i want in!! how do i join??? CW: 176.6 GW: 166.6
love that website! thanks!!!!
I just rinse, dry, drizzle with olive oil and seasoning and bake for about 10-15 minutes... Kale Chips! :)
where do you find Kefir Probiotic milk?
a couple girls in a different dept use these at my work... they are great for your core and posture... they dont sit on them all day.. hour or so at a time.... make sure you get the right size..... good luck!
i work in chicago so we walk to the lake at lunch and we also walk the stairwell 2 times a day (200 stairs each time)... at 10:30 and at 3:00. easy, free workout solution while stuck at work! :)
i switched to Stevia and Cocunut Milk creamer (they have a hazelnut flavor). I get this at my health food store..... love it!
I use raspberry balsamic vinegar.... no calories or fat...
those look fantastic!!!!!! :heart:
this is exactly what i needed! coworkers and i started walking 600- 800 stairs (200 at a time) a day, 3-4 days a week for almost 2 weeks.... the scale went up a pound or two which is so discouraging! Ill give it another week!!! :)