas. They're not going to happen.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Because it isn't any one's business what I eat or how much I eat. Mine is visible to my friends because they'll help hold me accountable. Other than that I really don't want people poking around in there and telling me what I should/shouldn't eat, that I'm not eating enough, etc. etc. etc. My food log is for me not the entire world.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Mine is locked because that is where I keep my valuables. If my house is ever robbed, there is no WAY my precious objet d'art and my millions of dollars worth of jewels will ever be found. It's just common sense!
    So THAT'S where you've been keeping the giraffe!!!!
    And the tickets to see Radiohead.
    DUDE! That Amber chick will see this, and stab her at the concert. Stop it! :angry:

    Oh no. I'm dead. :frown:
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    When I decided to lose weight, I knew I had to be accountable with everything. I hid far too long...and hiding for me never worked....I could dissappear and start eating again and no one would noticed or care...LOL like who was I fooling...they wouldnt noticed.... people seen me and my size ...just never said anything.....to me.

    I really dont care who sees my diary.... what I eat and how I eat works for me..and anyone can comment all they like. I take all critic... through it all we learn...sometimes good...sometimes naught but this journey is in the learning...and I am all for it. That being said...if what I do or what I have learned can benefit someone else...all is good.

    There are all kinds of people with different ideas and ways to do....it's what makes the world go round....makes life interesting.

    WOW. You've lost LOADS!
  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    Locked or unlocked, I don't care but I have noticed that my MFP "friends" only comment or get comments if you go under goal. I eat a healthy diet but sometimes go over my calories a little and I've never gotten one diary comment. Others have a terrible diet but because they go under they get praise. Just an observation about the value system of MFP.
  • lcarr1020
    lcarr1020 Posts: 62 Member
    I really don't care what people think about my diet so I keep it open, or at least I think it's open. I like the encouragement I get from folks on here so I keep everything open and if someone wants to know how I'm eating then feel free!! If they have suggestions on ways I can eat better than I'm open to them, but being nervous about what people may think about my diet, again that matters NOT to me lol It's not that serious to at all so withthat being said feel free to add me! :wink:
  • Grinnix
    Grinnix Posts: 14 Member
    Mine is unlocked but I'm fairly anonymous here with few friends. I don't think I would like people commenting on mine. I have mine set up to lose 2 lbs a week. I know that if I go over a little on date night or the weekend then I am only losing 1 lb a week. Occasionally when hubby is home I'm just happy to maintain. That situation is all right by me as long as it isn't going up.

    I have seen other people who need help wondering why what they are eating isn't helping them lose weight. Even though mine is public, I don't need that type of criticism right now. I'm not being that strict, because my plan is working my way. If people were to judge I would probably close it.
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member

    Yeah, but nobody is going to private message you to tell you that your food diary looks like crap LOL Unless of course they are your friends and they will probably be a little nicer...

    No, they won't private message you. They will do it publicly.
  • DeniseChilver
    DeniseChilver Posts: 185 Member
    I have mine set to friends only I believe, but I have no shame in showing people what I actually eat, at the end of the day, it's your diary, your body & you shoukd be able to manage it :-)
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I think its more of not unlocking it. It is locked my default and you have to to change your settings to make it visible.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Mine is locked because that is where I keep my valuables. If my house is ever robbed, there is no WAY my precious objet d'art and my millions of dollars worth of jewels will ever be found. It's just common sense!
    So THAT'S where you've been keeping the giraffe!!!!
    And the tickets to see Radiohead.
    DUDE! That Amber chick will see this, and stab her at the concert. Stop it! :angry:

    Oh no. I'm dead. :frown:

    Can't. Stop. Laughing.
  • CrazyFly7
    CrazyFly7 Posts: 50 Member
    I lock my diary because I am the only one who has the power to change my eating habits and lifestyle. Its not that I'm not comfortable with others seeing it, but I am the one who has the ability to change my levels of protein (to eat more), to lower my fat, and etc. I think that its a control/privacy thing for most people. However, my personal trainer has access to the diary so that he can encourage me in the proper way and he knows me very well in terms of what I do for a healthier lifestyle in terms of exercise, so it made sense for him to see the diary to see if there's things I can be incorporating that I don't already know otherwise. I think its just a personal choice for some people.
  • Apa93
    Apa93 Posts: 57 Member

    Why would you want that same random to befriend you and support you? hah.

    Actually I don't really see the point in adding people so they "support me." They only reason I have friends is so when I log in I see "X lost 1lb since their last weigh-in," in order to remind myself I need to keep going.
  • CrazyFly7
    CrazyFly7 Posts: 50 Member
    *I have one friend who decided to lock their diary because she said it let's her be more honest about what she is logging,instead of worrying about what people are thinking when they look at your diary you can be completely honest with yourself without the criticism. *

    Someone posted this, this is exactly the reason why I do it and its a polite way to say it as well. Just myself and my trainer.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Mine is locked because that is where I keep my valuables. If my house is ever robbed, there is no WAY my precious objet d'art and my millions of dollars worth of jewels will ever be found. It's just common sense!
    So THAT'S where you've been keeping the giraffe!!!!
    And the tickets to see Radiohead.
    DUDE! That Amber chick will see this, and stab her at the concert. Stop it! :angry:

    Oh no. I'm dead. :frown:

    Can't. Stop. Laughing.

    holy snort.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I don't feel like everyone knowing every detail. Plus, I am a creature of habit and have food allergies - my diary is really not that interesting. I do let people know what I'm eating, and how I'm eating, but that's all they need to know.

    Well, except for yesterday. I ate a 15 oz steak yesterday with my bare hands for lunch. It was amazing. I even took a picture.