Italianyc84 Member


  • I'll be 28 next month, my partner is 43. When we started dating I was 22. It actually was a bit rough in the very beginning because I had only been in one real relationship prior, and I think I just expected a fairy tale and everything to be perfect. Truth is, her mother lived with us, in the house that my partner grew up…
  • I usually don't exercise the day I get it, and I have to say I usually don't one or two days before either because I always have one day when I'm PMSing and soooooo lethargic. Maybe I'll do weights, but no cardio.
  • three--english, italian and french.
  • Sorry, but if I'm on the subway and your kid keeps hitting into me or is blocking the door, or spilling crumbs from whatever they're eating onto me, or if I'm at Starbucks and your kid is running in circles hitting my chair on each go round, and you're sitting there pretending your don't notice anything--you bet your…
  • I watched much of the events unfold live that day. I was in the car with my dad in Staten Island on my way to the ferry; I had a job interview in Manhattan that day, and was meeting up with a friend at the TKTS booth that was in the WTC. They announced on the radio that a plane had hit the WTC...then we saw a plane fly…
  • please, PLEASE tell me your meant this ironically. What about me? I'm gay, but I don't share equal rights with you because...wait for it...MANY CHRISTIANS HAVE A HARD TIME GRASPING THAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT THAN THEY ARE. Live and let live indeed.
  • For me it was portion control. I love food--it's not an emotional thing, I was never a binge eater or someone who eats when they're sad, I just LOVE food--learning about other culture's food, cooking, etc. And it's delicious. So I would eat way way too much of it!!
  • When I realized that I was distancing myself from certain friends because I didn't want them to see how fat I had gotten. There are some people I haven't seen in YEARS because of this. Vain, I know, but it is what it is! I was an actor and people always complimented my figure; I just couldn't let people see how I had let…
  • I have one friend who has always been very heavy--she's 5'1'' and weighs 280. I'm 5'3'' and weigh 145. I still want to lose another 10 pounds or so, but I'm happy with the way I look and get a lot of compliments. Three times since I have lost weight, she has pinched my stomach and says "you still have to get rid of…
  • roast beef, grilled onions, mozzarella with brown gravy over it, on italian bread. oh man that's good. maybe not the healthiest, but f*cking DELICIOUS...get it at John's Deli in Brooklyn on 86th and Stillwell. Damn that's good stuff. Also mortadella with fresh ricotta, black pepper and some basil on Semolina bread. SO…
  • I take a multi, zinc, b-12 sublingual,flaxseed oil, calcium and a high dose of a good quality omega 3. I also take vitamin D on occasion.
  • After obsessing over numbers for too long, I'm just going by how I look and feel. I'm 5'3'', 145 pounds and wear a size 6. My measurements are 36D-27.5-37. I'm considered overweight according to BMI. After calculating my frame size using wrist measurements, I am on the high end of the small frame chart. People think I…
  • leg press-- 130# tricep dips--70# lat pulldown--80# nothing crazy, getting there! I do 3 sets of 8-10 reps...
  • Honestly? I mean...HONESTLY. I know this sounds psychotic, but... I wish people would STOP bringing it up. I would never ever ever say this to anyone, and I always act really grateful that people notice and accept their compliments graciously, but... I just want to pretend like I was NEVER as big as I actually was. I just…
  • me too, but then, I always have. I always was interested in things that other kids weren't--theatre, classic movies, old music, etc. I give myself credit for never trying to "act normal" for the sake of being popular! But at the same time, because I had nothing in common with other kids, I never learned how to really make…
  • I'm 5'3'' 1/2, CW is 147 and my goal is about 138. When I first started this (at 212) my goal was 148, but I would feel comfortable with a bit more off.
  • Thanks for the response, I will check out We Were Soldiers. I suffer from severe anxiety/panic attacks, so that makes perfect sense to me. I agree that what she did was very wrong.
  • That's just as ridiculous, whether part time or full time. Why should ANYONE be forced to use their own leave when the office isn't open? That's sad.
  • that sucks. I feel your pain, I hoard my accrued leave.
  • Ok, I know absolutely nothing about being in the military/being a military wife but I'm just curious--why would someone want to NOT be called? What types of phonecalls are you preventing? I know they deliver the REALLY bad news in person, so I'm just curious.
  • I agree for the most part--having been to Europe many times, it IS like night and day. At this point, I think it has more to do with American mentality--the "bigger is better" mentality--than it does anything else. If you ban large drinks, people will just get two small ones. People love to feel like they are getting away…
  • Yes, I am aware of this. My point is--people here are saying the government shouldn't be intruding on what people eat/drink. Many of these same people are against gay marriage (i recognize them from other threads). That's so ridiculously hypocritical.
  • Well, I think it's pretty intrusive that the government won't let me marry my wife--something that doesn't harm the health of anyone. So, go ahead, ban sugary drinks, which DOES harm people's health.
  • Mine is also 150...right now I'm 147, but when I'm retaining water (either due to my period or just from eating a lot of sodium the day before) I'm about 150-151...and it depresses me, not gonna lie! I will be very happy when water weight doesn't cause me to hit the 150 mark!
  • Thanks everyone! I've been doing pretty much the same moves...time to switch it up and see what happens!
  • I like balsamic vinegar and olive oil best...for a lower calorie blue cheese, sometimes I'll take fat free plain yogurt (you can use greek), add some lemon juice, salt, pepper and then the blue cheese. Sometimes I'll mix in hot sauce if I want it spicy, depending on what kind of salad I'm eating. easy and good :-)
  • Definitely still log, especially at first. I don't like the term "cheat days", but yes, there are some days when I do stray off the course...My calories tend to be on the lower end (1200) so I do take periodic "breaks" to break things up...last week I ate around 1500-1800 all week...this week I will eat around…
  • NY&CO if you can find a coupon (they also accept coupons you find online at places like, you can print it or just show it to them on the phone; as long as there's a code for them to type, you can use it. Kohls is good. And your weight now, which is close to mine, you may want to even consider…