hubn8147 Member


  • Welcome back! I have a 3 year old and a 3 month old. I gained 43# with my first and took 2 years to lose it. My 2nd I gained 26# and I took it off in 3 months! I'm currently 5# below pre baby weight! It can be done, and tracking your calories is the best way to do it! Nice work with keeping up the exercise, I know how hard…
  • My husband and I both work full time - he's lucky and works from home. I drive my 3 year old daughter to and from daycare every day. I workout 5x a week, 3x during the week and 2x on the weekends. I get home around 4:30 on week days and immediately do a 30min workout. On the weekends, I get up around 6:30am and get my…
  • I'm currently 38 weeks 4 days pregnant with my 2nd. I'm 5'5" and weighed 147lbs pre pregnancy. I agree with speaking to your Dr. first of course, before starting anything new. My first pregnancy I gained 43 pounds, I was sedentary and ate with reckless abandon (this resulted in a terrible time postpartum and a lot of extra…
  • Hi! My toddler will be 3 in June and I'll be having my 2nd baby here any day - I also work full time. :) (Due May 7th!!) I gained 43 lbs in my first pregnancy and was able to lose 51 lbs before getting pregnant again. This time I've only gained 25lbs so far, and have a game plan for postpartum. I'll send a friend request :)
  • I have a 2 (almost 3) year old. I would put her into the jogging stroller and go run a few miles! She had a great time and it was a great workout. I'm pregnant again and I've been doing 10 Minutes Solution DVD's at home. Just go for it, kiddos adjust quickly. You need to take time for yourself so you can have a "full cup"…
  • That is absolutely amazing! I really like doing at home workouts + running. Which workouts did you do? I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant with my second and can't wait to get my body back! I'll send you a friend request :)
  • I gained 43 pounds with my first pregnancy and it took me 2 years to lose it (plus 8 more pounds!). Honestly it only took 6 months when I actually started "trying" (tracking calories and working out). I'm currently pregnant again and I'm so glad I lost my first baby weight before getting pregnant again. I'm 22 weeks along…
  • I didn't know my stretch marks would almost completely disappear from my pregnancy! Woot woot!
  • I have several I wanted to share! 1) My collarbone is starting to show! 2) My stretch marks on my stomach from pregnancy are almost completely gone! 3) I can wear my belly button ring again! Before, everything was so stretched out it was just falling out (gross!)
  • @emcclure013 My mother told me that it's impossible to lose weight after having babies and guess what? I've lost all my baby weight (took 2 years)!. It IS possible. Now I'm realizing it was just excuses that she used herself, because now I'm hearing from her "it's so hard to lose weight when you get older" "it's so hard to…
  • @maggie4721 I had diagnosed myself with postpartum anxiety - I didn't even know it existed until I talked with a coworker. You always hear about postpartum depression, but never anxiety. I would have vivid visions of horrible things happening to my baby girl, and I didn't want anyone to babysit her as I was sure she would…
  • I went on a run this weekend and didn't pee myself! The struggle is real...
  • I'm laughing now, but at the time it wasn't so funny... Two days ago I took my kiddo to the park (really close to my house), we walked there and I pushed her in her tricycle. She pooped in her diaper while we were there, no big deal. But then she stuck her hand down her pants. I had nothing with me! No wipes or anything.…
  • I wore a new pair of pants today that I have never fit into before!
  • Being a mom is absolutely hard! It is the hardest but most rewarding job there is. And yes, in my experience it does get easier. My daughter is 2, and the older she gets, the more independent she gets. They stop needing 24/7 care and start getting their own agenda. Self care for me is where I get refreshed and ready for…
  • This! I had to work really hard to stop wearing maternity clothes!
  • Literally everything you just said is true for me too
  • Babies are the best! Mine wasn't much of a talker, but she can sure get going now!
  • Oh my goodness, I cannot even imagine how hard it must've been seeing your little one in the NICU for that long! How stressful indeed! So glad he's doing better. When I was breastfeeding I was trying to drink water like crazy! It's so hard though. The Couch to 5K made all the difference for me this time around! I loved it…
  • I was surprised when I was breastfeeding when the weight didn't "fall" off like everyone said it would. That was so misleading for me because I just kept eating too thinking it would have no effect on my weight. Next time around we'll all be wiser :smile:
  • Every time my 2 year old gets out of the bath and we put her hooded towel on her, she sprints out of the bathroom and down the hall. Her towel flies behind her like a cape and when she gets into mama and dada's bedroom, she collapses into a child's pose on the floor (with the towel completely covering her) and says "night…
  • Hey mamas! I'm overwhelmed by how many mama's are out there that need support - just like me! So... I created a group called The Mama Support Group. Come on over and join the discussion!
  • Yay! I added all of you. I gained 43 pounds with my daughter and was almost diagnosed with gestational diabetes which was scary, but not enough to make me start eating healthier. Since then I have lost 47 pounds. I had gained 25 pounds before I got pregnant so I'm working to get the rest off. I started the Couch to 5K…
  • It's only been 2 years, but I FINALLY went running with my daughter using the jogging stroller!
  • Thanks everyone! I was/am struggling with urinary incontinence after childbirth and it was a major roadblock to get back to working out. I finally said "screw it" and downloaded a Couch to 5K app and started running!
  • @amgreenwell How did your 5K race go? Super impressed with your weight loss. I gained 43 pounds with my pregnancy and I have 2 lbs left to lose!
    in C25K Comment by hubn8147 May 2018
  • Losing 7 more pounds to be at my pre-baby weight! My "baby" will be 2 years old in June!
  • Hello! My little one will be 2 years old in a couple months. I've lost 36 pounds and have 7 more to go before reaching pre pregnancy weight! I do a 30 min workout 3-4x per week and log my food. Can't wait to reach pre pregnancy weight! Then I have another 25 to go after that for my ultimate "goal" weight
  • Way to go! I did the C25K for the first time after having my baby and I was very successful! My little one is almost 2 now and I was/am having problems with urinary incontinence. It was keeping me from working out and was a major emotional roadblock. I finally said "screw it", put in a panty liner and went for it! I was on…
    in C25K Comment by hubn8147 April 2018
  • My weekend wasn't the greatest - we visited my in-laws and there was lots of good food there. I gained 1.5 pounds, but hopefully if I get back to it today that gained weight won't stick around!