arogers98 Member


  • Thats awesome! Is it strictly diet change abd Zumba or did you incorporate other exercise into it?
  • Get a Garmin. :-)
  • How long did this take you? Highest was 211 down to 182 now with a goal of 130-135. I'm 5'2".
  • As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) we are asked to fast for two meals the first Sunday of every month (called Fast Sunday). It is a outward showing of our faith. My 13 and 10 year old girls find it challenging but I have been doing it faithfully since I was probably 12.
  • Size 8 130 pounds.
  • We've been on 13 cruises utilizing 4 different cruise lines. They all offer a "lighter fare" but you can also order a regular meal exactly how you want it. You can leave certain things off, have them out others on the side etc etc. We went one of our cruises last year after I started this journey and I only gained 1 lb.…
  • Lacie. 3 1/2 yr old Yorkshire terrier 4 lbs Miss Princess as we call her.
  • No one says you HAVE to run it in 40 minutes. I'm not in this to beat anyone's time or break any records. I just want to be able to say I ran a 5k. In fact I do a nice jog at 3.7 mph on the treadmill, work up a sweat and I'm good with that. I'm not doing any sprint races or anything. :-)
  • This is the reason I finally invested in a HRM. I will say that I am 5'2" and currently weigh 163.8 lbs. Since I started the C25K 7 weeks ago it says that I burn anywhere from 204 to 240 calories depending on the length of the intervals. I'm not in it to break any speed records so I set the treadmill to 3.7 mph.
  • Is not your NET calories "after" exercise as MFP calculates? If you are logging your exercises? F/E: Goal: 2015 Food: 1863 - Exercse: 400 NET: 1463 My BMR is 1263 so NET needs to be 1463 (200 over BMR). My TDEE is 2015 because I exercise 6x a week and log those exercises (400/day). So going in reverse says I need to eat…
  • MFP way over calculated my calories burned. I finally got an HRM. It says I burned 175 calories for 28 minutes if working out. I am 5 ft 2 in and weigh 163.2lbs. So you are not burning any real significant amount.
  • Only lost about 4 lbs but inches coming off were better. Just finished it last Saturday; starting RI30 today.
  • Is that not what the title implies? 30 Day Shred means 30 days?
  • I have a membership and used it faithfully 6x per week until kids got out for Christmas break. Just used our home treadmill during that time. Bought 30DS and Ripped in 30 over the holidays. Started 30DS this month. I'm going to be canceling my gym membership at the end if my 12 month commitment. I have gotten bigger…
  • I am 5'2". I started last March at 211 lbs and size 22/24W and 2XL clothes size. To date I have lost 48 lbs with another 40 to go; so about 9 months so far. I have worn each size of my clothes for as long as I could because I did not want to buy all new wardrobes for each smaller size. Right now I am at a normal size 14…
  • I like to set my own goals and not have MFP do them. I found out what my BMR is (1443). Based on that and I am moderately active (exercise 3-5 times per week) I should be consuming 2163 calories a day just to MAINTAIN my current weight. That amounts to 15,141 calories per week. A pound of fat is about 3500 calories. To…
  • I've never shopped there (though I could have a year ago), but my husband calls it Lane Giant. Lol. Congrats!!
  • Personally I take what a PT says to me with a grain of salt. They do not have a degree in diet and nutrition. They are trained to show you how to exercise.
  • I started Monday also! Skipped Tues so I did D3L1 today. Able to get thru the whole workout but definitely not a cake walk. Wondering if best case scenario if we are supposed to do 10 days at each level since it is a 30 day program? Scared to weigh myself tomorrow as a lot of people say they don't lose much weight but…
  • I started Monday also! Skipped Tues so I did D3L1 today. Able to get thru the whole workout but definitely not a cake walk. Wondering if best case scenario if we are supposed to do 10 days at each level since it is a 30 day program? Scared to weigh myself tomorrow as a lot of people say they don't lose much weight but…
  • I actually do food rewards and I'm not ashamed to tell everyone. I totally miss my super size Big Mac meals I used to get at least twice a week. So now I splurge. I go out and get one with every 20 pounds I lose ( and yes it is with a large fry and large regular Coke). Since I've lost only 44 lbs so far since March that…
  • Awesome! How did you get rid of the "belly apron"? Have a serious one after two kids (one c-sec) and a 80 lb weight gain. Been at this since March and only have 35 more lbs till goal. :-)
  • I'm a little leary to do that. I've just started doing the elliptical at the gym. It asks for my weight and with that it tells me I've only burned 116 calories in 32 minutes. (remember I've just started this). But when I start plugging in my minutes into MFP it says I've burned around 300+. That is quite a discrepancy. ???
  • I am 5'2" and found out my ideal weight is anywhere between 109 - 136. It depends also on your frame size. I pay most attention to my BMI and getting into the "normal" range.
  • 45 in October. Two girls 12 and 9. Started MFP 21 weeks ago at 209lbs on a 5"2' frame. I weigh myself every Wednesday morning after going to the gym and BEFORE eating breakfast. Last weigh-in I was at 176. I work out 6 days a week and my daily caloric intake is just 1200 calories. I don't look at this as a "diet" but a…
  • You are supposed to eat your allotted calories (1400). For me it is 1200 per day. When you exercise and burn 500 calories that actually gives you a "credit". You can either "eat back" those calories which gives you a total of 1900 you can consume; or just let those go and continue to eat a flat 1400 per day. You need to…
  • I drink A LOT of soda too. I drink Pepsi like its water. However after starting MFP two weeks ago I changed that. You would be amazed how much soda drinking packs on the pounds. So I compromised. I buy a 12 pack of Pepsi One and keep at home. It still has the caffeine that I crave but no sugar (made with Splenda) and only…
  • I just got my dvd in the mail. Not sure how to go about it. Do you do Level 1 for a week then Level 2 etc etc? Do you do the whole 60 minute workout in one day? How do you divide the 30 days up?